Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1247: Zhu Liqing's thoughts

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "I took the backbone of the Beifu army to the north, and there was no harm to the mafia. They only needed Dajin's internal interests to guarantee their land and population. I did not hinder them, they did not object. My reason. "

Zhi Miaoyin shook his head: "You have also seen the mafia's Suzaku. Isn't it a dragon and a phoenix among people? Can you think of it? He can also think that you want to break away from their control and build a force that is entirely your own. This is Can they allow it? Master Xianggong ’s last northern expedition also agreed with them that the new northern lands occupied by the mafia, he only took the land of Hebei as a reward for the Xie family ’s northern expedition. This condition is more than what you just said how is it?"

Liu Yu's face changed: "This condition is higher than what I opened. The Mafia still refused?"

Zhi Miaoyin sighed: "Because Master Xianggong wanted to coax them to agree to the Northern Expedition, after the Northern Expedition succeeded, his powers could be overwhelming, and he could completely overwhelm the other three. At that time, they would not give them the land of the North. No matter what the grandfather Dang Gong promised, they will object. "

"Brother Yu, you are the same too. When you take the brothers of the North House to the north, they will definitely think that you want to take the opportunity to be independent and get rid of control. Your ability, they know best, they will never let you succeed independently so easily, so They will try their best to stop you. Your original agreement with Suzaku, do n’t hold too much hope. For the Mafia, lies are the basic rules of survival. My parents have the most painful lessons in this regard. "

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "If I go to Luoyang to help defend the city, and then retake the territory occupied by the Ding Ling Zhai, so righteous, how can they stop me?"

Zhi Miaoyin shook his head: "Brother Yu, these are your own things. The court did not order you to expand the land to the north, and did not even allow you to take so many brothers to Luoyang. If the Mafia is more true, you start, It can cure you a crime of congregation conspiracy. "

Liu Yu said with a sneer: "I will not be stupid enough to take hundreds of people, thousands of people on the road together, we will go separately, and finally meet in Luoyang."

Zhi Miaoyin sighed: "On such a large-scale operation, the Mafia cannot be without any awareness. As long as you move, they will know your intention. If they agree to go to Luoyang, it will not stop, if you want to stop, Then, as long as you know Zhu Xu in Yuzhou, Luozhou in Luoyang, you can be taken down on the spot. "

Liu Yu shook his head: "Although I am not very familiar with General Zhu, his loyalty is well known to Dajin. In the past few years, he has guarded Luoyang and has repeatedly repelled the gangsters and Ding Ling's offenders. The defense line in the north has been stabilized. If I help him, he will be happy. How can he listen to those Mafia and take me down? "

Zhi Miaoyin shook his head: "You too underestimate the means of the Mafia, especially the means of controlling people. General Zhu's family members are all in Jiankang, giving them control, even if General Zhu regards the national interest as higher than his family's safety. , They also have a way to remove General Zhu and replace them with people to Luoyang. "

Liu Yu's face changed: "They wouldn't be so stupid, this is self-destructive, leading the enemy to invade, the Central Plains lost, what benefit does the Mafia have?"

Zhi Miaoyin sighed: "Do you think the Mafia will care about Zhongyuan's gains and losses? Will it care about Luoyang falling into the hands of Huru again? If you are allowed to become independent in the Central Plains and become a climate, no longer controlled by them, then That ’s why they are really coming. Even if you throw away the whole north of the Yangtze River, Bashu and Jingxiang, they will stop you. It is not impossible to attract the Yan Army to invade. "

"Huan Wen, as the son-in-law of the emperor, controlled the Jingzhou through the Northern Expedition, and since then he has been able to fight against the Mafia family, and now it is a big deal. With this precedent, do you think the Mafia will make you the second Huan Wen? What ’s more, for Huanwen, if they ca n’t do it, they can stand as a monarch and change the dynasty, as long as they continue to guarantee the interests of their family, but how can you talk about it? Will you give up your ideal of Northern Expedition and compromise with them? "

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "My northern expedition was to complete the expulsion of the Huru and restore the ideals of the Han family and the mountains, and it did not conflict with their family world. This point, I told the Suzaku on the grassland very clearly. I also wanted to go to Luoyang. The backbone of the Beifu Army avoids the upcoming civil war. If they do n’t let this go, then I ’m welcome. The old and new hatreds will be settled with them. "

Zhi Miaoyin looked at Liu Yu motionlessly and sighed faintly: "The thing that fascinated me most in the past is that this person is not afraid of any strong enemies, nor any momentum of hardships and obstacles, which is not what the children of the family have. , Maybe because they have the best things in their lives, so they lack a lot of energy. Well, brother Yu, you are here today, what do you want me to do to help you? "

Liu Yu hooked his mouth and said: "Why do you say this, can't I not meet you again for a long time? This makes me feel that I am using you, do you look at me like this now?"

Zhi Miaoyin shook his head: "You didn't use me ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You are trying to realize your dream, you want to come to see me, but you don't know how to face me, because you have something else around you now Woman, you are afraid of not being able to face my grievances, and even more afraid of being in a moment of uncomfortableness with yourself, doing something with me and hurting Murong Lan, so, you want to see me, but you ca n’t come to see you. In pain. If Murong Lan didn't let you come today, you wouldn't show up. "

Liu Yu opened his eyes wide: "How do you know these things? Murong told you?"

Zhi Miaoyin closed her eyes: "We are all women. I will try to think about this issue from her perspective. She is obsessed with you and does not want you to be at risk. You just go to Luoyang in this way. The future is unpredictable. Her intelligence Although this skill is strong, it cannot affect the top management of Dajin. Therefore, only beg me to tell the emperor that what you are doing in the north is beneficial to his Sima world, so that the emperor can rule out all the actions of the mafia and guarantee you The realization of the plan, right? "

Liu Yu looked at Zhi Miaoyin's face, the calm look, the emotion in his heart, all his thoughts, calculations, were said by this stunning beauty, somehow, when he was with him, there would always be a This kind of invisible pressure, it seems that all of her ideas are beyond her calculations. This unspeakable pressure is even stronger than the mystery of being with Murong Lan, hiding too many secrets and thoughts.

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