Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1239: Lord Wei does not want to be a father

On the edge of Shengle City, Yingfenglingtou, Qinglong still wearing a black cloak, riding a black horse, eyes like electricity, coldly watching the distance more than ten rides all the way south, led by Huan Xuan has been replaced The Han people are dressed up and have a strong spirit. Even if they stand at such a high place and look at him more than ten miles away, they can still feel the immortality.

Tuoba Kun set his horse up beside Qinglong, raised his head, looked at the thick clouds in the sky, and sighed: "Whenever I stand here, I look at the earth underneath my feet, the people on the grassland, like ants, But as long as you look up and see the endless sky, you will know that the biggest thing in the world is still the sky, people, it is really too small. "

Qinglong ticked the corner of his mouth: "But in your teacher's current position, he will feel that the sky is very small and he is very big. King Wei, you will let me listen to me this time, and I thank you."

Tuobagui smiled slightly: "Compared to what Master has done for me these years, this is nothing. I will tell Liu Yu that Huan Xuan escaped with the help of his partisans, and I said that I was fighting in another department. He took advantage of the loophole, and presumably my Liu Agan would not have any opinions. "

Qinglong's eyes flashed coldly: "Compared to your brother, you obviously prefer your Agan, King Wei, I must remind you that Huan Xuan's talent will not pose a big threat to you, but Liu Yu Not the same, he will be your biggest obstacle to the Central Plains in the future. If you only want this love, you will sooner or later lose your cause. "

Tuobagui shook his head: "It's all too far, I haven't yet unified the grassland, and I haven't even integrated the interior, but teacher you are right, those of my brothers think they help me to take the position, just You can do whatever you want, it ’s too unruly. In my deliberation meeting, there is no etiquette, lip service, and even spitting. I killed the spitting general Li Su in public yesterday, he was with me Man, saved me on the battlefield and made great achievements, but I still killed him, teacher, do you say I did it right? "

Qinglong smiled slightly: "The nomads in the grassland have never lacked courage, but they have never seen discipline. This Li Su is a Han, but he grew up in the grassland since his childhood. You met Liu Yu a while ago. In their eyes, only the grassland talents are their own people, and the Han people are not credible. This time you used Li Su to be rude in the morning meeting and killed him. When you came to Li Wei, you also expressed to your other staff that the Han people are no more There are credits to outsiders. Your country is a prairie country. In this way, I think everyone will be convinced of you. "

Tuobagui smiled: "My mind, the teacher guessed it. It's just that I have encountered a problem now, and I need the teacher to help me solve it."

Qinglong said indifferently: "Is it Li Kedun's problem? Now you will not be entangled in He Lanmin anymore."

Tuobamin sighed: "To be honest, I have a strange feeling that Amin's child does not look like mine. It looks nothing like me. Maybe, it was in Daning City that night. In order to bully, which wild species are pregnant. "

Qinglong hooked the corner of his mouth: "These are doomed things, you can't control it, but the situation on that day was really confusing, not only you, but many of your subordinate wives are also pregnant with other children. There are not many children who give up their children and feed wolves. Now many people are staring at you. If they are not handled properly, they will only cause a new round of internal crisis. "

Tuobamin gritted his teeth: "Does the teacher want me to pretend to be casual? As a king, I can make my face laugh, but as a man, such a humiliation, how can I feel at ease and be the same?"

Qinglong's eyes flashed coldly: "This is the price you have to take to get the sweat. You want to get the five thousand armored equipment completely. Only if you sacrifice your own woman, you will take the sacrifice and the followers will follow up. Now you suspect that this child is not yours, but the trust and affection between you and He Lanmin is the only one left. If I remember correctly, after that day, you have not touched He Lanmin again. "

Tuobamin sighed: "I admit that I am not generous enough at this point, but I am a man after all, and when she thought of that night, she was so happy when she played with dozens of men that she was so good all night, I was so sick, I never wanted to see her body again. "

Qinglong sighed: "This is also what almost every one of your men is thinking about, but the more this time, the more you can't mess up. These women are thrown by you to the enemy. You didn't protect yourself. If you abandon them at this time, it will only distract people, and even make your people hate your original decision. Therefore, you do n’t like He Lanmin anymore, and then doubt that the child is not yours, and you ca n’t abandon them like some of your men. This child, abandon this woman. "

Tuobagui nodded: "I understand the teacher's meaning, I will continue to raise this child, I will go there often for He Lanmin, but I don't want to touch her again. Can you see this way?"

Qinglong's eyes flashed coldly: "You are already King Wei, and you should also consider your princess' affairs. Even if He Lanmin hasn't experienced that, he is not suitable to be your princess. This woman's relationship with Suzaku is very delicate. , It may also be the eyeliner of Suzaku inserted on the grassland, staying away from her is not a bad thing. "

"When Liu Xian seized the position of the Lord of the Dugu Department ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ it was to kill his own uncle Liu Juan, the son of this uncle has grown up, named Liu Luochen, he led his tribe a while ago, chased the horse Yi went to defeat Liu Xian, who fled to Binzhou, to be revenge for his father. Now Liu Luochen has a younger sister, very beautiful, you can consider marrying this woman, set up as the main room, in this way, it has enveloped the old part of the Du Gu Ministry The courtier also shows that you are forgiving, and you can resolve hatred with the enemies of the past, and you can stay away from He Lanmin justly. "

Tuobagui smiled: "Teacher, your move is really high, but there is still a troublesome thing. I once said publicly at the Niuchuan conference that I want to make He Lanmin a wife and let our children inherit. My throne, is there any way I can repent of this sentence now? "

Qinglong's eyes flashed coldly, and said in a deep voice: "If I remember correctly, there is a tradition of forging gold to sacrifice heaven on your grassland."

Tuobagui nodded: "This is a tradition that has existed since the Huns, and we also have it in the Wei Kingdom, but it is not common. It is usually only for very large occasions when ancestor sacrifices are needed."

Qinglong smiled, "Hey, hey," "It's good, so I can borrow the false gods to solve your trouble. But before I tell you, it is the story of Han Wudi killing mother Lizi, maybe it will help you." . "

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