Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1101: Unbounded prospects 2

Two days later, Qijie Mountain and Canyon.

A long team of caravans walks through the river. There are seven or eight hundred carts, which stretch for more than ten miles. On the grassland, a cart is generally placed. From this point of view, this is a nearly thousand accounts. The fallen middle tribe, more than a thousand warriors riding horses with bows, are lined up left and right, guarding against possible attacks from the left and right directions, while women and children are old and weak, sitting in these carts, and dozens of women riding horses, shuttle Among the cattle and sheep that followed the convoy, they drove them along with the large troops. All the cars were plugged with a black ram flag. It was the famous big tribe of Monan, Tuoba. One of the close relatives of the tribe, a sign of the drawing department.

Riding in the forefront of the team, a middle-aged big man with a good mink fur and a long beard and chest, and a black bean mole between the eyebrows, it looks smart and strong, but his face is written Hesitating and confused, he kept looking at the exit of the canyon and thoughtfully.

A heavily-armed Da Hanchi came to the middle-aged nobleman and said in a deep voice: "Master, we are about to pass through the Qijieshan Gorge. Will we go northwest to the Eph Division and join them in Tuobawo? Or What about the Helan Department in the east?

This middle-aged nobleman's name is Ba Ba Song. The Ba Ba Department is an absolute close relative tribe of the Tuoba Department who has just been out for decades. His father Ba Ba Ren has been in the important position of the Southern Master during the period of the country, until after his death. Toba Shiyijian transferred the position of an adult in the south to Liu Kuren out of the need to encircle the Dugu Ministry. But Ba Tuo Song became famous, proficient in Sinology, and full of wisdom and bravery. When he was less than 14 years old, he took over the father who was seriously ill and led the tribe. After more than 20 years, the Bao Tu Department has gained momentum under his management. The better, there is a tendency to surpass Dugu Department and become the majority of Monan.

But this time Ba Tuo Song faced a major choice in his life. His brows were deeply locked. He looked at the two passages of the canyon in front and muttered to himself: "God, can you give me guidance, after all Where to go? Tuobawo is a famous warrior, but he is the son of a traitor. Tuobawei is an authentic daughter-in-law, but he is alone, even if his mother ca n’t take care of it, he flees to Helan. People, is it worth me to go? "

The heavily-armed man smiled and said, "Is it hesitant to pull out an adult? On the prairie, he has always been strong, and Tuoba's rebellion has nothing to do with Tuobawo. He is a warrior who moves the prairie. I once admired him for killing tigers and wild wolves with my own hands, even our Mobei Yifubu. I Yifu had dealt with him on behalf of him, knowing his power and manhood. He said that in his veins, Not only is the blood of the traitor ’s father, but also the noble blood of Tuoba ’s ancestors, and he will not insult this blood. Master, you are the wise man of Monan, and the adult in the south. You should find a good one to rely on. Tuobagui, a hairy child, can't even protect his own mother. Is it worth you to go? "

A woman's voice slowly sounded: "I don't agree with General Ever's opinion, Tuobagui should be the prince you want to go to."

Yi Fu's face changed, and his hand touched the machete around his waist: "Where is the woman?"

The two riders behind Tuo Song, dressed in cloaks and masks, slowly pulled down the face covered by the face, revealing two faces, one of which was beautiful and beautiful, Xingyan Liumei, forehead Wearing a blue stone the size of a quail egg, Yi Fu's face changed: "Holy Lady?"

This person is He Lanmin, she smiled slightly: "Yes, it's me, Master, thank you for bringing us here, but I don't want us to break up."

Yi Fu's eyes fell on another woman beside He Lanmin. Her face was ordinary, but her eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky. Unlike He Lanmin with a braid, her hair became A tall ponytail, only Han talents will use such a bun, Yi Fu was surprised and said: "I have seen you, you are the wife of the blue wolf, is it called love, is it? How can you be with He Lansheng? Women together? ",

Muronglan said indifferently: "Because our couple is a friend of the Holy Lady Helan, this time we have protected the Holy Lady Helan, escaped Liu Xian's search and hunt, and then used the power of the adult to be able to walk together . General Ever, I do n’t think you should go west, but follow us eastward to Helanbu. ”

Yi Fudai said angrily: "Don't confuse Master Up, Tuobagui is ungrateful, don't miss Liu Xian's refuge, have an affair with He Lanmin, kidnap Liu Xian's son, blaspheme God, how can such a person Become the overlord of the grassland? Master, do n’t listen to the woman. "

Liu Yu's voice sounded quietly: "Women's words can't be heard, then can I say this man's words?"

Yi Fu's face changed, and he looked at the source of the sound. I saw that among the guards behind Pao Song, he slowly rode out a sergeant wearing a soldier's costume. The same facial mask covered his face. When he pulled off his scarf At that time, the rough wolf with a somewhat wild face was displayed in front of everyone, causing a commotion among the people around him: "Is the wolf? Is it really the wolf?"

"Yes, it's him, but Liu Xian didn't say that he was killed by Tuoba Han?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ waved his hand: "Everyone saw it, I'm a blue wolf. Two days ago, I was in this place, and I witnessed how Tuobasi set up an ambush and defeated. Liu Xian's chasing soldiers, if it were not for my hard work, I was afraid that Liu Xian would have been lying here forever with his more than 300 men. "

Yi Fu said in dissatisfaction: "You bullshit, Liu Xian did not catch up with Tuoba Han. You obviously betrayed Liu Xian and fled to Tuoba Han. Even, even Tuoba Can could escape, too. The result of your whistleblowing, Hugh is here to confuse the audience. "

Liu Yu smiled and said, "Everyone, you should know some of Liu Xian's personal guards, especially his master Liang Liujuan. On that day, Liu Xian brought hundreds of people to pursue Tuobagui. Everyone should I saw it, but why only the few people like Liu Xian came back? Did he return to the tribe by himself and let his men chase down Tuobagui? "

There was a whisper of whispering around, and many people in the promotion department had already begun to believe this.

Tuoba Song hooked the corner of his mouth and said in a deep voice: "Cang wolf, you are a person from the Du Gu Ministry, Liu Xian sheltered you and showed gratitude to you. Why are you here to help Tuoba Han? Do you Han Chinese, all Is this the way to do it? "


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