Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1020: Phoenix Pawn Washing Chang'an

At the last moment of life, Fu Jian seemed to see himself standing in front of Fei Shui, Shou Chuncheng head, holding a horsewhip, with a smile to the Jin Kingdom in front of him to make a big laugh: "Do you believe it or not, just let me Daqin Everyone throws a whip on this sloping water, no, even the Yangtze River, can you stop the flow into the army? "

The envoy of the Jin Kingdom raised his head, and among the tiger eyes, the light gleamed: "I, Liu Yu, the leader of the Northern Jin Dynasty, do not teach Huma to ride mountains!"

Fu Jian could hear the sound of his throat bone breaking, and in the moment before his soul came out of his mind, he said silently in his heart: "Liu Yu, calm the world, end the chaotic world, and be alone, you must be able to!"

Outside the Chang'an City, the Xiyan Army Battalion.

Murong Chong's eyes were wide open, sweating heavily, and he shouted at a heralding soldier kneeling in front of himself: "You say it again!"

The body of the herald was trembling slightly, as his voice said: "Qin Lord Fu Jian, yesterday, yesterday was captured by Yao Chang's soldiers at Wujiang Mountain, requesting the jade seal and persecution of Chan, Fu Jian and Mrs. Zhang, and their Daughter Fubao, Fujin, son Fuhe, all suicide! "

The Murong conflict laughed loudly, and it was more unpleasant than crying. There was no joy at all, but the hatred of the sky was revealed: "Fu Jian, you are so dead! Why, why do you break through? Why do you Will die in the hands of Yao Chang ?! Your life is mine, only me, only me can kill you, only me can get revenge! "

Murong Yong, who was sitting on the side, frowned slightly and said, "What is the situation in Chang'an City?"

The messenger quickly raised his head and said: "The news of Fu Jian's death also reached Chang'an City, even faster than our army's horses. It seemed that the Qiang troops who ambushed him were scattered to Chang'an. After Fu Hong heard of the incident, five At a later time, Qingqi fled and went to Hanzhong. "

Murong gritted his teeth and said: "Follow me, I can't kill Fu Jian, or I will kill Fu Hong to vent my anger!"

Murongyong frowned slightly: "King, please breathe the wrath of the Thunder. Our army has won Chang'an after years of hard work. Now Fujian is dead. The Great Wall is already in my army's pocket. The soldier who has worked so hard for so long In return, Fu Jian died, and Fu Hong didn't even have a jade seal in his hand, but a dog who lost his family was not a cause for concern. "

Murong Chong's eyes gleamed with hatred: "You are right, Fu Jian is dead, Fu Hong is gone, but Chang'an is still there, and the thieves who eat the meat of our generals and kill my people are still there. Only the blood of this evil city can be washed away, kill, kill me, kill the city! "

Some of the fierce faces made the school face happy, and the two eyes were full of fierce light, and they were applauded in unison. Murong Yong and several other senior generals looked at each other. Murong Yong hesitated and said, "The king, the soldiers are the captive. The ethnic tradition is not necessary, but it is enough to grab the property. It seems that it is not necessary to kill people. Our army wants to establish merit in the chaotic world. Such brutal acts of slaughtering the city are still better. If it is to stand in a certain place Wei, let people here dare not be enemies with me, there is a reason, but our army will not stay in Guanzhong for a long time, it is not necessary to do so. "

Murong said with hatred: "Who said we should not stay in Guanzhong for a long time? Who said?"

At this time, Murong Yong and most of the generals changed their faces. Han Yan, who was beside Murong Yong, was surprised: "Sir, don't you think you're right? We didn't lay down Chang'an. When we got revenge, would we go to Kanto to meet Wu Wu?"

Murong Chong said with a sneer: "Murong is self-reliant as a king, and he has been disgusted. He said that he fled the country when he was in Dayan, and he and my elder brother, and my family are relatives, and they share the same enemy. This common enemy, the co-lord of the elder brother, is reluctant to be together. Now the common enemy is gone, the co-owner is dead, and there is a fire between us. Do you want to fight Murong Chui? "

Murong Yongsheng said: "King, Guandong is our ancestral home of Murong. We are fighting against Qin in our hometown. We just want to return to our hometown after taking revenge. Attacking Chang'an is just for revenge. The revenge of revenge, you are naturally me. The most legal monarch of the Xianbei family, even King Wu, cannot compete with you. As long as you return to Kanto, even King Wu ’s men will fall to you. "

Murong said sharply: "A bunch of nonsense! He just defeated the Beifu Army and wiped out Ding Ling. How could his men fall to us? Do you want to surrender to Murong after returning to Kanto? A bit? "

Han Yan shook his head and said, "I don't want to wait, King, but we just thought that after Qin was annihilated, we could go home by robbing Chang'an, but you said, we, we really felt too sudden. "

Murong Chong said with a sneer: "Yeah, in the eyes of you, I'm just a puppet relying on the blood of my father and brother. I never really regarded me as a king. Han Yan, do you dare to talk to Murong Yong like this?"

Han Yan's tongue knotted all at once: "King, you, you have died injustice, and your loyalty is loyal to you."

Murong was furious, and took the case: "Enough! All the time, the real Xiyan Lord in your eyes is not me, but others. Today, it ’s not a matter of speaking alone. Is it tomorrow that you imagine that except Murong Hong? Killed orphans? "

The account fell into a dead silence. Only Murongchong ’s breathing was intense and violent because of extreme excitement. It was clear and audible, no one dared to speak, no one dared to express his attitude, even if it was loyal.

Murong Yong sighed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Knelt down and pressed his chest with his hand: "Chen Murongyong, swear allegiance to the king, your command is the action of the minister, and I will go for you, and die forever!"

Murongyong took the lead in expressing his position. Other important ministers such as Gao Gai and Duan Suiyong all knelt down to serve. The terrible atmosphere in the account just now triggered gradually eased.

Murong Chong surpassed his anger and looked at Han Yan with a sneer: "Legend General Han Yan, not respecting the monarch, blatantly disobeyed, cut off according to the law, but today the old thief Fu Jian died, Changan fell without a fight, For the sake of this great joy, death penalty is exempt, living crime is hard to spare, General Murong, Han Yan is your deputy, what do you say? "

Murongyong gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Studded eighty, demoted to three levels!"

Murong burst into laughter: "Well, this is what you said, it will be executed by General Murong personally. The order to pass the orphans, the whole army is lifted from the military discipline for three days. In Chang'an City, take whatever you want, and dare to obey , Do n’t talk about killing! Qin Guozong ’s family, the males who have not escaped are all beheaded, and the women are rewarded with Dayan civilian generals. Qin Guobai officials, if there are no descendants, the whole family will kill! "

Murong Yong's mouth was ticked, and finally he refrained from speaking, followed the others and shouted, "I will follow the order of the King!"

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