Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1143: Move away from the customs

, The fastest update of the eight chapters of the East Hill and North House!

Tuobagui's eyes were bright and sharp, and his words were powerful: "And our grasslands and ministries are in fact independent. In order to compete for grasslands, water sources, and endless battles, even the sweaty orders can be ignored, so we will always be scattered. As soon as a strong enemy comes, we will defeat, conquer, and enslave! "

"This kind of situation, under my rule, can never be allowed to happen again. The promotion department can rule Monan, not because he has the largest number of tribes and the strongest military strength, but because I let him rule the south. Without this ability, Pao Song cannot convince the ministries of Monan. As long as you sue jointly, I will naturally deal fairly and choose another talent .:

"But if I am the king today, the first order I have given is not followed. Those who do not follow my order can leave here now and go back to your tribe. You do n’t need to recognize me as the king, nor will I Treat you as a people, and use the bow, arrow, axe and knife to talk to anyone who listens to anyone! "

Tuobagui said at the end, he looked directly at the neighboring houses of Helane and Putu, who were standing side by side under the stage.

Helane hooked her mouth, turned to smile, and said loudly: "The king said so well! Our grassland has been in a desert of sand for so many years. Tribal disputes are because there is no hero like you, so that everyone can unite, I believe that under the leadership of the great king, the grassland ministries will gather together like a family, and they will be thinking and working hard, and there will be no war and bloodshed. "

Lord Jiandi said with a sneer: "Kunlun God gave birth to our ministries, instead of becoming a name, that is, let us choose natural things to compete for our territory and population. If everyone keeps the old boundaries, never Change, how is it different from the weak Han people in the Central Plains? Or, the king wants to change the tradition on our grassland for thousands of years, so that these wolves become dogs, they will only guard their own territory, never go Open up your own world? "

Speaking of which, Jiandi Jian turned to the heads of the ministries and said loudly: "Don't you all want to abandon the lifestyle of our ancestors, abandon external expropriation and plunder, abandon migration and transition, and keep your ancestral home like the Central Plains farmers? Change? "

Many people followed the loud voice: "No, we will not change, even the big Shan Yu and the king can not deprive us of our freedom!"

A trace of coldness flashed on Tuobagui's face: "Freedom is not a reason for confusion. I have just said that what I am about to build is a slapstick, Sanda Kui, and my Tuoba. A powerful country that no ancestors have built, not only to unify the grasslands, but also to have the world. By then, each of your tribes will have endless pastures, endless cattle and sheep, and endless leather robes, Why do you want to rob a small river, a grass field, and beat your head to break the blood, or even a broken family? "

Many people also whispered and nodded.

Muronglan hummed coldly: "Your good Agan, his ambition has finally been exposed. He wants more than the whole grassland, but also wants the Huahua World of Central Plains, Brother Wolf, maybe you have committed this The biggest mistake in life is to put a person who is so capable and ambitious into this position. "

Liu Yu shook his head: "After all, he is just a person, and he can't go against the sky. Not to mention me, even the traditional prairie guys such as Yadi Jian, who would not agree with his ideas. I think, this Niuchuan meeting today, I'm afraid that many people will leave. If he can't hold back, maybe no one will listen to him in the future. "

Speaking of which, he looked at Helane, and his eyes flashed coldly: "Helane was really smart, he didn't come forward, and even pretended to maintain Tuobasi, but the provocative things and the wicked people all made the neighbors. Lord Jiandi has done it, and it really kills invisible. I do n’t know how my Agan will crack this game? "

Muronglan smiled slightly: "If it were me, take all the people who opposed it openly now, and kill the leading house. The others were imprisoned as hostages in exchange for the submission of other tribes."

Liu Yu shook his head: "No way, today all the leaders came to support him in the throne, only because he had different ideas from him, or even because he abandoned the thousands of years of tradition on the grassland, he had to kill the prisoners. Serve the crowd? If it is me, I will let those who openly oppose myself, and then send troops to fight against the ground, if you do n’t listen to me, use the old rules of the grassland to force the service, and if you listen to me, follow my rules. This is what a hegemon does. "

Liu Yu's words were not down, only to hear Tuobagui said: "I know that what I said today is not consistent with the thousands of years of tradition on the grassland, but what about it? , Also inconsistent with tradition, but this is how he established a powerful Khan kingdom, can resist the Central Plains Han Dynasty, leaving a long-lasting reputation, and now the history of thousands of years has proved that if we continue to disperse the sand, internal friction is better than unity Externally, it will only be slaughtered by others, and will always be enslaved by the dynasty of the Central Plains. If we want to be self-reliant and self-reliant, we will only unite ourselves first. "

"If you do n’t agree with my idea, I wo n’t be reluctant. You can leave this conference now ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I will prove to you the fact that the old tradition is strong, or my new method is strong, I will not be regarded as an enemy immediately for those who are walking today. You can not accept my orders, but if you continue to invade and harm other tribes loyal to me, occupy their territory, kill their people, rob them Cattle and sheep, then wait for me to face Tuobagui, our entire country, and the wrath of the Kunlun God. For this, I swear by the sky. If I ca n’t do it, I should be so arrowed! "

He said, quickly drawing a long pole mace arrow, snapping it sharply, and throwing it heavily in the ground, and an awe-inspiring momentum made him not angered, looking directly into the eyes of the house, showing A very calm light.

The house said vigorously and said: "Very well, then I'll wait and see how the king has used the new rules to make my grassland departments carry forward. We are in the neighboring department, which is just north of Yinshan, where we live. Together with Helan and Xuxi, we do n’t worry about food and clothing. We will not attack other departments, but I just want to see if you have a way to make all the grassland tribes eat and wear, without having to **** it! "

He said, turn around and walk away. The leader of the Xuxi cadre, the leader of the cadre, and the leader of the cadre, he followed his fight. More than 140 tribal leaders also left, which was originally a crowded venue. On the way, a lot of quiet, a lot of people who are still hesitating, all looked at Helane at this moment, it seems that his behavior will decide to leave more than half of them to stay.

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