Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1200: Hero traitor

Liu Daojiu dropped the **** in his hand and almost ran to Liu Yu in front of him. His size was slightly shorter than that of Liu Yu, but he was also close to eight feet. Enough, but still slightly smaller than his eldest brother. When he ran to Liu Yu, his eyes were full of tears. He could n’t speak for a long time. He said a thousand words. Finally, there was only one choked word. The words: "Brother, are you really?"

Liu Yu was dressed in black, black cloth, and cut the dragon with a big sword, just behind his back, his head was also a pair of hats, and the same tears in his eyes, looked at Liu Daogui, punched Hitting him on the chest, Liu Daogui groaned, his figure slightly swayed, motionless, Liu Yu's face gradually appeared a smile, patting Liu Daogui's shoulder, softly said: "Three brothers, you It really became a man, and the eldest brother looked at it, happy! "

Liu Yi's voice sounded from afar, with mixed emotions with mixed feelings: "Slave, are you really?"

Liu Yu raised his head and smiled at Liu Yi: "Xile, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The numerous guards in front of Liu Yi were all Beifu veterans, Liu Fan, Liu Cui, Zhao Yi and other tyrants were among them. These people looked at Liu Yu, and their faces showed a happy look, regardless of the relationship between Liu Yi and Liu Yu. They all had a life-long friendship on the battlefield. Looking at Liu Yu, everyone shouted in unison: "Slave, send a slave, send a slave!" The voice was loud, as if returning to the battlefield of blood and swords.

Liu Yu nodded to Liu Daogui around him: "Younger brother, let's go home again and express our affection, and now the older brother will meet them."

Liu Daojie nodded vigorously: "Brother, do the right thing first."

Liu Yu took a big step with a smile, took off the hat while walking, his expression was calm and firm, just as many years ago, on the battlefield where life and death intersected, the one who took everyone in the arrows of the sky to move forward Officer Beifu, as he walked, he vigorously hit his left chest with his right hand, just like the morale-boosting act of hitting a shield with a sword before the war: "One, four, five, two, five, four, one, eight, eight. "

All the Beifu sergeants roared in unison: "One, four, five, two, five, four, one, eight, eight!" Over and over again, as if with some kind of magic, it makes people listen, blood is in combustion.

The second monk, Diao Xiezhang, was puzzled and looked at Liu Yi, who was smiling and saying nothing, "What are they shouting, how can I not understand?"

Liu Yi smiled: "That's the slogan we shouted during the war, that is you are my son, I am your father."

Diao Xie was so angry that his mouth was crooked, and he immediately danced and danced: "All stopped for me. As a court servant, so vulgar, what kind of system!"

The slogans of the guards stopped temporarily, but everyone looked at Liu Yu with a smile, no matter what their status is now, the friendship of the robe that once lived and died together will never be outdated.

Liu Yu looked at Diao Xie and smiled slightly: "Diao Changshi, this time I know that you are already a genuine Southern Xuzhou Governor, if it is not because I am the status of a soldier of the military of Beifu, I really should kneel to you . "

Speaking of which, his eyes suddenly flashed coldly: "However, since Diao Changshi is a court official and a local clerk, he should respect himself. You are here to publicly frame a veteran who has served the country, who is it? Gives you such power? "

Diao Xie gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "You are alone in the enemy army, and there has been no news in the past three years. The official said that you have rebelled against the enemy, and there is nothing excessive. It is impossible for you to come back in your whole life. Let ’s fight heroes. Li Ling of the Han Dynasty is not alone, nor is he not informed, but did Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty still know that he voted for the enemy and treason? "

Liu Daoji suddenly exclaimed: "Diao Changshi made a big mistake. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty didn't know Li Ling's message at first, and thought he died for the country's war, and ordered praise. Until a few years later, the Han dynasty sent envoys of the Huns. I came back to the report and said that I saw Li Ling in the Huns. Even so, the Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not dare to confirm. He even sent several missions, and the private conspiracy under the cover of the merchants to go to the Huns to spy on the whereabouts of Li Ling. Li Ling is not dead. "

"At this point, the Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty still paid attention to the loyal martyrs of the Li Ling family and the military achievements of the Li Ling, and sent envoys to redeem Li Ling, but he caught the anti-strategies of the Huns. It was only in this rage that he killed the whole family of Li Ling and made a big mistake. Later, I learned that it was not Li Ling who trained the soldiers for the Huns, but another officer named Li. "

"But such misunderstandings have become immortal, and even Taishigong, who wrote the historical records, is very stern about Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Did you take Li Ling's things better than my elder brother? I did n’t even send someone to track down my elder brother ’s whereabouts. Even if I was caught for a while because of the situation, I was trapped in the enemy ’s country. Could it be that I ’d be a traitor? I asked my elder brother what I ’m sorry for Dajin. Is Chang Shi dare responsible for your words? "

Liu Daojiu ’s words were righteous, and with his full energy, loud voice, and decisive gestures, he choked on the blue and red of Diao Xie ’s face, and even the white powder could not cover the color of his current face. Then, even among his guards, a burst of applause broke out.

Diao Xie burst into anger for a while ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Li said: "Enough, Liu Daojiu, don't think that you can tell the official what you have done after reading a few books! Whether Liu Yu will be enemies or not will be inconclusive for now. , Liu Yu, the officer asked you, where have you been in the past few years, what have you done? "

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Diao Changshi, should you ask these things? Don't forget, I am the leader of the Beifu Army. My whereabouts and experiences over the years, even if I report, I am also the chief of the Beifu Army. To report, when I am a hero or a traitor, I have my own opinion. "

Diao Xie gritted his teeth: "Then you don't go to the new Beifu Army commander to lead the history of Yangzhou's assassination, the king of the five states' military commander Wang Gongwang's assassination, but he sneaked back to Beijing's mouth silently, what do you want to do? Do you want to pick up your family and escape to Fanbang? "

Liu Yu slowly reached into his arms and took out an official letter, which lit up in front of Diao Xie. At the end of the official letter, a bright red seal came into his eyes. It was the official seal of Zhenbei General's Mansion , Only heard Liu Yu ’s voice quietly sounded: “Diao Changshi, Wang Zhenjun has already punctured the Shifu Mansion in southern Xuzhou. His new officer will take office, and he will come to inspect how the soldiers of the Beifu Army are going now. After he let me go home Before you look at it, Diao Shi Shi, who was with him, will talk to you and say that your mother told you to go home for dinner. "

... m.

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