Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1068: Brothers and brothers also suspect

Liu Xiansheng said: "There will be a sacred lady, please give me 300,000 soldiers and civilians on behalf of my alone, and express our sincere gratitude to Heavenly Emperor. I will sacrifice three hundred cows, one Thousand-headed sheep, as a proof of our loyalty. "

He Lanmin nodded, turned and walked out of the account, another silver bell rang, and then her heel followed her as a moving sand dune, and Liu Xian and Liu Kangni's eyes were straightened until she The figure disappeared out of the account, and they recovered their minds. Liu Xian gritted his teeth: "Heating, the Golden Arrows dispatch troops!"

Liu Kangni stunned slightly: "Brother Khan? Are you going to fight with Liu Weichen in an all-round way? Now the news of the invasion of the Tiefu Huns hasn't spread, especially the tribes in the east don't know it, I'm afraid they might not listen. what."

Liu Xiansheng said: "When the news spreads, Liu Weichen has hit here. This time he first used Tuoba Cave to pull the old department in front. His army followed behind quietly, just wanting a thunder strike and completely eliminating it. We, now that he is not here, let ’s mobilize the various troops first, and we can also see how many people are listening to us and which are secretly communicating with the enemy. "

Mrs. Gongsun said bitterly: "No, now the gods haven't sent Jili Wan back. At this time, what you should do is pray sincerely, instead of moving the sword soldiers, beware of angering the gods!"

Liu Xian said angrily: "Liu Weichen doesn't believe in our long-lived god, he won't stop for seven days to wait for us to retrieve Ji Liwan. Besides, do you really think that God will let a two-year-old child go to war? Liwan is not only your child, but also mine, and the heir of our solitary department in the future. I care more about his whereabouts than you, but now, as the leader of the solitary department, I have to serve the entire tribe and the entire Monan Grassland considers, if you do not understand, continue to cry on your own! "

He said, pulling Liu Kangni's hand and walking straight out of the tent, but did not notice that Liu Kangni's face changed slightly when he heard this sentence.

Walking out of the tent, Liu Xianchang breathed a sigh of relief: "I can finally calm down, this woman is in trouble."

Liu Kangni looked back at the tent and whispered: "Brother Khan, you are too indulgent to this woman. Now that Qin is dead, we don't have to take care of the Gongsun family sent by Qin. These years, no matter Was it Daah or you, how angry she was. "

Liu Xian gritted his teeth and said: "But after all, she gave birth to Gili Wan, I am such a son, I can't let him lose his mother. Let her make trouble, don't affect the business."

Speaking of which, he thought of something, put on a smiley face, and patted Liu Kangni's shoulder: "Relax, I said before, Giliman was too small, when I left, he might not have As an adult, in the future, the power of our Du Gu Ministry will still be given to your young and powerful brother. "

Liu Kangni bowed his head and said: "Brother Khan, you are the leader of our tribe. You can give it to whoever you want, don't care about my thoughts, no matter who you designate, I will try my best to help."

Liu Xian laughed and took Liu Kangni's hand: "Brother, you are more attentive. I just said that Ji Liwan is the heir, that is to say to Mrs. Gongsun, it is not really like this, this is not in line with us. The rules of the prairie are the most reliable only if our brothers are united and have traveled together for so many years. You see, I am letting you do these things even with the Golden Arrows, not to let you take control in advance and hand it over later You?"

Liu Kangni ’s face turned to show joy, and the hand he held was shaken heavily: "What else is that little brother worried, I will do it!"

Liu Xian nodded with satisfaction, and patted lightly on Liu Kangni's hand: "Go, you do business, I'm relieved, after the troop transfer order is issued, we call Liang Liujuan, we have to plan well. a bit."

Without saying anything, Liu Kangni turned around and left. Liu Xian's eyes were coldly cast on his fast walking back, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and a cold and fierce light flashed in his eyes. He wiped his hands on his robe, as if he had just touched something unclean, and murmured in his mouth: "Want to take my right? Next life."

Four days later, the witch **** wooden hut.

This is a small hut made of five-colored wood. It is located on the hills of Yinshan Mountain. It is said that the location closest to the longevity **** can be heard more conveniently. The **** wood hut of the witch is like the gold at the foot of the mountain. The top of the sweat tent symbolizes the supreme power of the Monan grassland. It has been hundreds of years since the beginning of Dandan Jianya, and has been regarded as a miracle by many people under the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, there are more than one hundred thousand solitary people, surrounded by mountains and seas, and the mountains are surrounded by water. They wear the best clothes on them, and they are all pious, kneeling on the ground, looking at the top of the mountain, covered with body Wrapped in five colors of feathers, gold and emerald, the flirtatious and beautiful colors fly together, and Helan Min, who is soft and sacred, holds a holy bone drum in his right hand, and holds a skeleton of the ancestor of the Solitary Department in his left Dancing, and the singing voice came with the wind, and even everyone who was a few miles away under the mountain could hear the words.

Liu Yu knelt on one knee and looked coldly at He Lanmin at the top of the mountain ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Muronglan on the side fell to the ground and whispered: "Cang Wolf, respect their customs, don't It seems that you are unique. "

As soon as the voice fell, He Lanmin spun up suddenly, the drum sound became high and rapid, and her body also shook sharply. With the intensification of this set of movements, more than one hundred thousand people in the solitary department shouted in unison: "Eternal God , Bless me alone, longevity deity, bless me alone. "Following these prayers, they all cast their bodies together, and it seemed that Liu Yu's straight upper body was exposed, so conspicuous.

But Liu Yu didn't have any meaning of Voldemort, and replied coldly: "That's their god, not mine. If there is no eternal **** in my heart, what is Voldemort's meaning? Four days, every day, this way, that When will Jiliwan come back from heaven? "

Dozens of eyes cast from all sides, full of anger, Murong Lan sighed, and whispered on the ground: "If not the surrounding people are Han Chinese, I'm afraid you would have won it. You see me like this She fell to the ground, why do you hold it? This is a ritual after all. "

Liu Yu smiled and followed Voldemort. The dazzling eyes around him finally disappeared, and his current pose met Murong Lan, but he whispered: "If there is anything, I can say it now." Eight

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