Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1189: Huanxuan Suzaku

As these bows and arrows were nailed to the carpet, the Suzaku killers who had just fired their arrows had not yet had time to issue a second arrow, and they gave more than two long arrows through the neck or chest and abdomen. Without humming, he fell to the ground, and more than a hundred killers, more than fifty archers all died, leaving only more than fifty killers armed with knives and guns, standing on the spot, originally facing Liu Yu's The figure has turned to the outside.

A large bow was copied in the hands of Tuobagui, and under the guard of more than two hundred elite warriors, they strode forward. They all held strong bows in their hands. Wei Guzhen and other brave men led their own guards to surround these killers from all directions. Originally, more than a hundred people surrounded Liu Yu. In this moment of kung fu, they were surrounded.

A bit of resentful hatred flashed in Suzaku ’s eyes: “I should have thought that since you can pretend to be He Lanmin, you must have been prepared. Liu Yu, your growth is really great. If Xuanwu is still alive, I will be happy for you. of."

Liu Yu ’s eyes were gleaming and stabbed Suzaku: "When I take down your first level and avenge the tens of thousands of generals of the Beifu Army, if Xuanwu Lord is spirited in the sky, he will be more happy, Suzaku, you There are many evils, and today is the day when you and Huan Xuan gave you the first! "

Suzaku suddenly said, "Wait slowly, Liu Yu, how about we make a deal?"

Liu Yu laughed, stepped forward, and said sharply: "What is the deal you still want to do until now? Do you have the capital to trade with me?"

Suzaku sneered: "Of course I still have the capital to trade with you, your mother, your younger brother, and your good brother Liu Muzhi, don't you want to think about their safety?"

Liu Yu's eyes flashed with cold electricity: "There are ladies, there are Xie's families to protect them, and I forgive you, the traitor, it's hard to be bad, I don't worry about them."

Suzaku gritted her teeth: "Xie An couldn't even keep his life, Xie Xuan was dying again. Are you really sure that they can protect your family? Before, we didn't fight your family, just because there was no need, but you If it really hurts my life, my associates will naturally not keep your family! "

Huan Xuan's voice shivered a little: "Sir Suzaku, don't do this. There is something to discuss. You killed Liu Yu's family. Beware that he will find us desperately."

Suzaku laughed: "Master Qinglong, I thought you had grown a lot now, enough to hold this important position. It seems that it is still far away. In the face of life and death, are you so calm? Just panicked. Have you taken advantage of the enemy? How can you take over the post of Qinglong and plan for the world of the family? So indifferent? Your teacher should have taught you that the day you joined the Mafia, you have to put life and death out of our minds, because we all It may be dead, even if it is dead, our companions will choose the successors who inherit us. "

Huan Xuan stomped on his feet: "There is only one life. If it's gone, then what's the use of the latecomer? If my Huan's family is dead, how does this family have to do with us?"

He said, looked at Liu Yu, and gritted his teeth: "Liu Yu, you also heard and saw that those bad things are not what I have to do, they forced me to do it. Being restrained, my family, brothers, and foundations are like your family, giving them control. I have wanted to join forces with you several times. Do you think I want to be emperor? I want to join you and overthrow This evil conspiracy organization, only by eliminating them, can Jinjin be able to see the sun again! "

A trace of anger flashed in Suzaku's eyes: "Huan Xuan, you bastard, did you even want to betray our organization?"

Huan Xuan gritted his teeth: "Suzaku, no one knows it, it's a dead end. I don't want to die with you. You don't know Liu Yu. He won't give you these rash ways to threaten him. Ask him for mercy early. There may be a ray of life. "

Speaking of which, Huan Xuan looked at Liu Yu with a look of survival in his eyes: "Zhangshui shoots arrows at you, I also forced Qinglong, as for Wang Miaoyin, it was my wife Liu Tingyun who pretended to be their arrangement. I ’m okay, Liu Yu, you want to restore the Han people ’s mountains and rivers, and I also think, starting with my first father, I ’ll have an idea with you, these gangsters are stubborn from it, and he broke his Northern Expedition, I want to break into This mafia also wants to clarify their inner feelings, and one day, revenge and hatred! "

Speaking of which, his speed of speech is getting faster and faster: "These evil thieves said one by one for the sake of the world, actually all for themselves, fighting each other in secret, fighting each other, except Xie An, they are all conspirators, they joined forces. After hurting Xie An, he pinched himself again. This Suzaku secretly colluded with other people. The prosthetic hand Tuoba Hui, except for Qinglong, I wanted to be the boss of the Mafia. I just pretended to cooperate with them. Opportunity will definitely make you go back to Dajin. The Northern Expedition cannot miss you Liu Yu and Liu Jinu! "

Suzaku said coldly: "Huan Xuan, you little man, your master did not misunderstand you. He said during his lifetime that you are not loyal and can never be trusted. It is not as reliable as Tuoba. We did not believe it at that time. Today, I really saw through your essence, greedy for life and fear of death, no integrity, fortunately today you are exposed by Liu Yu's persecution! "

Huan Xuan said sharply: "My Huan family has lived in Jingzhou for a long time, and no one needs to be carried. Suzaku, today I am going to kill the world and kill you evil thief!"

He said, holding up the steel knife in his hand, his face was exposed, and he was about to step forward.

Liu Yu looked coldly at the two of them, and at this moment, he said disdainfully, "Is the performance finished? Disgusting? Not disgusting?"

Huan Xuan's face changed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ anxiously said: "Liu Yu, this is not a performance, this is my sincere words."

Liu Yu didn't even look at Huan Xuan. He looked directly at Suzaku and said calmly: "Suzaku, you said you would trade with me to keep my family and Liu Muzhi safe, but how can I trust you? How can you guarantee that you can do it ?! "

Huan Xuan's face changed, and he shouted, "Liu Yu, you wouldn't believe him. He's talking nonsense here, he's a total delay."

Liu Yu said coldly: "Shut up, you dog thief, the account between us will be counted later, now, I want to negotiate a deal with this mafia conspirator."

Suzaku smiled slightly: "You are a clever man, knowing that killing me here is useless. After I die, our organization will go underground, and you will never be able to catch it again. You can only compete with invisible and untouchable opponents Liu Yu, in fact, it is Qinglong who really wants to stop you. Although my colleagues and I do not approve of the Northern Expedition, but we do not oppose it, otherwise, you would have died in Yecheng long ago, and your life is for the future, understand ?"

... m.

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