Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1155: Analysis of enemy or friend

As soon as this remark came out, all accounts were silent. It turned out that several adults who squinted at Liu Yu and all their faces were dissatisfied. This time they changed the whole crown, and they said yes, pulling Song and Liu. Yu was an old acquaintance before, and smiled slightly: "Liu Zhuangshi, although you are not my representative, but the king is A Gan, that is, my friend, since it is a friend, please speak straight, as long as you say It makes sense that I will definitely support you. "

Liu Yu nodded, his eyes gleaming: "I agree with the judgment of the adults just now. The most dangerous enemy now is Murong Cui, who is hiding the deepest. He is now observing the movement of the grassland. The army of the grassland, as for this army, who is helping and fighting, it is entirely based on the changes in the grassland, and will make the most beneficial action to the country of Yan. Therefore, Murong Cui is both the most dangerous enemy and the most powerful enemy. friend."

Uncle Sun Pulu sneered: "The strongest man on the grassland is my king. Murong Chui is coming, and it must be to destroy my king. Is there any doubt? He can't be a friend at all."

Liu Yu shook his head: "No, Murong Chui's eyes are not limited to the grassland, but in the Central Plains. For him, the only definite enemy now is not Tuoba Agan, but Xiyan Murongyong. Both are The Murongs must compete for the orthodox of the Yan Kingdom. This is the never-ending enemy, and Murongyong killed Murong Yong, the former Yan royal family, in a pulse. It is equivalent to Murong, who is also the former Yanzong's family. Now Murongyong takes it again. The Xiyan Legion's clan traveled east and entered Binzhou, which became a great threat to Houyan. This is Muronghui's real enemy. "

"Like Tuoba Agan, in fact, among all the forces around him, the most dangerous and the most impossible to reconcile, not Liu Weichen, not Liu Xian, but Tuoba Cave, this is a dead enemy who really wants to take his place. There is no room for reconciliation, so Murong Chui ’s dead enemy is not Tuoba Agan, but Murong Yong, who stands on the side of Murong Yong, who is the enemy, otherwise, at least temporarily will not be the enemy that must be eliminated. "

Tao Song ’s eyes lit up: "You mean, only if the king clearly is against Enemy Murong at this time, can Murong stand on our side, not the enemy?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly and said in a sincere way: "Yes, Murong Yong actually has a hard time. He entered Binzhou and held a position with Fu Pi. Whenever a decisive battle is possible at any time, he must allocate 10,000 of the most elite iron riders. Xianhe Tuoba Cave is a guide, and sneaked into Daning City for thousands of miles, trying to eliminate Tuoba Agan in one fell swoop, not because of the direct benefits of eliminating Agan, but he believes that only by destroying Agan can he be sent to Liu Xian. He Tuoba Cave proved their sincerity, let them stand on their side, without Tuoba Agan's grassland, they will fall into the hands of Liu Xian and Tuoba Cave again, and then the powerful prairie cavalry will become Murongyong ’s killer can not only easily defeat Fu Pi, but even beat Taihang to compete with Murong Chui positively. ”

Wang Jian said bitterly: "A good dog thief, it was this kind of idea. I thought Liu Xian paid to hire him to attack the king. It turned out that he had such a malicious thought!"

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, Murongyong's ally is Liu Xian, and the puppet who controls the grassland in his hand is Tuoba Cave. With him there, there is no possibility of reconciliation with Tuoba Agan, so the king needs What you do is to make sure that the enemy you need to target the most is Murongyong, and Tuoba Cave who is allied with Murongyong. This is one of them. From a strategic point of view, you have to fight. "

Tuo Bagui smiled and said: "Liu Agan said well, what about the second?"

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly: "The second is the heart of a soldier, especially the heart of the most loyal warrior in Tuoba Department, Liu Xian, Tuoba Cave, the two thieves, as prairie people, His own **** for power, led the wolf into the room, colluded with Murongyong, used the most mean and shameless way, attacked the Tuoba Department for thousands of miles, and did not dare to face the Tuoba Department in a decisive battle, but took advantage of the night to bully the orphans and widows of the Tuoba Department Even the most cowardly and shameless villain cannot do such shameless things. From the Helan witch, to the female family members of every Tuoba warrior, they are brutally beaten by opponents. Is it even worth it? If such a thing happened to adults, would you still say so easily, and reconcile with Liu Xian? "

Liu Yu speaks eloquently, throwing the ground loudly, and only his voice is left in the tent, echoing in excitement, Tuoba Hui didn't speak, but his fists were tightly held together, and his steel teeth bite loudly, his eyes widened. Indeed, this is a humiliation that no man can accept. This time, Liu Yu ’s words inspired his anger. Although he did n’t say a word, he shared with Antong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and other guards. Like us, the silent silence contains great anger, like a volcano that is about to erupt, so that no one dares to approach.

Helane was also aware of this anger, and he reluctantly hooked his mouth: "This, this Liu Zhuang said very reasonable, but even if it is a dead enemy, you can also postpone the picture, first pretend to pardon Liu Xian, force him to Tuoba Cave fights with two thieves. In this way, our army has no effort to watch the enemy defeat. As long as our army's main force is not damaged, Murong Chui will not dare to commit crimes easily. Our army will clean up the remaining one, so that it will avenge Tuoba ’s family members without risk, is n’t it better? "

Liu Yu sighed: "Master Helan thought it was too simple. Liu Xian and Tuoba Cave failed the last sneak attack, and the elite main force was almost lost. It is no longer a threat. This is a poor knight. If you slow down, then They will be given the time and opportunity to reorganize, and with Murong Yong as the backing and mediation, they will not really fight desperately, because they will not understand the truth of the cold lips. "

He Lanna gritted her teeth: "If Liu Xian refuses to surrender, then wipe him out, but it is only ten days and a half months later, what's the difference?"

Liu Yu sighed: "Liu Xian's Du Gu Ministry, after all, has ruled Mo Nan for many years, even if the strength of the headquarters is not good, it can instigate and seduce many small tribes in Mo Nan, reverse the black and white, and use it for what has been used. At that time, Fujian Grassland still made many tribes famous, and Liu Xian, backed by Murongyong, gave him time to reorganize his chances, dragging on for ten days and a half months, just afraid to wipe out He is even more difficult. "

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