Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1311: Defend the Civil Service

When Liu Yu's figure turned over the tower, a slender figure suddenly emerged from the corner of the tower, a scent of wind blowing, Liu Yu took a step back with a smile, Murong Lan's hair swept over his The tip of the nose, behind Qingsi, was a look of anger.

Liu Yu smiled and said: "Love, what makes you unhappy?"

Murong Lan ’s eyebrows were tightly locked: "How can you be so brave, regardless of your life, just stand alone at the head of the city, Liu Yu, now you, but the general of the city, is not just a small officer as before, Your life and death can affect the lives of two thousand people. Even if you do n’t want to die, you have to consider it for them. "

Liu Yu shook his head: "Don't I come here all these years? Don't worry, they can't hurt me. Today they threw these ordinary people into the city, just to provoke us, if I don't come forward to counter Murong Yong, I am afraid that the disciples of Heavenly Master will go out of town to fight impulsively, which will disrupt my overall plan. "

Muronglan ticked his mouth and said: "Forget it, I don't want to tell you much about this matter. You can take care of yourself in the future. I am really overwhelmed by how you can play such a hooligan, and actually do it in the city head."

Speaking of which, Murong Lan's face turned slightly red, but his eyes were fixed on Liu Yu's belly.

Liu Yu smiled and stepped forward, whispering in Muronglan's ear: "What's wrong, baby, do you miss my little brother?"

Muronglan was embarrassed and took a sip: "Can you be a little serious, thinking about something day and night in your head. But you swear to me, you can only be with me, there can be no other women, Today you showed your work to tens of thousands of people, and it ’s not a shame. "

Liu Yu laughed: "Men, what's the matter, let's say a guy on the battlefield exposes his **** to humiliate the enemy. This is the conventional method. Murong Yong wants to drink. I don't urinate him a pot in public. Dear love, today I am not a simple verbal dispute with him, but trying to irritate each other. Only by letting him lose his mind can we have an opportunity. "

Murong Lan nodded: "I know your intentions, but, anyway, you are now a city leader, not Jingkou, but also pay attention to the image. Besides, you didn't have any pants at that time. Arrows go out, how can you hide because of your inconvenience? "

Liu Yu said with a smile: "It's negligent at this point, okay, I promise you that I won't do such a thing in the future."

Muronglan smiled: "It's almost the same. However, you don't have to go to save the people. Murongyong has many tricks. Maybe you will ambush the dead killer among the people, and you don't know. If you go to save yourself, If the raid was attacked from behind, he wouldn't be able to cry. "

Liu Yu put a smile on his face and said sincerely: "This is the reason why I want to go in person instead of handing it over to the Raptors and Ayu. They have no problem with their combat skills, but they lack experience. After the move, he could n’t have thought about our attack, so this time I ’m going to go the other way instead of going the tunnel. ”

Murong Lan's eyes widened: "What, don't go through the tunnel? How do you get out of the city?"

Liu Yu pointed out of the city: "Isn't there a suspension bridge? At that time, the prisoners were near the city. We opened the suspension bridge to kill them, dispersed the people, and rescued the people directly. The people who are watching from the rear cannot be a strong combat force. Therefore, as long as I mention five hundred sharp soldiers and kill them with me, I can rescue at least five thousand people from the top half an hour. "

Speaking of which, he ticked his mouth: "Your worry also makes sense. There are thousands of surnames who are mixed with enemy soldiers and will raid our backs, so I need you and your capable men to put on the people. Clothes are mixed in the crowd, you do n’t have to fight against the enemy, you just need to help us watch behind you. ”

Murong Lan nodded: "Understood, this is what I am good at, but if you kill like this, the people run around and will rush your formation. Then the people in the back will scramble to grab the suspension bridge, and the front Seeing that there is a chance, Yan Jun will be able to attack with force. If one is not careful, he may go back and forth. "

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly: "If there is a fat man, the order will be arranged. What you have to do is to ensure that the evacuation of the people in the rear will not destroy the criminals and gangsters. Once you find someone disrupting things, I will immediately remove them. I The five hundred elite Beifu veterans in their hands can be regarded as ten. Even your eldest brother's armor and riding equipment can't quickly crush us. Even if you sacrifice a little, it is worthwhile to rescue these people. "

Murong Lan sighed: "But to replace these ordinary civilians with no combat effectiveness with the outstanding warriors, let alone most of them women and children, is it worth it? After saving them, they still have to consume valuable food in In their body, this does not comply with the art of war. "

Liu Yu said with anger: "Not everything in this world must be based on the art of war, and the art of war also requires us to slaughter the city and the people to divide us into captivity, but these do not conform to the way of benevolence, war is indeed a brutal means, but we Soldiers are humans, not beasts. When we join the army, we must defend our country, our family is a small family, and our country is a great country. What we really want to protect is not the tens of thousands of weak people you say, women and children? www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is our bounden duty as a soldier. Even if there are sacrifices, even if some food is consumed, it is worthwhile. In this battle, we must not only win, but also the hearts of the people. The Jin soldiers, their children, will not abandon them and give them up. "

Muronglan sighed quietly: "Your opinion is always beyond my expectation. I think it is too simple. However, this battle should not last more than a month. If we can rescue the captives of these Chinese people today, It will make Murong Yong no human shield, and then he can only attack. "

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Now I am going to organize the attack team, you should be prepared."

Muronglan turned around and disappeared in the corner of the city wall. Her voice came from a distance: "Pack it on me, behind you, I will protect it."

A quarter of an hour later, Liu Yu had been heavily armored, holding a dragon-slicing sword and straddling a battlement with one foot. After face-to-face, he looked at the situation in front of him, and looked at the situation in front of him. The formation has been dispersed. Four or five thousand people crying and crying, and over half of the people are women and children. They are driven by the wolves of the Xiyan army with shields and crossbows, like a flock of sheep. Slowly march towards Jin Yongcheng. Liu Yu took a deep breath and turned to the more than 400 heavily armed soldiers who had lined up under the city and said, "Brothers, follow me!"

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