Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1105: Cold blood

Tuoba Song nodded: "Liu Yu, I believe you, no matter what your motivations and considerations are, but at least you are helping Tuoba Silicon now, and you are so frank with me, presumably these things have been Tuoba Silicon has said that, I have now decided to go to Tuoba Silicon, and since then, he will be my hero, and you are his friend, that is my friend. "

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "I forgot to tell you something, I and Tuoba Si have already forged Agan, I am not a servant of the kingdom, but I will do my best to help him before the Tuoba Si reinstates, etc. He plans to complete, and after the successful reinstatement, I will leave as I said, and I will trouble you more courtiers to assist him more and fulfill his wish to unify the grassland. "

Tuoba Song smiled and said: "I really have a hard time understanding. You help my hero like this and make such a great contribution, but don't ask for the wealth you want. Well, you have your consideration. As a friend, I won't Ask more questions. Now I will lead my ministries to Helan, will you go with me? "

Liu Yu shook his head: "You go one step first, I will go afterwards. I have to make a reasonable explanation to Murong Chui about Qijie Mountain, so I have to discuss it with my wife."

Tuoba Song frowned: "If your wife's identity is exposed, I'm afraid she will be in danger. He Lanmin has been with her all the time. Does she know your wife's identity?"

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth: "Yes, they have known each other for many years. They were good sisters before He Lanmin came to the Du Gu Ministry. Otherwise, this time He Lan Min will not come to Murong Lan to take refuge in times of crisis. "

Tuoba Song lowered his voice: "Does my protagonist really have a affair with He Lanmin? Liu Xian said this in the tribe. I haven't quite believed it. Everyone knows that to accept the will of the gods must be a virgin. Yes, if the two are really selfish, where is He Lanmin ’s prophecy? "

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "I am not easy to answer this question, you still ask your heroine, but this matter of men and women is not something that the courtier should ask casually, I think you better not be too enthusiastic."

Tuoba Song shook his head and said sincerely, "I don't care about these men and women, but He Lanmin has a special status, a witch who believes in the prairie people, and a messenger of God. If she is a liar, and the adulterer is the protagonist, The reputation of the protagonist would be a huge blow. As a courtier, you must maintain the prestige of the protagonist. If Liu Xian lied, it would be a big trouble if the protagonist really had this matter with her. Now. "

Liu Yu's face changed: "How to act decisively?"

Pulling Song Song gritted his teeth: "These I will discuss with the protagonist, relative to the sweat, a woman must give up, if He Lanmin can not predict, then no one on the grassland will believe the protagonist, only let He Lanmin shut forever Mouth is the best solution. "

Liu Yu said coldly: "Killing an innocent woman to maintain the prestige of the protagonist, is this something a loyal clerk should do? Pull out the lord, you are too disappointing me."

Tuoba Song shook his head: "That's better than the protagonist disappointing all the prairie people. He Lanmin's affairs must be resolved. Even in the He Lan Department, Liu Yu, if you can guarantee that He Lan Min will disappear forever, I can announce to the outside , She was stabbed to death by the killer sent by Liu Xian, maybe this is the best solution. Think about it, since your wife is a master of intelligence, I think she has the ability to do this. "

Tuoba Song's expression was firm, he saluted Liu Yu, turned and walked away, Liu Yu's face was gloomy, looking at the direction of his departure, and fell into contemplation.

A quarter of an hour later, by the river, Liu Yu looked out of Kobayashi, and the long convoy of the drawing department re-entered the road, still maintaining the shape of the march when he came, and heading towards Helanbu in the northeast. On one ride, he walked alone towards the northwest. Muronglan and He Lanmin were riding on horses, standing beside Liu Yu. The shadows of the three were cast by the sun and submerged into the river.

Murong Lan took off the mask on his face, exposing the beautiful face, gently brushing the fine sweat beads on his face, laughing and said: "Finally you can take it down and breathe it out, brother Wolf, you leave us both , Is there anything to explain? "

Liu Yu turned to Murong Lan and sighed gently while taking off his mask: "Love, why don't you ask me and choose Tuoba Silicon without consulting you?"

Murong Lan shook his head: "I said, Murong Lan will be Liu Yu's woman in this life. No matter Liu Yu makes any decision, I will support it."

He Lanmin looked at Liu Yu faintly and sighed: "I am still seeing you for the first time, more heroic than I expected. Sister Murong, good luck."

Muronglan smiled slightly: "You are also blessed, and you are about to return to your man, or you want to seize the man from the whole grassland. To be honest, I was also worried that Tuoba Si was murderous, but today I saw him even I can respect the enemy's body ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I think this person has a conscience. Maybe, he will be a benevolent brother, Brother Wolf, which is probably why you choose to help him. "

He Lanmin said with a sneer: "But he was obviously ambushing. Sister Murong, what you saw was that he treated the corpses of the enemy troops well, and what I saw was that he was prepared tomorrow morning, but he threw me down and threw his mother. Next, such a man, you said it was my blessing? "

Muronglan ’s face changed slightly, and he still smiled: "Sister Helan, you are more attentive. Tuoba Si stays with you and your sister in the Dugu Department, which is not good for him. Maybe he hides his strength, but he does not. On behalf of him, he even pretended to escape from the Dugu Department. Perhaps, he fled back here before he summoned his hidden horse and ambushed Liu Xian. "

He Lanmin looked at Liu Yu: "Liu Daxia, you are open-minded and don't tell lies. I'll ask you, what is the truth, is it what I think, or what sister Murong said?"

Liu Yu sighed: "Your expectations are good, Tuoba Silicon really intentionally left you and his mother-in-law, in order to make Liu Xian think he is really powerless to resist, this will bring the upper song to chase and kill him all night, and he It also happened to destroy it in one fell swoop. If Liu Xian brought the army to come, his strength could not be confronted. Only with this one opportunity, he killed Liu Xian ’s personal guard so that no one could lead his troops to fight. This was his defeat of the Dugu Ministry. the plan of."

Muronglan's powdery face is frosted: "Liu Yu, you tell her what to do with this, do you want her to turn against Tuoba Silicon? Even if it is true, there is no need for you to say it!"

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