Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1197: Huns unwilling Helan suit

Hetao grassland, Tiefu Xiongnu headquarters.

Thousands of people in ruined clothes and servants are all kneeling on the ground, and they dare not raise their heads. Five thousand fully armed Xiongnu cavalrymen are riding on horses, scimitars are on their shoulders, and they are surrounded by murderous eyes. After a large circle in the middle, the two of them took the lead and lost their souls, but it was not Tuoba Cave and Yi Fumo, but in front of them, they were surrounded by hundreds of guards and sat high. Liu Weichen on the stage.

With a gloomy face, Liu Weichen looked at the Tuoba Cave under the stage and said coldly: "Tuoba Cave, do you dare to come to me? Are you afraid that I will kill you?"

On the face of Tuoba Grotto, sweat has washed the dust and dirt together, except for these few ditches, only a pair of eyes are exposed, and he was originally high-spirited, and now he has no temper. I didn't even dare to raise my head: "I blame me for being confused for a while, believing the villain's gluttony and betraying the king, and now the soldiers have been defeated. I also asked the king to give me a chance. I will definitely be a man again and lead the king to recapture the Monan grassland!

Liu Weichen said with a sneer: "Opportunity? How many opportunities are there in a person's life? Originally we joined forces to capture the prairie, but you betrayed me at the most critical time, how is it now? Murong Yong has no ability to help you recapture Monan, now You, what's the use for me? "

Tuoba Cave raised his head: "King, please look at the part we have worked together for, and for the part of me and these thousands of people, forgive me, I will be your best A loyal slave will never dare to have another heart! "

Liu Weichen said coldly: "Tuoba Caves, you have lost everything, and Monan is already a Tuobasi. Your ministries, whether they live or die, are mine. I do n’t need your loyalty, I just want to You borrow something. "He said as he stood up and walked slowly down the platform.

Tuoba Cave was so happy in his heart that he quickly raised his head: "No matter what the king wants, I will ..."

He hadn't finished his words. He just raised his head and saw that Liu Weichen was standing in front of him with a terrible look, holding a shiny steel knife high, and he said a word in his mouth, revealing Ruthless: "Use the brain of a prince!"

The knife flashed, and Tuoba's head immediately separated from his body. Blood spewed out from the broken neck, flushing his head like a watermelon, rolling straight on the ground, and the side of the question No matter how dare to resist, the body completely fell to the ground, trembling: "The great king is mighty, the great king is mighty! I am willing to allegiance to the great king."

There was a commotion among the tribes of Tuoba Cave, and dozens of loyal slaves jumped up, rushing towards Liu Weichen with bare hands, and had not rushed out two steps. The Huns riders around them burst into arrows, everyone All of them have at least a dozen arrows, and the farthest person has only ran out of more than twenty steps, fell to the ground with unwilling eyes, and the rest of them dare to resist, all with Bevermore The same problem, please kneel down.

Liu Zhili went to Liu Weichen's side and looked at his father who was wiping the blood on the knife with a piece of sheepskin. He ticked the corner of his mouth: "Father, the horse returned, after Liu Tuo escaped, all of Liu Xian's people Surrendered to Tuobagui, Liu Xian fled to Binzhou alone, and went to Murongyong to go. Murongyong did not dare to send troops to fight against the alliance between Tuobamin and Yan Army, but kept close to the Great Wall and prepared to be with the former Qin Pei Pi decisive battle."

Liu Weichen gritted his teeth: "I don't care about things in the Central Plains, I only care when I can return to Monan, the unified grassland, and grandma. This time the good opportunity of God is lost, I am not reconciled. After Yan Jun retired , We went to contact the departments of Rouran and Tiele in Mobei and attacked Tuobagui so that he could no longer let him sit up. "

Liu Zhili shook his head: "Will the lower barbarians in Mobe listen to us? Although they are not convinced by Tuobagui, they are never loyal to our Great Huns!"

Liu Weichen said with a sneer: "Relax, the most tragic loss this time is not Liu Xian, Tuoba Grottoes, nor us, but Helane, who has been in the business plan of the Helan Department for so many years, and finally gave Tuoba How can you be reconciled after making a wedding gown? Be vigorous and stop playing. "

A child under ten years old, wearing a golden robe, holding Tuoba Cave's head in his hands, playing around like a ball, grabbing braids for a while, and rolling his eyes for a while The head that no one dared to look directly at was actually such a plaything in his eyes. This child is none other than Liu Weichen's youngest son, Liu Bobo.

Liu Bobo smiled and said: "Father, this head has a good shape. It must be good for making wine glasses. Can it be made for children?"

Liu Weichen smiled: "This is not good, the father will send this head to the Mobei grassland, tell those Rouran and Tiele people, be enemies with us, betray our fate of the Great Huns, you remember, fear is this The most powerful force in the world, if everyone is afraid of you, you will become a king! "

Liu Bobo murmured: "Fear is the source of strength, I remember. One day, I will bring death and fear to the whole world for the father's hegemony!"

Liu Weichen smiled and took the human head from Liu Bobo's hands, stained with blood. A little red mark was printed on this tender face on his brow: "Father believes you can do it!"

Yin Shan, Khan Ting, He Lan's handsome account.

Helane was ashamed, sitting blankly on the throne, while Helan Zhanqian and Helanlu sat on the left and right two couches ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The three of them bowed their heads in silence.

He Lanran said bitterly: "Brother, after Tuobagui wiped out Liu Xian, he distributed all the cattle, sheep, and belongings of the Dugu Ministry to the tribes, and even our members, even more than usual. Three times more loot, he did not take one thing from the Tuoba Department himself. After the battle, more than half of our members left and turned to the Tuoba Department. This kid is too cruel! "

He Lanlu gritted his teeth: "Now the whole grassland recognizes him as king, what should we do, should we really bow our heads to him?"

Helane raised his head and said slowly: "Now people are the real masters of the desert, and we can't fight it. I will ask Tuobagui to go to Mobei and give up the central and Khan courts, maybe Such a proactive bow can earn the peace of the tribe. "

He Lanran said bitterly: "If you want to bow your head, I'd rather die than succumb to the kid." He said, standing up, striding away, and his voice came down the wind, "I Go to Pu Tuo Neighbourhood and stay with the house, I will see if this kid will come and beat me! "

Helane looked at the background of Helan's dyeing and leaving, and sighed for a long time, only to sigh: "The hearts of the people are scattered, the tribe is not easy to bring."

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