Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1343: 2nd Generation Military City Head Pair

In Luoyang's city head, Zhu Xu and Liu Yu stood side by side, and the most recent guards retreated a hundred steps away, leaving two people with plenty of room for conversation. Zhu Xu looked at the wide-open gate, and the flow of people was like a crucian carp. , Pushing the car, carrying the package, and happily going out of the city, and those who were wearing the blue robe of the disciples of the heavenly masters were particularly striking in these crowds, all the way, the sound of chanting and singing notes continued all the way, let People will doubt whether Luoyang is a huge dojo.

Liu Yu sighed softly: "Did we really win this battle?"

Zhu Xu shook his head: "I am afraid that only Lu Xun is the real winner. Even Dong Chang believed that the war was won by the celestial master Taoist who forgot his life and forgot to die. I have to say that these demon people's ability to confuse people and let these The ability that ordinary people believe in is really admirable. "

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly: "So we must not let them continue to use this ability to turn the Central Plains and the North into theirs. If Lu Xun really got the official position he wanted, he would have a legal mission. Conditions, that is even more unstoppable. "

Zhu Xu sighed: "I have played more than a dozen chapters on the rapid development of Heavenly Master Taoism in the Central Plains. I have not broken it in the past few years, but no one in North Korea and China ignored it. I am afraid that there are people behind them. The development is fast, as a thing that I can't do in Yuzhou's history, they can't get the money and medicine, but they are demanding and demanding. Today's battle is a battle where they show their strength to the world. To be honest, I was shocked. It ’s even more shocking than when I saw you breaking the million Qin army in Feishui. "

Liu Yu nodded: "General Zhu, I have always wanted to ask you a question. Now, you, as a prince in Yuzhou, but you can't leave Luoyang by government decrees. You are almost alone in this Central Plains. Can you be satisfied with this situation? ? "

Zhu Xu shook his head: "You can't be satisfied with anyone else, Liu Yu. There are no outsiders here today. We can also say something. I know you want to go northward, just like I thought when you were your age, but I must tell you that the Northern Expedition is not so easy, and it is not possible to succeed with a chamber of blood. I have personally experienced Huan Gong ’s Northern Expedition and participated in Xie Xianggong ’s Northern Expedition. The blood is already cold. "

Liu Yuzheng said: "General Zhu, you have great contributions to the country, and you have great talents. You should not be so negative. In recent years, Dajin has almost lost all the results of the last Northern Expedition. The only place where the Central Plains is preserved is to rely on Your perseverance here, your merits, your struggle, those families who are above the court, the ministers deliberately turned a blind eye, but I Liu Yu is very clear, to say that now Dajin makes me the most admired person, you Definitely one of them. "

Zhu Xu said quietly: "You do n’t have to hold me up so high, what is my ability, what do I think, the most clear in my heart, the last time Xie Gong ’s Northern Expedition, the real main force was the Beifu Army, his real The idea was to hit the Yellow River, occupy Hebei, and take advantage of the situation. But here, we took advantage of the fall of the former Qin and picked up a lot of lost ground. Later, when you were defeated in Yecheng, the Beifu Army retreated for a thousand miles. I should become the second line, but at the forefront. My history of thorns is just to do my duty. I am weak and ambitious. I can only surrender the territory. After all, Luoyang is the capital of Dajin and cannot be in me. Lost in hand. "

Speaking of which, there was a tear in Zhu Xu's eyes: "Liu Yu, after all, I was defeated and captured. This is a shame that I have never cleaned in my life. The reason why I did not commit suicide at the time was to stay useful. Body, and then try to repay Dajin, finally, in Fei Shui made me get what I wanted, but this is after all a stain that I cannot wash in my life. Although the court promoted my officials, how do those who really hold power look at me, I The best is clear, so I am not asking for merit, but I am asking for nothing. In any case, I cannot let Luoyang gain and lose in my hands. "

"I am very grateful to you for helping me to keep Luoyang this time. I also know that you want to take advantage of Murong Yong's defeat, chase all the way, and even charge for Bingzhou, but this style of play is too risky. Now you have turned your face with Lu Xun. Tianshi Tao will become our most dangerous enemy in the Central Plains. With a little carelessness, Luoyang will become something in their pockets. I cannot afford this risk. "

Liu Yu shook his head: "Lu Xun, after all, are the people of Dajin. They dare not directly attack Luoyang as blatantly as Murong Yong. This may be a bit too much for Zhu Tingshi."

Zhu Xu sighed: "You have also seen Lu Xun's means to give people medicine to turn tens of thousands of people into monsters that are neither human nor ghosts. What he really wants is my post in Yuzhou. With the official body, his missionary, sermons, and expansion of power can all be logical. If I leave Luoyang, he can let Kaidong first, let Zhai's Ding Ling and Zhang Yuan's soldiers and horses seize Luoyang, and then Drive them away, so that he became the hero of the restoration of Luoyang, and I am the criminal who lost the ground. My personal life and death is a trivial matter, but if the Central Plains fell into the hands of Lu Xun like this, Dajin would be dangerous! "

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Zhu Tingshi is devoted to the country and admired by his juniors, but I have a plan to deal with what you are worried about. Before I set off, I have arranged for a reserve soldier to assist Malay ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ They will take over your troops to guard Luoyang, and will never be taken by Lu Xun or other Huru. "

Zhu Xu was surprised: "Can you mobilize the army now?" As soon as he said this, he realized that it was inappropriate. After all, Liu Yu used Liangzhou soldiers to beat Xiyan Wangci many days ago. He hooked the corner of his mouth: "Is it a troop of glitch history? Now I heard that Guan Zhong has changed, Dou Chong, Yang Ding are delaying Hanzhong Hu Shi, and his army can't give up its defense zone, come and guard me Luoyang. The last time I helped you was just speed and speed, this time it was even more impossible. "

Liu Yu smiled and waved his hand: "Zhu Tingshi misunderstood. I'm not talking about Liangzhou soldiers and horses, but two-way reinforcements, enough to keep Luoyang and deter all enemies in the dark and dared not make orders."

Zhu Xu's spirit revived: "Which two soldiers?"

Liu Yuzheng said: "All the way is Huanxuan's Jingzhou soldiers and horses. He intended to transfer away the guards of Hongnong and Shaanjun, which caused the opening of Luoyang's gateway and attracted Murong Yonglai to attack Luoyang. Warriors and horses can also make you a scapegoat, but now we have a great victory over Murong Yong, and his calculations have all failed. In order to fight for more benefits, I bet this Jingzhou prince will definitely lead his victorious master, starry night Hurry here. "

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