Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 899: The plan is broken

Jiang Rang and Yang Bin changed their faces at the same time. Looking behind them, they saw a man covered in blood, held by several wolf-like tiger soldiers and dragged to the front of the hall. With a wave of his hand, several sergeants threw the man heavily forward, and he fell to the duo in front of them, the unkempt hair, vaguely able to see his appearance, Yang Ying's voice began to tremble: "You , Are you Yang Badou? "

Yang Badou opened his mouth, but his mouth was full of blood, and his tongue was completely missing. Obviously, this loyal soldier bite his tongue under the heavy penalty in order to keep his master ’s secret, but he did n’t After death, it is what it is now.

Guang Zuo sneered: "General Yang's memory is good, this person is your personal soldier Yang Badou, and also a secret ambassador between you two and the Jin army!"

Yang Bin's body shook, almost falling to the ground, and the **** on one side made the forehead sweaty beads ooze from the forehead, but still forcedly calmly said: "Guo Zuo, you are framing us, what do you have Evidence that we are in collusion with the Jin Army? Take a personal soldier of General Yang and then succumb to it, what confessions can't be forced? His Royal Highness, this **** has always been vicious and cunning, and some have been stolen and framed. The hundred soldiers went out of the city to surrender to the counties, but they were able to retreat under Murong Cui's army. Maybe they have any private collusion with Murong Cui. Don't believe him. "

Fu Pi sneered: "The coach has his own judgment and will not be biased to any side. Jiang Shangshu, you said that the light servant shot is wronging you, and it is a tactic for this sergeant. What about this letter?"

Fu Pi said that he took out a roll of parchment from his arms and threw it heavily in front of Jiang Rang. Jiang Rang didn't bend down to pick it up, because he knew it without reading it. It was written by himself. In the corner of the corner, the vigorous handwriting said everything.

Guang Zuo said coldly: "Your messenger is also very careful, actually put this secret letter in the middle of the hairpin, but it took us a lot of thought to find, but it fell into our hands, Even a dead person, our family can let him speak! "

Jiang let his eyes see this, and he didn't say much. He closed his eyes and murmured, "It's a pity that Yang Bin didn't listen to me and didn't start to control Fu Pi sooner, otherwise, how could there be today? disaster!"

Mu Pi ’s face was beating with muscles, and he gritted his teeth and said: “Jiang Rang, my father is kind to you, let you be a villager in Tianshui, an official to the country ’s minister, and I have regarded you as a teacher and think tank in recent years. , It can be said to be obedient, why do you disappoint me, betray me, betray the king, betray Daqin ?! "

Yang Bin's knees softened, "Pun Tong" fell to the ground with a thump, and he bowed his head: "Chang Legong spares his life, Changlegong spares his life, Jiang Jiang ordered me to do so, he, he detained my family, I , I have to listen to his orders! "

Jiang Rang opened his eyes and looked at Yang Bin, with a disdainful face: "It's really a dog greedy for life and death, and you have more kinds of melodies than you. Do n’t be afraid of embarrassment, do you think you can get a life by relying on your plea?

Jiang Rang finished scolding Yang Ying and turned to look at Fu Pi. He said sincerely: "Chang Le Gong, please allow me to call you for the last time. I am carrying you back to negotiate with the Jin army for the sake of hello. Now that Qin's demise is over It is a foregone conclusion that although King Fu is a generation of benevolence, he is unable to return to heaven, trapped in Chang'an, without food and grass inside, and without reinforcements outside, and strong enemies are around, defeat is only a matter of time. As for you, staying in this city is not so It is better to say that our loyalty to Qin Guo is for your emperor's dream. This is our heart, and at this time, you don't mind me saying it. "

Fu Pi's mouth was ticked, and sneered: "Jiang Jiang, today I only took these few people to try you. I just want to hear your last words, read it in our master and servant, you also helped me a few For the year, I can give you a whole body, not guilty of your family, any last words you have, you can explain, any strategies, or you can dedicate it to me in the end, I will not betray you because you have I do n’t think about it at all. After all, you are a Han, and I am a Di. This is an unchangeable fact. I can understand your heart to the Jin Kingdom. "

Jiang Rang shook his head: "Your Highness, you still don't understand my intentions. The defeat of the heavenly king is destined, but where are you stronger than him? Even if his front foot is ruined, you will be the emperor here and back. Can you survive for a few days? In this chaotic world, the people who call the emperor do not know how many people, and a few have a good ending? The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, and the failure of the Fu people in Fuyang has been irreversible and cast into the future. Ming Jun, Fang has a line of vitality. "

Guang Zuo ha ha smiled: "Jiang Jiang, at this time, do you still want to confuse the people and save your life? Tell you, don't think about it. Do you think your surrender will be safe when you surrender to Jin Guo? Fulang, a prince of history ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Juzhou descended to the Jin dynasty. He himself has always been a vassal, and he regarded himself as a celebrity. He has a virtue with those children of the Han family. You will probably not be short of glory and wealth, but surrender your lord to the hot kang, and still say here what is good for your lord! "

Jiang Rang said indifferently: "Fulang had no problem with Jin, and he did not engage in low-key after he was promoted. Instead, he was involved in the struggle of the upper family in the Jin Dynasty, and became a victim in vain. If His Highness returns to Jin, I Since I will persuade and protect, I will definitely not let him follow the footsteps of Fulang. "

Guang Zuo said coldly: "It's better to descend to Murongli than to descend to Jin. At least those Qin Guozongs who have surrendered to swallow thieves in Hebei are still alive and well. Jiang Rang, please let me know if you have any last words. Lidong pulls the ground and delays the time. Your Liu Laozhi is still far away from Yecheng. He cannot save you. "

Jiang Rang looked at Fu Pi and said quietly: "His Royal Highness, I am not afraid of death. I just hope you can read the military and civilian part of the city and find a way for them. If you are really unwilling to be promoted, please get it. After the military food of the Jin Kingdom, the west merged to the state as early as possible. This land of Yecheng and Hebei is left for Jin Yan to compete for. You occupy the state and you can enter the land of Hebei and Guanzhong, and you can return to the south of the grassland. Wang, this is your only way of life. "

Fu Pi's eyebrows were deeply locked: "I have been keeping Yecheng for so many years. If you say no, don't you?"

Jiang Rang nodded steadily: "Murong Chui hasn't tried his best to attack the city in recent years. Although I don't know his intentions, I am quite sure of this. Now that the Jin army is here, I will never be merciless, no matter which side, It's not something you can deal with. The only way to survive is to withdraw from Jinzhou while Jinyan is fighting! "


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