Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1057: Years of loyal servants to the Lord

Liu Kangni smiled slightly: "Bai Ling is now also a member of our Du Gu Ministry, no longer a woman in the Tuoba Department, and she should understand the advantages and disadvantages. We took the Tuoba mother and son so that they can survive. Kindness, but if Tuobawei do n’t know the truth, betray us, pull the crowd, that is Bailing, and he wo n’t support him anymore. "

Liu Xian nodded: "Very well, then we told the boy Tuobagui that the leaders of the ministries are not willing to separate their tribes. Now that the enemy is now, we cannot anger them, lest they run to Tuoba Cave and Liu Weichen. Go, so, reconstruct the Tuoba Department, and discuss it later. "

Liu Kangni said in earnest: "Okay, I'll do it right away. There is also the Han Chinese wolf, who can easily defeat Liu Zhili's evil wolf. It can't be underestimated. Maybe Tuobagui will also pull him in, and we have to monitor more. It will do. "

Liu Xian's eyes flashed coldly: "This blue wolf has such a skill, and it will certainly not be an unknown **** in the Central Plains. Check his details. If it is really Murong Cui sent to assist Tuobagui's criminal details, it is counted. No matter how powerful it is, it is absolutely impossible to stay. "

Liu Kangni pressed his chest with his hand and bowed deeply: "Follow your orders, Brother Khan."

Liu Yu followed Tuobagui and Antong in silence, and the people around him were all the soldiers and civilians of the Du Gu Ministry. Now the news that Tuobagui is disguised as a grandson and grandson, has not been spread, and no one will How respectful this businessman is, even if someone takes off his hat to salute, it just means something. Liu Yu not only sighed in his heart, it seems that no matter whether it is the Central Plains or the prairie, this businessman ’s status is low, even if he is rich, he is not as good as the powerful. Soldiers, this is probably the norm in the world.

I walked outside a tribe, away from the wasteland of the pastoral area, here near the river, the sound of the clattering water can effectively cover the voice of speaking, within a hundred steps is the river beach, and there is no knee above the grassland The tall long grass, even the best spies, ca n’t hide the trail in this place. An Tong led a few guards and drove several men and women who fetched water and laundry dozens of steps away. When he returned, he nodded to Liu Yu and Tuobagui, indicating that he could start talking.

Liu Yu looked at Tuobagui calmly: "I didn't expect you to pretend to be Gongsunjuan, why didn't you tell me about it on the grassland? If it wasn't for me today that I said about Nerda, you're just afraid to keep Conceal your identity. "

Tuobagui smiled slightly: "Liu Yu, don't you also secretly observe what I did? You even reserve the right to get rid of me. You can do this, so I can take some precautions and understand it. . "

An Tong said with a smile: "Liu Yu, don't blame me for betraying you. Tuobagui is my hero, after all, I must be loyal to him. I will report to him about what you said about him. Minute."

Liu Yu sneered: "I treat you as a friend, but you hide your identity from me. You are clearly Murong Cui's men. How did you become Tuobagui's courtier? You must give me an explanation of this matter, and also give Murong Let me explain. Now that I am working for Muronghui, I must also report your situation to him. "

An Tong nodded: "I came to you to make clear these things. The situation we are facing is not optimistic. We must really face each other and work together to get through this crisis. In fact, we settled down and were loyal to Tuo. Ba Shi Yijian, when his father served as a general in the former Yan Palace, sent many missions to the grassland, and was attacked several times by the collaborators of Yan Guo's traitors. If Tuoba Shi Yijian rescued him, he would have died. "

Liu Yuqi said: "What's going on? Your father, a general, can offend people?"

An Tong sighed: "I settled down from the ancient rest country of the West, originally from the Sogdians, and from generation to generation as a business, even if I settled in the Central Plains, I was not accustomed to the four books and five classics of your Han, but business-oriented, ten Yu Shi has accumulated a lot of accumulation, and even the general in the palace of his father's father also gave the honorary title of honor given to the Lord Yan Rongjun because of his donation to Qianyan. "

Liu Yu nodded thoughtfully: "It turns out that you have always been a merchant's family, so to speak, the Yan Guo people have taken a fancy to your family's wealth and will hurt your father?"

An Tongzheng said: "Yes, that is the Taifu Murong, who is famous for his greed. He is greedy for his financial power, designed to frame Murongli, and forced Yan Guodong to vote against the enemy. During Qin Yan's war, he blocked the water source and asked the front-line soldiers to come out. Money buys water, this kind of person dares to sell even the country, what else can't be done? Since the father-in-law took the post of general in the temple, he ransacked all the time, and the father-in-law bleeds several times, still can't satisfy his greed. He had no choice but to ask the embassy grassland, in fact, to find an excuse to do business, away from this greedy guy. "

Liu Yu said with a smile: "I didn't expect this Murong commentary would refuse to let your father go, actually bought a horse thief to attack on the road, want to take your father's life, right?"

An Tong sighed: "It is precisely that Tuoba Shiyijian happened to lead people to hunt and happened to meet the killer to besiege his father, so he rescued him, and since then his father turned to secretly loyal to Tuoba Shiyijian, Xu Under the promise, within three generations of An's family, I will surely follow Tuoba's death, no matter how much suffering they suffer ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, as long as my family has a breath, I will die with him. "

Liu Yu nodded: "So after Tuoba's annihilation, you also followed them to Chang'an, just to honor your promise and continue to serve them? Tuobagui can show Murong Chui and take him to Kanto. Your credit. "

Tuobagui said with a smile: "If there was no Anxing first to draw the line, Muronghui was also a person in distress at that time, how could he want to take me as a young master? Liu Yu, you know now, Antong has never betrayed Murong Chui, because from the beginning, he was the person of the Tuoba family on my behalf. He is the real loyal minister. The difference between Liu Xian and the man who wants to take advantage of the danger is heaven and earth! "

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly: "The hero of Murong Cui I, but he didn't expect that he sent him to the grassland to monitor the future rival's eyeliner, but he was already the person of the other party. However, I am not the same. Report Murong Chui to the ground and ask him to send others to replace Antong. "

Tuobagui shook his head: "Liu Yu, I know you won't do it, you will even observe me, not to mention Muronghui, who is destroying your tens of thousands of brothers, he is your enemy, not yours. The protagonist, although he is my benefactor, but he is not my protagonist, if you want to get rid of this person, only you and I can join forces, and this is why I helped you from the beginning. "

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