Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1227: Master Wei finally shines blood spikes

Bai Hu settled his mind and took a sip of water, his tone slowed down a little: "After Fu Jian took up his soldiers, he joined forces with Yang Ding, who had fled back to Qiu Chi. He first abided by Fu Pi as emperor, and then accepted Fu Fu's title as Du Du. The military forces of Longyou, Lueyang Gong, and Yao Chang and his brother Yao Shuode repeatedly fought each other. After each battle, the body of the enemy was salted, and the whole army divided the food, called cooked food. "

"Long You has been producing destruction all these years. It is a desolate place. There are countless people who starve to death, but this ogre army in Fudeng has even blood-red eyes, just like the wild dog crows who eat corpses, look The opponents were so guilty that Yao Chang was known as a peerless yin and lord, but he gave this young man a streak of losing streak.

Suzaku's mouth was ticked: "Although it is not too unusual for people to eat each other in troubled times, but like Fudeng, the whole army is aiming at cannibalism. It really is not much. I think he did this. Not only because Longyou is short of food, but also to promote an atmosphere of terror to deter the enemy. "

Xuanwu sighed: "Yeah, Xiyan started his army a few years ago, and also used this terrorist method. Although there was no direct cannibalism, he divided the soldiers into captivity, and the rebels slaughtered in villages and fortifications. As a result, they were killed by this method. Guan Zhong, who has always been a strong man, has not dared to support Fu Jian. Now that these demons have left, it is unexpected that Fu Deng is even more fierce than that. "

"But between heaven and earth, after all, there are its own rules, so brutal and inhuman, you can run for a while, but it is rare that people are enduring, Yao Chang is not a restless person. I think he is now shrinking the front line, returning to the Guanzhong area, but withdrawing the main force to Ling In addition, the front line was elongated, the former Qin army had difficulty in supplying, and the captured place had to be divided into guards, and Yao Chang colluded with Liu Weichen. Heshuo cavalry can be used, which can be surprising and long-distance attack, so he will face a loss in battle. It can often be compensated by this strategic attack must-have. These two players have also played in Guanzhong for several years, and it is still a balance of power, but in my opinion, Yao Chang should be able to laugh to the end. "

Suzaku nodded: "I agree with Xuanwu. The best chance for Fu to ascend the soldiers is the wave at the beginning. Fu Jian just died, and everyone in Guanzhong Longyou felt his kindness and mourned his death, plus the most terrible Xiyan Xianbei just left, Yao Qiang didn't calm down, and the hearts of the people moved forward to the Qin. At this time, if Fudeng was struggling, he would go straight to the ridge and discard those new occupations, and force Yao Chang to fight against it. It is a good chance. of."

"Unfortunately, although he was fierce in tactics, he was very conservative in strategy, playing steady and steady, hoping that the mighty powers around the world would be able to return, and the opportunity was missed. Yao Chang was basically in Lingbiao, in Hetao Prairie, where there are large pastures, cattle and sheep. , Is his fundamental, and Guan Zhonglong You has long been broken, the land output is simply not enough to sustain the long-term battle of tens of thousands of troops. For a long time, Fudeng ’s sharpness has been lost, and he wants to win unless he has great luck or It was unexpected. "

Bai Hu sneered: "The longer they play, the better, so Luoyang is half safe. At least the threat from Guanzhong can be temporarily eliminated. This is the only thing I can do. When I came back this time, I also stopped by I went to Hetao and saw Liu Weichen. This guy is as cruel as before, but in my opinion, his son is better than his father. "

Suzaku ticked off the corner of his mouth: "Liu Zhili's question? Just one brave man, nothing to fear, this person will never be Tuoba Han's opponent. Tiefu Xiongnu missed the best time to regain Mo'nan, waiting for Tuoba Han When I released my hand to clean up him, I think he could n’t resist. ”

Bai Hu shook his head: "No, I'm not talking about Liu Zhili's question, but Liu Weichen's youngest son Liu Bobo, who was in his early tens, but it was cruel and unusual. That Tuoba cave's head made him a wine glass himself. , And his face was also peeled off and made a face. I have seen many cruel guys with all kinds of evil face, or wolf bone masks, used to deter the enemy, but the face It was the first time I saw the tear off my face, let alone a child over ten. "

Suzaku's expression changed: "This kid looks like he can't be underestimated. I can't think of such a figure among the Tiefu Huns. There is such a person on the grassland. With the power to be the king, whoever is the most brutal will have the most prestige. Now I am using killing and blood to deter every enemy who is against him. I have just received news that this new king of Wei has sent troops to fight against his old benefactor, He Tuan ’s allies, Pu Tuo and Pu Xi. "

Xuanwu smiled slightly: "This is something that was expected, but it was a little earlier than expected. He had just ascended the throne and changed his country number within a month, and started with his uncle's friend. The ministry shot out to rescue his friend. If Horland did n’t, then the person who abandoned the friend would be completely disappointed on the grassland, but if he sent troops, he would fight against the king, not to mention that the strength comparison is now far worse than the grassland. The original Tuobagui, even if it is of equal strength, just stood up and betrayed, it is also a matter of disdain. This is just two glasses of poisonous wine. Helane has only one glass to drink. I guess, he will still choose to follow Tuo. Ba Han confronted, after all, this can still fight ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Otherwise, only wait for the members to separate, and slowly wait for death. "

Suzaku laughed: "You guessed it a little bit better. Helane finally sent troops to support the neighboring troops. Tuobagui immediately withdrew his troops. At the same time, he informed the grassland that Helanbe was openly confronting the Lord Wei. The Ministry of Grassland has an obligation to discuss it together. Those who are willing to send troops to fight against it will get the loot after the war. It is the same as the loot of the division of the Dugu Department. With the benefits of the last division of the Dugu Department, all the departments of the grassland responded enthusiastically Within that, there are more than one hundred thousand riders assembled in the Shenguo of the new capital of the Wei Kingdom, and the Helan Department, the Sutu Neighborhood Department and the Suxi Department did not even have the courage to fight. North has fled. All the way, there are countless people who fled and fled, and even in Mobei, it is impossible to turn over again. "

Bai Hu sighed: "I always feel that there is an unspeakable force behind Tuobagui's kid. Although this guy is very powerful and ruthless, a young man in his twenties can actually conspire Wang Bazhi's technique is applied to this point, but I think it is very similar to our old friends. "

Xuanwu's face changed, and he sneered: "He was originally a disciple of Qinglong. It's not surprising that he learned some methods. By the way, Bai Hu, what do you find out about Qinglong's partisans and intelligence systems when you return to Guanzhong? "

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