Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1070: Du Gu Young Master Lost

Liu Yu's words just fell, and only heard Liu Xian shouted loudly: "Longevity God is on the top, your admonishment, all the people of the Du Gu Ministry, no, all the people in the entire Monan, will respectfully follow, father and son Feelings are better than all feelings in the world. I must revenge for Liu Xian, destroy Houyan, defeat Liu Weichen, and ask the God of Longevity to give me strength and help me be alone! "

All the people shouted, "Give me strength, help me alone, give me strength, help me alone."

The Changsheng Tianshen nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, it seems that Ru Cao don't forget my teaching, this is the place where Ru et al. Is stronger than Tuoba, Ji Li Wan is brought to heaven by me, and I will bring my wisdom, strength, all If given to him, he will help Ru Cao to defeat the enemy and dominate the grasslands. Ru wait to listen. Before Ji Liwan became an adult, mortals could not raise him. Only my messenger in the world is the witch I have now. In order to nurture him, Ru Cao should be treated like Jing Wu, and if there is any sincerity, I will punish you and wait for it!

His voice gradually went away, higher and higher, and saw a light smoke rising from He Lanmin's body, spread out, and buried her body in this smoke, suddenly, the sky flew over Lightning, rumbling thunder rolling in the clouds, all the people of the solitary part were all pale and frightened. On the grassland, the thunder and lightning meant that the gods' anger was about to bring down a terrible disaster.

Mrs. Gongsun's exhausted roar, mixed with the sound of crying: "It's you, it's all you who lost Jiliwan, God, God wants to bring disaster to us."

Liu Xian's face changed, and he said sharply: "Shut up, you dare to disrespect the gods, he said clearly, you want to return Jiliwan ..."

Liu Xian's words did not fall. Suddenly, above the mountains, the white wolf smoke gradually dissipated. In the light smoke, He Lanmin had recovered to his original appearance. The face is decorated with a blue gem of the size of a dove egg on her forehead. Her face is full of sacred and inviolable colors. In her arms, she holds a child about two years old, round and round, everyone loves, A few miles away from the high mountain, I saw Liu Xian and Mrs. Gongsun at a glance, and suddenly yelled, although he could not hear what he was calling because of the distance, everyone knew that he was calling because of the mouth shape. : "Ah, mother!" And this little kid, needless to say, must have been auspicious.

Liu Xian burst into tears with excitement and bowed down on his knees: "The omnipotent eternal god, the sacred eternal god, thank you, thank you for returning my son, I must sacrifice a hundred cows, a thousand Sheep, express our most sincere thanks to our Du Gu Ministry. "

On the grassland, hundreds of thousands of lonely people, a wave of praise and worship sounds like mountains and tsunami waves, even Murong Lan was also in touch with the scene, and followed them to the ground over and over again, enduring. Only Liu Yu looked coldly at the elven shadow on the mountain. Suddenly, the two of them faced each other, and He Lanmin blinked at Liu Yu meaningfully. At this moment, Liu Yu suddenly felt an inexplicable familiarity. I did n’t know where I had seen it, and when I looked at it again, the witch had turned his back to himself, pulling Giliman and slowly descending.

At night, the Dugu Department is already a million fires. Above the grassland, there are people singing and dancing everywhere. In the past few days, because of the invasion of the Tiefu Huns, the Tuobasi branch separated and became independent. The Helan Department refused to come to help this series of bad news. The atmosphere that has become depressed and depressed has also dispersed. After all, the men and women on the grassland are a people who love music and dance and are free and unrestrained by nature. Especially today, they have witnessed the miracle of the coming of God. Under the circumstances, everyone up and down the Dugu Department will believe that there will be a bright future.

Liu Yu sat quietly at the door of the tent door and watched a carnival dozens of steps away. The people of dozens of tents, both Han and Hu, surrounded a large fire, holding hands, turning in circles, dancing, fire On top of the pile, a roasted whole lamb has a crispy brown skin. Several men are turning the lamb while sprinkling cumin on the lamb. The smell will make anyone drool when they smell it.

With a big wine sac in his hand, Kuo En smiled and ran to Liu Yu: "Brother Wolf, I am so happy today. Come and have fun together. You see you have come here these days. It ’s cold, there ’s always something going on. I can just meet you today. ”

Liu Yu smiled slightly and shook his head: "Come on another day. Today I have just detected Liu Weichen's movements and come back. I may have to go out tomorrow again. I still have a good night's sleep."

Kuan glanced across Liu Yu ’s tent and saw that Murong Lan was facing away from him, with two sheepskin jackets on the carpet. He laughed: "I understand, it ’s okay, brother, play well, do n’t get too tired. Just do it. "

Liu Yu angrily grabbed a handful of dirt on the ground, and raised his hand to spit Kuan. The man with a smile ran away. Soon, his incomplete five-tone song rang in another fire. .

Muronglan's voice sounded from behind Liu Yu: "I don't interact with people when I'm here, it's not like you at all."

Liu Yu shook his head: "Since I'm leaving soon, it's best not to have any friendships, or else ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When I separate, my heart will be very painful. I have experienced many such differences and I don't want to come again."

Muronglan said quietly, "I know, you don't believe that there are ghosts and gods in this world, but Brother Wolf, maybe there is really a will in heaven and a little awe in everything. He Lanmin really can communicate with God. I did n’t believe it at first, but I saw it a few times, but I could n’t believe it. I think one day, you will believe it too. ”

Liu Yu said coldly: "This is what I am most worried about. You have been misled by He Lanmin and lost your judgment. He Lanmin controlled Ji Liwan by his side through today's affairs, which is equivalent to pinching After Liu Xian's dead spot, Tuobagui was safe, and Liu Xian would never dare to kill him. "

Muronglan frowned: "You just believe that He Lanmin will be on Tuobamin's side? Why? She is not Tuobamin's mother, and their sisters haven't met each other for many years. He Lanmin now has After Ji Liwan, he may become his wife in the future, which is much better for her than helping her sister Fu Tuoba.

Liu Yu sighed: "Liu Xian doesn't have the ability to dominate the desert. It's okay to pretend to be a ghost and deceive himself. But he can't hide the enemy. Maybe He Lanmin really wants to do it, Mrs. Khan, but this Khan is now in Qijie Mountain . "

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