Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1163: Hidden fakes

Liu Yu sighed: "Liu Xile is addicted to power and wants to find a backer. This is understandable, but it is never so stupid. Anyway, Jingkou is his home, and the Beifu brothers are his real reliance. And it offended the Jingkou brothers, it was Sheben one by one, how could he not be so astute? "

Liu Muzhi said with a sneer: "I'm afraid it's because I have held the handle. Last time Yecheng was defeated, even Liu Yingyang would have to bear the responsibility. He lost his military position and changed Liu Yi. At first, those high-family families could not find you to be angry, and wanted to find Liu Yi to blame, but now Liu Yi is safe and sound. Obviously, he is now forgiven by the family in power. In addition to the Kuaiji King Sima Daozi and Wang Guobao, Who can there be? "

Liu Yu said with a sneer: "Chaotang is dark, snakes and rats are rampant, and the country will not be a country. Do the Wang family, the Yu family and these big families all watch the DPRK government corrupted like this? Besides, the Kuaiji king or the emperor, they just want to What's the difference between letting Sima recover the power lost for a hundred years, drive away a family of Xie, and help another kingdom treasure? "

Liu Muzhi laughed: "I haven't seen you in a few years, but your knowledge has grown a lot. Yes, this time a new round of power struggle has begun. Sima Daozi originally wanted to master the Beifu Army himself, but the emperor and Wang Guobao is firmly not allowed, and Wang Chenbao's brother Wang Chen also intends to master the Beifu Army, and he also vetoes the emperor's brothers. This shows that no one wants the Beifu Army to fall into the hands of others. The three parties' open battle has begun. "

Liu Yu nodded: "Does Xuanshuai intend to be a man? You said Wang Gong, is the news really not?"

Liu Muzhi said in earnest: "My father-in-law said that the information should be accurate. Wang Gong had already sought him in private and wanted him to continue to serve in the army. The father-in-law asked me for my opinion. I told him You ca n’t go. Now, the general of the northern government in the town of Beifu, the governor of the five states, is not a good job. If you are not careful, you will be involved in the power struggle between life and death, and even the family ca n’t be preserved. "

Liu Yu said with a smile: "What you see is quite accurate. The current Beifu Army is what all forces want to fight for. They lost the common enemy of the Xie family. I am afraid that even the emperor and brother will produce contradictions. Suffering is easy, if you want to be rich and wealthy, even if you are a biological brother, you may not be able to do it. By the way, your wife is okay now, have you added a few fat boys? "

Liu Muzhi laughed: "But he gave birth to a son. The Northern Expedition had just failed, and Master Xianggong was seriously ill. Whether it is the Beifu Army or my personal future, or the future of the country, it is worrying, even more worrying. It ’s your life and death, so I named my son Liu Jizhi, a big fat boy! "

Liu Yu nodded: "It's hard to have a brother like you, and I think of my son after my name. By the way, how is my wife's health? I miss the meal she prepared for us last time. I have traveled all over the world all these years. , The sky is south and the north is north, but the feeling of that meal can no longer be eaten. "He said, thinking that before joining the army that year, Liu Muzhi's wife used to sell wine and buy meat, so that Jiefujun had just been in front of his family The humiliated past, I can't help but feel sad, and can't help but for the fat couples who have been in trouble together through the difficult years, and finally achieved something, and they are sincerely happy.

Liu Muzhi froze for a moment, then smiled: "Her craft is okay. Although she is a young lady, she has also learned some cooking skills from a few good cooks. After the last time you left, she I also do n’t know if it ’s not to your liking. I have to learn more. I ’ve eaten all kinds of delicious food all these years. I ’ll tell her when I go back, and she will learn how to do it. If you go to my house now, you can definitely Eat something different. "

Liu Yu's heart sank sharply, and he suddenly realized a terrible thing. The fat man in front of him was afraid that he might not have been Liu Muzhi himself. That meal must have been eaten by Liu Muzhi in his life. The most memorable meal, how could even the wife raise the eyebrows and sell things in exchange for wine and meat?

Liu Yu's brain was turning rapidly. The one in front of him was obviously a Xibei product, but he knew everything about Liu Muzhi's details, and even imitated him in such a subtle way. His ability, lurking around Xie Daoyun, was not even discovered. The big figure must be the most dangerous and cruelest assassin. It is most likely that the invisible black hand, the shadow group sent.

Liu Yu's back was cold and sweating, but at this moment, he had a new idea. Perhaps, from the fake, he can find clues about the shadow group, which he has been seeking for many years. The enemy may have exposed whereabouts on this fake Liu Muzhi.

These thoughts were just flashing in Liu Yu's face like electro-optical flint, but it still made him stunned for a moment. "Liu Muzhi" watched Liu Yu go away, with a smile on his face: "What's wrong, send slave, is there something wrong?"

Liu Yu smiled and returned to God: "I just feel a little bit emotional, why, why should I eat such a delicious thing, I haven't eaten such a delicious meal all these years, anyway In the future, I must let Murong Lan learn to cook with your wife ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I do n’t have to worry about eating even if there are three costs. "

Liu Muzhi said with a smile: "Did you really decide to go back to Jin Kingdom? You still have to take Murong Lan back?"

Liu Yu nodded: "Since Miaoyin is no longer in this world, whether it is for me or for her, I have to take revenge, and I want to let everyone who hurt me, so the people who break me up and Miaoyin pay the price, I Will return to Jin Kingdom, revenge! "

A trace of confusion flashed in Liu Muzhi's eyes: "Wait a minute, Ji Nu, what are you saying, Miaoyin is no longer in this world? What does this mean?"

Liu Yu's heart moved: "Isn't the lady saying that she has passed away, is she lying to me?"

Liu Muzhi's mouth was ticked, and he smiled instead: "She said that, it was not wrong, but this death, as you think, is not the same as what we generally think. She did not die, but Become a monk. Now Wang Miaoyin, the famous name of Miaoyin, is already popular in Jiankang City. The talented Bicunyi, even the emperor and the king of Kuaiji, are her regulars in Nuan! "

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