Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1074: Qinglong shadow present grassland

He Lanlinghua bit her lips tightly and said sharply: "You are crazy, you are absolutely crazy, my son is not as ambitious as you think, he has witnessed his father's death since he was young, vowed not to fight for power and profit, he left When I was in my life, I said that I wanted to be filial to me all my life, and I did n’t want to be the king of the grasslands. "

He Lanmin said with a sneer: "People will change. Sister, Asi was just a few-year-old when he left you. He didn't understand anything. When he arrived in the Central Plains, he saw so many swords and swords. By the way, I know that only when I become a strong man can I protect myself and protect my loved ones. You ca n’t give him these things. He has to fight for himself, understand? "

"If he really wants to live comfortably, stay in the Central Plains and be a hostage next to Murong Chui, is it necessary to go back to the grassland? Even if he goes back to the grassland, he can live happily and freely in an unnamed tribe who doesn't know him. As for going back to this dangerously lonely ministry, risking the danger to Liu Xian? "

He Lanling gritted her teeth: "You bullshit, Liu Xian did not dare to move him casually, but he was the emperor's grandson of the former dynasty, and the kingdom was kind to the Dugu Ministry. When Silicon came, he wanted to reunite with me, No other ideas. "

He Lanmin sighed: "If only to reunite with you, please Murong Chui to take you to Yan Guo, why do you personally enter the tiger's mouth? As of today, I might as well tell you that Asi's plan is to lure Liu Xian Start with him, and then he will be able to justify his soldiers and convene the old ministry. Now that Nalda has intercepted him halfway, the grasslands are well known, and many people are beginning to suspect that this is Liu Xian ’s instigation. . And Liu Xian did not know this yet, but instead felt that he was the destiny of choice, and wanted to get rid of Tuoba ’s blood to ensure his power, and I helped him take this step! "

He Lanlinghua opened her eyes wide and dared not close her mouth: "You, how can you be so malicious? When and when did you become so ambitious? This is not like you!"

A vigorous and cold voice sounded from behind the wall, accompanied by the sound of the organ, the cold and merciless bronze mask of Qinglong appeared in the darkness behind the wall and was reflected by the fire in the house. There is something weird.

He Lanlinghua's body began to tremble, almost screaming: "Qinglong, you, why are you ?!"

Qinglong's white eyebrows picked up and smiled slightly: "Prince Helan, I haven't seen you in years, you are still so beautiful."

He Lanling took out her dagger with her teeth and pointed at Qinglong: "You devil, killing my husband is not enough. Now I still want to hurt my son and confuse my sister?"

Qinglong sighed: "I have said long ago that the death of Zunfu has nothing to do with me. I designed it to rebel and kill Tuoba Shiyijian. After he succeeded, this generation of throne is Zunfu's, but he chose himself. To block this knife, not only do you not need power, you do n’t even need to die, do you blame me? "

He Lanlinghua's hand shook slightly, and her eyes shone with tears: "It's all my fault, it's all me. After listening to your gossip, it's the only way to tell Ah Mi beforehand."

Qinglong smiled slightly: "Twenty years later, Zunfu's posthumous son has grown into a hero boy. God is lucky for you. Give you a second chance. Don't give up easily. Fortunately, Asi didn't have him. Father is so pedantic, he will be a standard prairie boy and believe in power. And all I can do is give him a little help when he needs help. "

He Lanlinghua suddenly realized, Li said: "So for so many years, you turned to my sister and let her go on this path of no return?"

He Lanmin said indifferently: "My good sister, don't talk so unpleasantly. When I gave it to you as a commodity, I sent it to you. When you want to marry someone you haven't met before, where are you? When I was a princess in the Kingdom of the Kingdom of the Kingdom of the Kingdom, I called out to the sky and called the earth to be ill. It was this man who saved me and taught me witchcraft so that I could survive as a witch, without giving those who stink Dirty, stupid and rude gangsters played around, and then abandoned them ruthlessly a few years later. It was this man who taught me how to survive the murderous, lonely part full of hatred and jealousy, avoiding the covetousness of men and the poisonous hands of women. My loved one is him, not you! "

He Lanling spent a long sigh, and her eyes became lonely: "Min Min, you are still young, I don't know how complicated the heart is. That's how I was puzzled by this person. At the end of the day, don't go my old way, he Not a good person, it will only bring us disaster and tears. "

He Lanmin smiled: "I have eyes, know who is good and who is bad, and know what to do, sister, you have become more and more stupid without the guidance of Master Qinglong in recent years, and you are counting on Liu Xian to show mercy to protect you. Mother and son. Anything in this world can be changed, only blood and origin ca n’t be changed. Asi is the son of Tuoba Wei at any time, and the grandson of Tuoba Shiyijian will be the heir to the heirs of the Kingdom Only this point, people who want to dominate the grassland will not let him go. What you should do is not to expect others to send kindness ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but to help your son and get back those who should belong to His stuff, understand? "

He Lanlinghua said with a sneer: "Yes, Khan belongs to Silicone, but can he get it back? You are ambitious and only engage in those conspiracies and tricks, but never have real strength. How can you help Silicone? What happened? I do n’t want to let Silicone have a good future, but hope is slim. If he fails, he will give away his life like his father, but you Qinglong can go away, just like these twenty years, I do n’t Will be fooled by you again! "

Qinglong smiled and waved his hand: "Last time was just an accident. If it was n’t for all the departments on the grassland that had dissent, and I wanted to fight for power and profit, I would n’t be able to abet the rebellion. If it were n’t for the rebellion, neither the Tuoba Department. It is possible to alienate these close relatives and not consolidate their power in the conquest of these close relatives. Even if Zunfu did not die in that year, this sweat position would not be stable. "

Speaking of which, Qinglong said coldly: "At that time, Ran Min usurped his position and became independent, the Central Plains was in chaos, Murong Yanguo, and Fuqin were only the initial construction, and their strength was insufficient. You can take the opportunity to enter the Central Plains for the achievement of a great cause. Ba Shi Yijian issued a golden arrow, but few tribes responded, even if it was unearthed, uncle Sun these close relative tribes, a sweat that does not speak, what can I do? I'm helping you take power step by step, Gained dominance, but in the end did not give you this concubine's understanding. Unfortunately, sigh! "

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