Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1209: Mu Zhijian's words into the palace guard

Liu Yu's heart warmed, looking at the sincerity in Liu Mu's eyes, it was no falsification, he began to blame himself in his heart, why would he doubt the dead fat man in front of him for no reason, Liu Yu stepped forward and pulled Liu Muzhi The voice of my hand also became a little choked: "I'm sorry, fat man, I was cranky, offended you, you, don't go to your heart."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "You should be thinking like this, Liu Yu, you are not the young man who has just left Beijing. The experience of these years has made you a commander. You will already stand in the army, even Let's consider the issue from the perspective of the church, and one day, I believe that you will have the power of the world. But before this day comes, you still need to go through many experiences, and I will always stand by your side. "

Speaking of which, Liu Muzhi hooked his mouth: "I, this person, actually don't have much lofty ambitions. I also want to leave a name for Qing Shi, and I want to build a career, but I don't want to get this through dark means. Everything, not to mention, the pattern of the world has changed, the decay of the family's children is inevitable, the future of Jin will no longer be a situation where the Mafia can call the wind and rain like the centuries, the Beifu Army, Tianshidao, and Only ambitious Huan Xuan is the hope for the future. "

Liu Yu nodded: "So I can't let Huan Xuan return to Dajin at this time. I keep him a life in order to contain the mafia, but if he converses with Wang Guobao's Daoist Party, he will seize the opportunity to retake Jingzhou , It's troublesome. "

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "As long as you have the Beifu Army, he would not dare to act lightly."

Liu Yu sighed: "The problem is that I can't master the Beifu Army now, it is Wang Gong who is in charge. He is not as calm as Master Xianggong, and not as calm as Xuanshuai. What I am most worried about is that as soon as he has the military power in hand, he wants to use the body The way to eliminate is to eliminate the difference, so that the world will be chaotic. "

Liu Muzhi nodded: "The teachers of Wang Gong and Yin Zhongkan are the great Confucian fanning and the emperor's teacher. The emperor originally wanted to reuse Fanning, but he was stopped by Wang Guobao and Kuaiji Wang, and he was demoted. Jiangzhou became a guard in Yuzhang County. In exchange, Wang Gong got the post of General of Yangzhou and General of Beifu Junzhen. He was really anxious to revenge his teacher. In his view, the root of all evil is this Wang Guobao in the capital, this villainous villain upsets the government, and only by removing him will Dajin be at peace. "

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, this time I came back from Guangling with Wang Gong. He took a car with me along the way, and the intention of wanting to do a big job could not be concealed in the language. I even asked how many older brothers I could call back. I could n’t answer him. I had to excuse myself to go home and take a look at it. I also wanted to ask you to discuss the countermeasures. By the way, those mafia, I ’m not embarrassing you now. "

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Relax, after the last thing, they can no longer harm me. Murong Lan has been with me recently. We merge and share the intelligence clues in our hands, your wife It ’s really amazing. A woman turned out to be the most powerful intelligence genius I ’ve ever seen. Sending slaves is your luck. "

Liu Yu's heart moved. Since he left the grassland, he and Murong Lan split their heads. He hasn't seen his beloved wife for about a month. He quickly said, "Where is my love now?"

Liu Muzhi smiled and looked at Liu Yu: "Yo, this name is different, it sounds like I'm going to have goose bumps all over the floor, love, love ..."

He called out in a strange voice, and then there was a wave of bad intentions, making Liu Yu's teeth tickle and hate: "Dead fat man, don't be careful, I will hammer you. Don't think I won't hit you if I haven't seen me in a few years "He said," raised his fist in the sandbag, and waved in the air, striking.

Liu Muzhi smiled and waved his hand: "Okay, okay, don't be so fierce, your dear friend is now at Zang's house. According to Mrs. Wang's arrangement, Zang's house was moved to Jurong area in the south of the city early. You 'S daughter took it to his wife in person, and just a few days later, your mother sent a matchmaker to raise the relatives. At that time, you can see your loved ones. "

A stone fell on Liu Yu's heart: "I really suffered her this time. I just had a baby and didn't rest. I had to follow us all the way, and I had to summon and arrange the people she left in the north. Reorganization and let them come to the south, I really should help her more. "

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "Slave, your love, is a very strong and extremely independent woman, not comparable to ordinary women, your career is yours, but her career is hers, you absolutely It is impossible to intervene, which is related to her life's efforts, and I am afraid that she will not be able to get away from Yan Guo. "

Liu Yu's heart moved: "You mean, she is still spying on intelligence for Yan Guo and serving her elder brother?"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Junior, I said that you might not like to listen to it, but I still have to say that Muronglan's surname is Murong, blood, and birth. It is impossible to change these things, even if she becomes Zang Aiqin. And it won't change. Don't think that she will marry you, and you will be disconnected from the clan, and be your wife with peace of mind. You have your brother, and she also has her motherland. You must be aware of this. "

Liu Yu sighed a long way: "No wonder she has been worried that we will one day ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Is it unavoidable today?"

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "When his elder brother is alive, you try to avoid leading the Northern Expedition. In the past few years, we will first resolve the internal affairs of our Dajin, wait for the time to mature, and eliminate the interference of the mafia. It is your real When you can build meritorious service, the best time is Yan civil strife, the sons are fighting, so that if you take action again, Muronglan can no longer stop. "

Liu Yu frowned: "Are you sure there will be that day?"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Is it still Murong's family without fighting? Rest assured, your ambitious wives and nephews will definitely make you wish. As for now, what I want to tell you is that the Mafia How are you going to deal with it, is it a temporary cooperation, or is it completely ignored? "

Liu Yu hooked his mouth and looked at Liu Muzhi: "So what do you mean? I need to work with them now to get a full-time job, such as being a general in the Beifu Army, to restrain Wang Gong from chaos. ?"

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "The Beifu Army has your old brothers in it and can't lose it. Besides, there is me beside Wang Gong. What you really want to control should be the capital, the palace guard."

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