Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1114: Tuoba Grottoes

He Lanmin ticked the corner of his mouth: "Dye-drying has always disliked me, and he has long had an idea of ​​the position of the big brother's leader. Originally, the big brother moved him out of another house, just didn't want to give him a chance, this time you come back, The eldest brother summoned Dye Gan and Lu also. It seems that you are wary of you, or you want to discuss with your two younger brothers how to deal with you. "

Tuoba Si smiled slightly: "In your opinion, how will he deal with me? Now he keeps me here, but does not allow me to recruit the members myself, it seems, or guard against me."

He Lanmin shook his head: "After all, you are not a member of the Helan Department. You will leave sooner or later, and dyeing is the real threat to him. The second is Liu Xian of the Dugu Department. It has not been a day or two since he stared at this eastern grassland. In the past, because there was no excuse to send troops, now you are taken in by He Lan, and he just has a reason. "

Tuoba Si shook his head: "But the Dugu Department is now separated from the crowd, and its strength is not enough. Liu Xian is not an opponent of the Helan Department. How dare you commit a crime?"

He Lanmin said seriously: "Ai, never underestimate your opponent. Liu Xian appears to be no longer a threat, but he still has one last move. If he is in a hurry, he can go to Tuoba Cave, and , Your mother is still in his hands and is a kind of containment to you. "

Tuoba Si's face changed: "Tuoba Caves? Isn't he Liu Weichen's person, how could he be mixed with Liu Xian?"

He Lanmin sighed: "Tianjin guided me to see a scene in which Liu Xian and Tuoba Grottoes were together, and he was a **** ally. He wanted me to tell you this thing, that is, you need to be prepared for it early, and never face it. The new strong enemy is caught off guard. "

Tuoba Si thoughtfully said, "If you say this, there is really a possibility. The Tuoba Cave is given by Murong Yong to Liu Weichen. He wants to be famous in Monan and form a threat to Houyan. Liu Weichen wanted to use the Tuoba cave to kill Monan, but the Tiefu Huns were the dead enemies of various departments in Monan. The Tuoba cave should stay away from him if they are clever. In the past six months, there were some tribes who ran to him. If Liu Xian's Du Gu Bu is willing to take him as the master and reconcile with him at this time, then Tuoba Caves may completely throw Liu Weichen away and join forces with the Du Gu Bu.

He Lanmin nodded: "So, you have to make preparations early. Here in Helan Department, you can't waste too much time. If you force Helan Department too hard and deal with them like the Dugu Department, you are afraid of dyeing and drying up. Lu will turn to Houyan instead. "

Tuoba Si gritted his teeth: "I have repeatedly said to Helane that I will never betray Helanbu's thoughts and even explain to him that I just want a stable place to live as a herdsman, and Without self-reliance, it was Liu Xian who could not tolerate me, not that I betrayed the Dugu Ministry. This time I did not bring my ministers over, only twenty people followed, and it should not cause him doubts. "

He Lanmin sighed softly: "Alu, I said, don't underestimate your opponent. If Liu Xian can unite with Tuoba Caves, he will definitely find a way to alienate your relationship with He Lanbu. In the war situation, he will find a way to tell Helane if they do n’t, why would Big Brother recall Yanran and Lu to discuss this matter? Now your situation is not optimistic. Kill you, your eldest brother may not protect you. "

Tuobagui suddenly laughed: "I don't worry about this, there is my eyeliner in the Helan Department, they really want to move me, I will know, let's say, all my brothers, all of them are worth a hundred. Warrior, it ’s not difficult to protect me from killing He Lanbu when necessary. It ’s you, Amin, some of your brothers just said that they want to tell you the old story, obviously it ’s to ask you about me, you are ready How to answer? In case you do n’t speak well, there is a risk of life. "

A hint of cunning light flashed in He Lanmin's eyes: "You are so anxious to drive me away, just because I am afraid that I will recruit things with you. God. Ah, I ’m right. "

Tuoba Si's face turned slightly red, and he smiled: "Since you are so smart, you don't need to say anything. I think that a woman who is so smart should be able to compose a reason for your brothers to believe. This time, our destiny is really tied together, He Lanmin, I believe you will not let me down. "

He Lanmin stood up with a smile: "We will meet again, my wolf master."

When He Lanmin's shadow disappeared outside the tent door, the scent of the wild lily left by her in the full tent was still there. Tuoba Gui closed her eyes and said softly: "You are right, this woman has already planned , She came back and would never die. "

The carpet moved slightly, and Liu Yu sat up from a pit. He let out a long sigh of relief: "You should dig a little deeper in this pit. It's too uncomfortable to stay inside. There are even more earthworms crawling on the body Go, in case there is a viper, maybe I ca n’t help but cry. "

Tuobagui smiled slightly: "Then you should blame your lady, but she dug this pit, time is tight, it is good to have a place to hide."

Liu Yu jumped out of the pit and sat on the floor opposite Tuobagui ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He wore a former wolf's human skin mask on his face, and his eyes were bright: "My intelligence eyeliner told me that Liu There have always been secret missions between Xian and Tuoba Caves. Since you just returned from Muronghui, it started. It seems that Liu Xian also made preparations early. If he killed you in Qijie Mountain, he would immediately turn around Support Tuoba Cave, or stand alone. Now he can only unite with your uncle. "

Tuobagui sneered: "My little uncle, incompetent and cowardly, I am not afraid of joining forces with Liu Xian. If he was with Liu Weichen, it would be a bit more troublesome. Now that he chose to be a friend with Liu Xian, he refused. Liu Weichen, now Liu Xian's power is weak, far less than the powerful Xiongnu Tiefu, if I were Tuoba Cave, I would not make such a stupid choice, but this is also good, I can temporarily ignore the affairs of Du Gu, Focus on here. "

Liu Yu shook his head: "You can't ignore Liu Xian, he clearly is not your opponent, but he can engage in assassination. Today I want to see you, just for this matter."

Tuobagui said with a smile: "I've thought about this for a long time. My brothers, who look like me every day, change their accounts with me, and Liu Xian's killer can never know where I sleep every night. . "

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "What if one of your brothers is going to betray you?"


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