Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1161: 5000 Armored Archer

Tuoba Si gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "You two are equal to asking me to destroy all your belongings and all your fame, so I will destroy them all by myself. I will not hesitate to send out all the women in our Tuoba department to let the enemy ravaged, In order to get these five thousand pairs of armor, just give it to the Helan Ministry? I finally conquered the hearts of the various departments and made them willing to recognize me as the king of the grasslands. Kill me. "

Liu Yu sighed: "Do you think, with these five thousand pairs of vests, all the adults who participated in the Niuchuan Conference can compete with Yan Jun?"

This said the pain of Tuoba Si, he sighed: "I also know that the current strength is not enough to fight against Yan Guo, but because of the lack of strength, you can't surrender without a fight. This is not our grassland. Human character. "

Liu Yu laughed: "Could it be hiding in the tunnel of Daning City, listening to the wife and daughter above being bullied by others, this is the character of the prairie people?"

Tuoba Si said for a while, hatefully said, "That, that is just a temporary stopgap measure. If it wasn't for the complete acquisition of five thousand armored rides, how could I be humiliated by this kind of shame? You want me to suffer this now How can it be given to others just after the big shame is given to others ?! "

Liu Yu said quietly: "Because, why do you want these five thousand pairs of vests? Just to get these five thousand pairs of vests? It is not to have a strong military force enough to cross the grassland. If you have these five thousand pairs of vests , Still can't win, then what's the use? "

Tuoba Si said angrily: "Even if the Yan Army comes over my grassland, if I let go and fight one, there is not necessarily no chance of winning. I will be weaker than strong, not without. My Tuoba ancestor, when I first came to the grassland It ’s also very weak, but it has also played its own part. I have some tens of thousands of loyal warriors anyway. Even if other small tribes disperse as birds and beasts, even if He Lanbu helps the Yan army, they are no more than 40,000 or 50,000 people. No chance of winning. "

Liu Yu sighed: "Yes, it's not that there is no possibility of winning, at least this time it may win, but then? You have 5,000 vests, and He Lanbu also, Murong Cui sent more troops than that, even if Murong Cui himself If you do n’t come, you will also send a famous general. Your chances of winning are very low. Even if you are lucky, you will fight for all the strength in your hand. Then, from the Helan Department to the Dugu Department, to the Xiongnu Tiefu, plus two Yan Kingdom, will send troops to attack you, to survive the **** battle to meet the strong enemy of the Quartet, is it possible to win? Not only that, then these grassland departments, the leaders who hold you as king today will be like biting prey Like wild dogs, attack you in groups, and when the time comes, I'm afraid that the chance of surrender is gone! "

Tuoba silicon gritted his teeth: "If you surrender, you will be a dog for life, and you will not be free all your life. Besides, how can you surrender?"

Liu Yu said calmly: "It's still the old saying, give the Helan Department 5,000 vests instead of Helane, but dye them to Helan and Helanlu."

Tuoba Si instinctively wanted to refute, but suddenly he moved: "Give them two? Are you trying to provoke the civil unrest in Helanbu?"

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly: "The three brothers of Helanbu are not the same heart. Helane has always guarded the other two brothers, so you gave this vest to the two of them. It ’s easy to explain the power to contain Horane. After all, fighting on the grassland does n’t need this armor, and besides, you do n’t really train and organize this armor, your soldiers are not used to it. If you ca n’t use armor, it ’s better to temporarily deposit it in the Helan Department, which means you have no plans to compete with the Murongs in the Central Plains. Even the general Murong, who is here to lead the army, will let go of his guard against you. . "

"Instead, it was the Helan Department. With 10,000 pairs of vests, it would cause Murong's family to be vigilant and suspect that they were secretly accumulating their own strength. I believe that Helane must be training his five thousand armor, And if his two brothers get this equipment, they will be treated as baby and will be assigned to their own guards to train. In this way, it is not you Tuoba Si who is ambitious, but the three brothers Helan. "

"As for the source of this armor, you do n’t need to say more. No one knows where these armored equipment went. That night, no one knows where these armored equipment went. Your seized armor was captured by you. Thousands of tribal knights, many of whom were originally from the Helan Department. You sent them back to Helan to dry them. Helanlu said that the equipment was picked up that night, not only that they would not doubt Even Holande suspected that these two brothers had left behind. "

Tuoba Si's brow gradually soothed: "So you planned it already, no wonder I was asked to use the original tribal horses of the Helan Department to confiscate the armored riding equipment, and my subordinates only cut people. But this is the case With more equipment and five thousand pairs of armour, would n’t the Helan brothers doubt it? "

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "This is the benefit of your speaking today. You said today that if you want to change the rules of the millennium for thousands of years, not only many tribes will be angry, but also give these old people of Helan Ministry an excuse to escape, they can He said that he did n’t want to follow a king who wanted to enslave himself ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Instead, he returned to the hands of the Helan Brothers as before. Besides, the eastern Liaoxi grassland gave Wang Jian ’s tribe and let them leave their hometown. They stayed because they didn't want to stay away from their homeland. Since you let them leave, it's better to go back to Helanbu, and these armored horses are the meeting gifts they brought. "

At this time, Tuoba Silicon also laughed: "It turns out that all this is something you have planned for a long time, A Gan, you are really too talented. Then, once I gave Jiaqi to Helan Brothers , I do n’t doubt that with their greed, they will accept these, but will Helane feel that there is a problem? "

Liu Yu said with a sneer: "Helane originally abandoned these ministries. They did not come back. It was normal. Once Helane was badly angry and asked his two younger brothers to surrender these ministries and Jiaqi, the interior of Helane would be divided. Even if Yan Jun came and saw them like this, it was impossible for them to help them. "

Tuoba Si nodded: "But in this way, we have no armored horses. If Yan Jun appears behind us, I can't cope with it. What should I do at this time, surrender? Then what will my brothers think of me, even Surrender, I am afraid that there is no chance that the grassland will be king. "

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