Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1365: Yandi Qinglong meet again

Three days later, Yecheng, the ruins of Tongquetai.

Murong Cui dressed in a humble cloth, sitting alone on the edge of a small pool, he was wearing a hat, fishing alone in the pond, immobile, no one saw it, and would not believe that the emperor Houyan, the famous war **** Murong Cui , Actually dressed as a fisherman here, is it because he is tired of the days of swords and swords, and wants to seek a peace?

A figure covered in a black robe appeared silently behind him, the sun shining on the blue dragon mask, shining, but it was bright but behind the mask, a pair of sharp old eyes.

Murong Chui did not look back and said calmly, "My old friend, are you here?"

Qinglong nodded: "You are still willing to see me now, I am very moved."

Murong Chui smiled slightly: "We don't need to say this. If you are not a think tank for Tuoba, I will only kill you with a knife. Every time I see you, I will think of me for more than ten years. In the past, these bad memories, fewer and fewer people know. "

Qinglong smiled and said, "If I don't have the capital to talk to you about the world's major events, how dare I show up and come to you easily? Old man, we don't need to talk secretly as a bright man."

Murong Xiao put his smile down, stood up, turned slowly, and looked directly at Qinglong, and finally his eyes fell on his one-piece, swallowing throat, and a trace of intolerance flashed on his face: "It seems that Suzaku's ambush on you was really ruthless. It could be hurt like this. It's not easy to retrieve your life."

Qinglong said coldly: "Living is the most important thing. Only when you are alive can you do what you want to do. Revenge the revenge you want. If you die, you will die for a long time."

Murong Chui suddenly laughed: "I love to hear this, no matter how hard or painful, I have to live. This is probably the biggest consensus we can reach in my life. My old friend, let ’s just say it, this time. Here, what do you want me to do, and what are you going to exchange for? "

Qinglong hooked the corner of his mouth: "I want you to do it, it's very simple. Hold Muronglan, don't send troops to destroy Xiyan. This is easy for you."

The smile on Murong Chui's face slowly dissipated, and his brows gradually wrinkled: "Don't destroy Xiyan, why? They are the traitors of Dayan, the enemy, the emperor who killed Dayan, if I don't destroy them, then now What is the destiny of this throne? "

Qinglong smiled slightly: "If Murong Yong killed Murong Chong, how could you take the throne? Speaking of it, you have to thank the army and men."

Murong smiled and said: "You are right, I have to thank Murong Yong for helping me solve Murong Chong. Otherwise, my Wu King will have to take the throne of his nephew in the future. Helped me solve this trouble, I can only thank myself. As for the surface, hey, they still have to discuss it. "

Qinglong nodded: "But you don't need to destroy them now, it's not good for you."

Murong raised his eyebrows: "Murong Yong attacked Luoyang this time, and he lost half of his elite damage. Now Liu Yu has crossed the Yellow River and pursued for thousands of miles. He withdrew Jinnan soldiers and horses, and defended the Huozhou Gorge. Abandoned, Murongyong can resist me now, only the danger of Taihang Mountain. If we join forces at this time, I will bypass Monan and pass through Yanmen and Mayi, then Murongyong ’s Taihang defense line will be useless. , I and Liu Yu fought north and south, and they will be wiped out. "

Qinglong smiled slightly: "Yes, that's true, but after Murongyong is eliminated, what should you do? What are the benefits?"

Murong cried with a smile: "Alan brought Liu Yu's conditions. As long as Liu Yu is in Jinnan Plain, even Jinyang can give me, and he can let A Bao take charge of this battle. With Liu Yu's help, he will definitely win. In this way, I not only eliminated the serious troubles, but also got half of the consortium, and it can also lift the dispute between our Dayan's future princes and let Abao sit in the world. How can you let me refuse such a condition? "

Qinglong said quietly: "There are thousands of reasons for sending troops, and there is only one reason for refusal, because in this battle you are cooperating with Liu Yu, let him stand firm in the north, and allow the Jin army to stand in Hebei for the first time in 100 years, only At this point, you should never cooperate with him. "

Murong Chui raised his white eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "You are afraid of Liu Yu, I'm not afraid, let alone he is only a small half of the state, even if there is the whole, it is just Liu Kun, those families of Jin State will never To help him, on the contrary, he will desperately pull back. He is a man, not a god, and it is impossible to fight the whole world with one's strength. "

Qinglong sighed: "If Liu Kun cannot be made, what will he do if he is made into an ancestor? Although Jinnan is small, there are more than ten counties and counties with a population of 100,000 households. With Liu Yu's ability, just hit Raise the banner and summon the Han people to vote. In five years, the people of Bingzhou can be sent to Zu Ti like the Central Plains people, and the Mafia cannot stop them. "

Murong Chui's eyes flashed coldly: "I'm not Schiller ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ won't let him sit like this. If he really threatens me, I will destroy him before he grows."

Qinglong sneered: "You are going to destroy too much, Liu Yu, Zhai Zhao, Zhang Yuan, and Tuobagui in the north, will also become your enemies in the future, let alone say, this Tuobagui, you To really fight Liu Yu, he will definitely let his Agan send troops to fight together. How will you deal with it then? You have no avatars, you can deal with the two great heroes of the world at the same time, to your sons, you really Are you confident? "

Murong gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "You have to think about it, and help Tuobagui to be the enemy of me. Liu Yu is my brother-in-law anyway. It's a big deal. Exterminate your prairie wolf cub. "

Qinglong smiled slightly: "What do you have to do with him if you destroy him? My roots are in the Jin Kingdom and in the south. If I can't stop Liu Yu this time, I won't be able to go back. I can only stay in the grassland for me. 'S apprentice made a suggestion. If you want me to return to Jinguo earlier, you have to help me this time. Only when I go back to Jinguo can I help you to control Liu Yu, so that he won't have the ability to recapture the Han family. , We can be together and make the wine happy, right? "

Murong said with a sneer: "Suzaku they hurt you like this, do you dare to go back? Are you afraid that they will set up a bureau to kill you? If I change to Suzaku, I will never let you go back!"

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