Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1042: Prince of Rest Rest

Erda said in a deep voice: "Gongsun Xingshou, I would like to remind you one last time that this person's future is unknown and the purpose is suspicious. It is best not to take him away. If you have to take this person who is against me and disrespects me You will bear all the consequences. "

Gongsun Xingshou and Anxing Shou stared at each other, pressing their chests together with their hands, bowing and saluting: "Erda Grand Shouxing, please make a price, we are willing to pay you compensation for this Han."

Erda said coldly: "Gongsun family, Antong, look at that noble face, I have always been accommodating to you, but you also don't want to challenge my bottom line, on the grassland, no one dares to treat me It's rude, this Han Chinese dare to hit me like this, and it can't be solved by giving money. "

The head of the line, Gongsunjuan, frowned slightly, and said, "What do you want from the head of the line?"

Erda's eyes were murderous: "Looking at the two of you, I can let him go temporarily, as long as he apologizes to me, I will let him go."

Mr. An looked at Liu Yu and smiled: "Brother Wolf, did you hear that, our head said, as long as you ..."

Liu Yu shook his head without waiting for An Tong ’s words to finish, “I did n’t do anything wrong, why should I apologize? The big husband stands between heaven and earth, and his integrity is more important than everything. What's the difference? I just go to the grassland and I want to be a free person. If I'm wrong, I have to admit it, but if I'm right, I will never succumb to anyone. So, I won't apologize. "

Now even Gongsunjuan's face changed slightly, and Erda was shaking with anger, and he laughed: "Okay, a stubborn Han, this is the place of your Central Plains, I won't kill you, if you go to the grassland, I will let you know what price you have to pay for your integrity, dignity! "

He said with a deep voice: "Well, two of the heads of the line, you can go. I will see other Han people here, so I will not leave you. Remember my words."

Gongsunjuan sighed, saluted with Antong towards Erda, turned and walked out of the shed. Liu Yu took Muronglan's hand and turned away without looking back. A cold killing intention flashed in Erda's eyes. A servant with a sharp-billed monkey cheek came around and Erda whispered: "It seems that Gongsunjuan and Antong are determined to fight against me, and you should go to Hetao now to find the adult."

Liu Yu and Murong Lan followed the first two lines in the front and walked to a secluded corner. Six or seven guards stood on four sides to separate the crowd, while Gongsunjuan turned around, looked at Liu Yu, and sighed: " Cangwolf, you are a brave man, hard to see among the Han people, but too brave, that Erda was the first merchant on the grassland, and Liu Xian's money bag for many years. You offended him and there was no good result. "

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Since the two dare not offend Erda, why would you take me to this point and say this to me? If I expected it to be good, the two of you are allegiance, isn't that Mr. Liu Xian? . "

Gongsunjuan's face changed, and he was just about to speak, but An Tong said calmly: "I have long seen that you are different from others, but since you conceal your identity, I don't want to ask, when you want to say, Naturally, I will tell you that there is also our hero. Gongsun Agan (Xianbei called the righteous brother Agan, similar to the later Mongolian Anda), don't embarrass them. "

Gongsunjuan's brow furrowed slightly: "Antong Agan, you have a lot of knowledge, let this matter be done by you, but remember, don't cause trouble to our hero."

He said here, he glanced at Murong Lan beside Liu Yu, and the corner of his mouth was ticked off, and he just waved his hand and left with a few guards. At the corner of the fence, only Liu and his wife left Three people with Antong.

Liu Yu looked at An Tong and said, "Who is your hero, actually dare to let you directly fight against that Liu Xian's money bag, the big bank's first erda?"

An Tongzheng said: "You don't need to know this for now, Gongsun Agan said, you will now cause trouble to our protagonist and can't take you directly, but I respect you as a personal thing, I can take you to the grassland, go to the solitary department If you can survive on your own and prove your abilities, maybe our Anglican Association will formally accept you. "

Muronglan said suddenly: "An Xingshou, your hero, but Master Tuoba?"

An Tong's face changed, and he looked at Murong Lan with vigilance: "Who are you and what do you know?"

Muronglan smiled slightly: "If I expect it to be good, you should be the general in Dayan's palace and the nephew of Angong. The grandson of your grandson, Agan, must be the former chief of the Du Gu Ministry, Liu Kuren's wife, Gongsun's elder brother, Gongsunjuan, isn't it? "

Antong ’s expression became serious: “Yes, my name is Antong, as you said, my ancestors were the rest countries of the West. When the Han ancestors came to rest in the Han dynasty as princes of rest, Unexpectedly, the country was unfortunate and the country perished. Since then, it has stayed in the Central Plains, with An as the surname, and until the end of the Jin Dynasty, the world was in chaos. My grandfather and his grandfather shunned in Liaodong, and they were blessed by the Murongs. General ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ How do you know these things? "

Murong Lan sighed softly: "Although we are mountain people, we also have some friends who know the trend of the world. At that time, the officials of the former Yan Yan in the village were in exile and told us something, and we are willing to go north to the grassland. It is also heard that many Han people were protected there. For example, your grandson A Gan, his sister was sent to Dugu by Fu Jian as a kin, and became the wife and concubine of Lord Liu Kuren, and the Gongsun clan Flying Huang Tengda, Gongsun Xi is a general, defeated the Yan Army of Murong Chui, and Gongsun family has the talent to trade. For many years, they have been traveling to and from the Central Plains for the Dugu Ministry. We all know that when the two were just right, I guess One or two. "

An Tong said with a smile: "You really are not ordinary people. It seems that taking you to the grassland is the right choice. Since I have reached this point, I don't have to hide it. My grandson and grandson now have a new hero. You said Master Tuoba. When Liu Kuren was there, Gongsun Agan was heavily used, but now Liu Kuren is dead, and Liu Xian is in power, so he uses this Erda that has followed him for many years as the head of the line, so, We have to find another backer. "

"Although Master Tuoba is young, he is the eldest grandson of the dynasty and the most legitimate heir. His mother is in the Dugu Ministry, and he himself saved the story of Yan Rong Muronghui, a young hero No one knows even on the prairie. Since he returned to the prairie, the people who worked have been in constant flow every day, and Gongsun Agan and I are determined to assist him and achieve a career. "

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