Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1169: Straight men in the grassland are more happy

At this moment, everyone laughed, and Tuobayi waved his hand and clapped the ground: "Ha ha ha ha, how is it possible, Liu Jingxuan, you, you are indeed quite a big job, but, but you are passing by. , I, I do n’t believe it, do n’t believe it! "

An Tong also smiled: "Yeah, that's a wasp. Ordinary people give it a bit, and it's hard to save your life. But if you go to Japan, how can you still live?"

Wei Guzhen shouted: "Yeah, yeah, I, my Japanese sheep are about to freeze to death, and live in undying days. You, what are you doing with the Japanese honeycomb, I don't believe it, don't believe it."

All Xianbei people laughed and said in unison: "Yeah, bragging, unbelief, unbelief!"

Liu Jing declared anxiously to point to his work and shouted: "You didn't see it, did you give Ding the bag? This is, this is the evidence left for Ding."

Tuoba Yi poured another big sip into his mouth: "Unbelieve, don't believe, your bag, who knows if it was bitten by a mosquito, or a bite for a woman! Besides, how can the bag that was given to the wasp bite stayed? right now!"

Liu Yu's heart moved. He is the person who drinks the least today, in order to keep a close look at Liu Jingxuan. Until just now, when Liu Jingxuan personally said that he had passed the past that day, his suspicion of Liu Jingxuan had been less than half. After all, although this matter was well known in the Beifu Army, people outside the military rarely knew it, let alone, Liu Jingxuan and Liu Yi were mad at the game. Besides, such scandals, apart from the prairie barbarians who drank too much, only those who are like Liu Jingxuan dare to speak out in public.

Liu Jing stomped angrily, put on his pants, and said, "What do you know? I used to have a horse honeycomb in those days, for the sake of betting with others."

At this time, everyone came again to be interested: "Betting? How can I bet on the honeycomb?"

Liu Jingxuan got excited this time. He smiled and glanced at Liu Yu, who was smiling without saying a word, and said, "At that time, Liu Yu and Liu Yi from the same country, together with a group of people, He Wuji, entered The Beifu Army is young, and no one is convinced. I used to conceal the fact that my father was a general Liu Laozhi, and no one knew my identity, that is, to show uprightly in all people, Let them know that the entire Beifu Army, tens of thousands of strong men, is my strongest Liu Jingxuan! "

An Tong raised his thumb: "Good boy, good man, that should be it!"

Liu Jing declared with a sigh: "However, after I joined the army, I found out that Qiangzhong has a strong middleman, and I don't care about others, that is, Liu Yu, Liu Jinu, press me everywhere, martial arts I ask myself Not worse than him, but with courage, wisdom, and the ability to unite brothers. I ’m not as good as him. In the end, finally, I sent my brother Nu to the army to promote Chengdu first. I am Liu Jingxuan, the first to convince! "

Tu Ba Song laughed: "Brother Liu Yu, of course, is naturally a hero invincible, otherwise, or our king will not, nor will he become an ambassador, everyone said, right?"

All the prairie men burst into unison: "Yes, Liu Jinu is powerful, Liu Jinu is powerful!"

Liu Yu smiled and waved his hand: "Luck, luck. Not worth mentioning. A Shou, you continue."

Liu Jingxuan said triumphantly: "It's okay to send the slave brother, I serve, but in the Beifu army, I don't have a suit for anyone else! But there is such a guy who wants to fight with me and fight me everywhere, thinking Fight for the second person who can be the protector and the owner, you said, I ’d better not send it to the slave, but also tolerate others? "

Tuoba Yi laughed: "Let him be a bird, if I am you, you must fight him to the end."

Liu Jingxuan nodded in satisfaction, said: "The guy who fought with me, compared with me countless times within a month, private fighting is forbidden in the army, so I can not compete with him, and this is my best Stronger than his place, so we are farther than drinking, climbing trees, running, peeing and peeing farther, eating and eating more, **** and **** more than anyone else! "

An Tong smiled with a sip of wine: "You are really talented, and you can even think of these methods. Let me think about it, what you said, that, what you said, just for the competition. "

Liu Jingxuan said bitterly: "You guessed it, Mom got a fuck. The kid came up with such a loss in order to win. He said that only a real man is eligible to be the owner of the Beifu Army, who is better than who The real man has to see who is the bravest. The general method has already been compared. It is better to be daring than the Japanese horse. In this way, you can see who is the strongest and more brave. ! "

Tu Ba Song's tongue was almost straight, staring at Liu Jingxuan: "Then, are you really like that?"

Liu Jing declared with a sigh: "Originally, I didn't dare, but I couldn't stand the argument of the people around me. When the brain was hot and a jar of wine was drunk, it would be real. Those two horse honeycombs are that It was found by the brothers of the people, and there was a big wasp in it. "

Tuoba Yi smiled: "Liu Jingxuan, you are ruthless, I can't do this kind of thing. Since you said this, I also believe it. I will say a word now, Liu Jingxuan is powerful!"

All the prairie men also raised their thumbs: "Liu Jingxuan is powerful, Liu Jingxuan is powerful!"

An Tong said with a smile: "Liu Jing declared great, but I still have two things in doubt. The first one is the one who is arguing with you. Is he getting better? In the final game, who won ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ The second one is that you have a horse honeycomb with a bumblebee on it. Is it still your life? "

Liu Jingxuan shook his head proudly: "To answer your first question first, the birdman, his grandmother, I got the horse's honeycomb in the sun, bit the half-dead to the wasp, and finally the machine was so swollen that it couldn't be drawn , Just put it on, but I was so cool in my heart, looking at him, looking at his mouth that couldn't close, I asked him, asked him, dare to dare! "

An Tong sighed: "General Liu, General Liu, this is obviously a game set by that man. He just wanted to kill you. Even if you lose your horse, you won the game, but your life is gone. In the end , Is n’t he still the owner? "

Liu Jingxuan thought of the past, stomped his feet bitterly, and poured a sip of wine into his mouth: "Let you be right, that dog day looked at me and said, younger brother Gan Bai wind down, this game, you won! And then turned around Go, then, then I fainted, but I could n’t wake up! But, haha, I can win this birdman once, and be happy even if I die! ”

Tuoba Yi straightened his eyes, looked at Liu Jingxuan and muttered, "How have you been a crazy man for so many years?"

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