Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1098: Empathy

Tuoba Si looked at the crowd, a middle-aged, forty-year-old, capable middle-aged man who smiled and said, "Of course, he is called He Lanyue. He is the cousin of He Lanne and the first batch to come my people."

Liu Yu frowned: "Is Helane sent to test you?"

Tuoba Si shook his head: "No, he is a distant relative of He Lanbu. Although he is also surnamed He Lan, he has been separated and independent. He is not with He Lanbu. He is also a small family with hundreds of accounts. The head man, came to me and did not follow anyone's order, just because he determined that my Tuoba Department was the authentic overlord of the grassland, and my Tuoba silicon was the son of destiny, destined to own the grassland. "

Liu Yu sighed: "I actually admire you, a teenager, who has been living outside for more than ten years. As soon as he returned to the grassland, so many people left their homes and ran to you."

Tuoba Si smiled and said: "Liu Yu A Gan, I believe that if you return to Jin Kingdom now, as long as you give an order, those brothers who saved you on the battlefield will definitely do so. When it comes to how you do n’t want to cover up the evacuation of your brothers, I was thinking, if I were a Jin army you rescued, this life will definitely be accompanied by life and death. "

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth: "I saved my brother just because they are my brother, comrade-in-arms, and fellow robes, and I didn't think about returning."

Tuoba Si nodded: "But to come to my subordinates, I want to reciprocate, and when I take them in, I also want to make a promise. Once the desert can really be captured in the future, they will naturally get a lot of benefits. If you do n’t do this, I ca n’t stand in this world, and they came to me, and they also saw my identity. It can be said that you are fighting for brothers by your own strength and personality charm, and I rely on us. The ancestor of the family. "

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Tuoba Agan, don't be too humble. I believe that with your own skills, in the end, your subordinates, brothers, will value your own talents, not your blood. Ruotuo The blood of the Ba family is not limited to you. Your uncle Tuoba cave, including the son of Tuoba, who killed your grandfather, Tuobawo, are now independent, but the people who ran to them did not. several."

Tuoba Si sneered: "One is a puppet of the Huns and one is the son of a traitor who kills his father. Naturally, no one will follow. Now I have enough strength to be self-reliant, but at this time, self-reliance may promote Dugu and Helan joined forces to deal with me. Even if they could defeat them, they would consume a lot of troops and time. The gains outweighed the gains. Muronghui was pacing Hebei and restoring production. Once he was relieved, he would definitely come to the grasslands to eliminate them. Me, I must keep the grassland strength as strong as possible and deal with the strong external enemies, instead of draining the blood in the civil war. "

Liu Yu nodded: "So you are still preparing to go to Helan Department by yourself? Are you afraid that Helan Sanjie is afraid of your reputation, and will you start? With the lessons of the Dugu Department coming first, I'm afraid they can't do it. Be prepared, and as you said, the relationship between He Lanlu and Murong Family is extraordinary. "

Tuoba Si smiled and said: "Everything should be considered from the other party's point of view. The so-called conspiracy and then move, that's the case. For example, I know that Liu Xian needs to maintain a good reputation for the solitary ministry loyal to Tuoba in order to win the hearts and minds of each department. So he will not start with me at first, and once he believes in He Lanmin, he thinks that he is destined, and the ministries are at heart, he will misjudge the situation and think that my existence is a hindrance to him. If you leave the Dugu Department at the right time and come to Qijieshan, you will see him as a move of renegade. Unconsciously, he reversed the relationship between the master, the servant and the prince, and this will bring people to kill me today, regardless of victory. Defeat, the name of the loyal minister he has accumulated over the past decades has been ruined, even if he can kill me, it will inevitably betray the relatives and separate the people. "

Liu Yu sighed: "Your analysis is accurate, Liu Xian stepped into your trap step by step, without realizing it."

Tuoba Si nodded: "That's because Du Gu always wanted to become a grassland overlord, including from his father Liu Kuren. That's why, so power would blind his eyes and make him lose his rational judgment. However, the situation of Helan Ministry is just the opposite. The ancestors of the Dugu Ministry are Han family lineages. It is also natural for them to come from a noble lineage and become a grassland overlord. However, Helan Ministry was just a servant tribe of the Huns from the beginning. I have never been in contact with the core powers on the grassland, even the right and left kings, and I have never been on the four sides. In their subconscious mind, I just want to be the prince of the Chinese you said, and I can always maintain my own territory, slow Slow development, instead of thinking about taking the opportunity to stand on your own feet, ask the Khan. "

"A truly ambitious and ambitious tribe will never cooperate with the Central Plains regime to become their guide on the grassland, which will only be despised by all grassland tribes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In order to maintain the relationship with Murong Yanguo, He Lanbu worked with them secretly for many years, which is almost known to everyone on the grassland. Therefore, He Lanbu does not want to fight for the sweat of the grassland. The fundamental conflict, plus my mother from the Helan Department, if I become a grassland overlord, it will benefit them. "

Liu Yu smiled: "But they are under Murong's control. If Murong hangs them down to kill you, will they fail?"

Tuoba Sizheng said: "It depends on the behavior of A Gan first. You are the person sent by Murong Chui to help the grassland, or the person who monitors me. His judgment on me comes from your return. If you say Ba Si is difficult to control and should be removed as soon as possible, then he will give He Lan his instructions. "

Liu Yu shook his head: "Since you and I have become Agan, I will naturally not betray you, and I will definitely help you to capture the grassland overlord. You can rest assured that I will hide your intentions from Murong Chui. Today's battle will also It was said that Liu Xian was jealous of you, and he personally led someone to assassinate. Fortunately, the Dugu Ministry had a loyal person to report in advance, so that you can escape this robbery. Liu Xian suffered a big loss this time. , Murong Chui wants to understand the details of this battle, and my report is the only way forward. "

Tuoba Si laughed: "But you lied to me like this, didn't you betray Murong Cui? My Agan."

Liu Yuzheng said: "My promise to Murong Chui is to help you eliminate Liu Xian on the grassland and eliminate the threat of the Dugu Ministry to his Yan Kingdom in exchange for his release of Yecheng and my brothers. So far, I have not disobeyed, and I am not guilty of heart. And I became a gan with you to help you succeed, for the sake of justice for the tens of thousands of Beifu brothers who died under him!

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