Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1427: Big shield hard-top chariot

As the behemoth that had been ramming changed its direction, everyone in the shield circle breathed a sigh of relief. After all, in the face of the pressure from such a hill-like monster, it is very easy to make people collapse. The threat from the arrows above the sky ceased to exist, and everyone held the wooden shield firmly, holding it in its original position, motionless.

Liu Yu smiled and lowered his head. The three long arrows swished over the top of his head, shooting the bright red helmet tassel. The broken red thread fluttered in this small circle, so that everyone's body was slightly contaminated.

Zhi Miaoyin was almost anxious to stand up, and Xiurong also changed color. From her position, she couldn't see the specific situation in the circle, but just when she was about to get up, Liu Yu raised her head. , Patted the helmet, smiled at the left and right companions: "It's okay, let's continue to fight, everyone must hold the position firmly, ready to meet the impact of the chariot."

Zhi Miaoyin put down a dangling heart, she closed her eyes again and knocked on the wooden fish, but Xiumu left a gap slightly so that she could see what was happening in the field.

Inside the circle, Sun Xingchang took a sigh of relief and squatted beside Liu Yu: "How do you know the tank is about to shock?"

Liu Yuzheng said: "This set is their serial killing. The chariot came out, just shooting around, raising dust, and the immediate threat is that big cow, they just want to force us to shield us against arrows, Gather together, and then use the behemoth to come up and trample us all to death, and Daniel puts an arrow over our head when he is forcing us. If no one sways a shield to resist, we might have dispersed before the rush. . "

"But when I shot the shooter on the bull and forced to retreat the beast, the chariot ’s shooting was meaningless. They raised their dust and ran non-stop to hide their position and prevent us from shooting. The people who hit them, but we have shields here, they can shoot too much and they ca n’t penetrate our defense line. Now the elephants are running around and dare not rush us, but they might step on their chariots, so, Then they will give up this set of shots and directly hit our shield. "

Yan Xiaoer's face was full of admiration: "How will they rush? Like the big cow, come over and step on us directly?"

Liu Yu shook his head, and one finger began to pierce out of the smoke outside the circle, toward a chariot coming here, Yushou kept whipping the horse, increasing the speed to the fastest, and the bow and arrow on the car The hand has given up shooting, pulling the side of the car tightly, and the hand on the right side of the car is waving an euphorbia that is about one foot or two or three feet long, the halberd's blade is shining, pointing at the small ring.

Liu Yu said: "Seeing it, they just rushed like this, but our shield array is small and strong, you remember, tilt the shield and everyone will drill under the shield to withstand their pressure if they are facing Rush up, just push the tank up when the wheel is pressed on the shield, and overturn the chariot. If they hit from the side, they must hit our shield with the euphorbia. We must hold it firmly, and we ca n’t let go if we die. , With a loose hand, the shield burst, then all of us will be finished! "

All the prisoners shouted in unison: "Don't let go!"

The roar of the wheels of the tank is getting closer and closer. All the prisoners have been lying under the shield. According to Liu Yu, put the shield at an angle of about sixty degrees and tilt it upward, so that it can bear the smallest Forced, the right hand of the car above the carriage was grimacing, holding the euphorbia, like a windmill above his head, accompanied by his screams and war roars, all the people in the shield numb their scalp and blood on the blood. Rush.

Liu Yu shouted: "Hold on, hold on, hold on! Everyone shouted with me, one, four, five, two, five, four, one, eight, eight!"

The prisoners didn't know what they meant, but Liu Yu's words seemed to have a magical power. Everyone opened their mouths, shouted after Liu Yu, and it was magical when they opened their mouths. And I felt that the blood of the whole person was boiling, and the pressure of the explosion inside was suddenly dissipated, and the roar of the wheel and the roar of the right hand of the car were not so terrible. Even, they were shouting these slogans. At that time, I felt a kind of self-confidence that was above the enemy.

With a loud bang, the euphorbia smashed a shield in front of it. A prisoner under the shield named Alibu shook violently, and blood suddenly oozed between the ears and nose, but He widened his eyes and kept talking: "One, four, five, two, five, four, one, eight, eight!" The muscles on his arm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ kept stirring, The lines of the muscles have also changed from time to time, and both hands grabbed the wooden handle behind the shield, putting the whole person's strength on this wooden shield, and he did not step back!

The halberd struck the wooden shield only slightly, but did not knock it down or break it. Liu Yu shouted violently: "Good job, continue!"

His voice did not fall, and the euphorbia "boomed" again, hitting another shield beside Ali, which was supported by another prisoner named Beliha, because this blow was not like At the beginning, with the acceleration of the chariot during the long-distance attack, there was no huge kinetic energy after the swing of the windmill, but only after the bounce, it was almost a hit in place, so the power is more than the previous one. It was much smaller, and Beliha just hummed softly, and withstood the blow firmly, without even sinking down to relieve the force.

Liu Yu shouted: "Top shield, stab car!"

As he said, he picked up a step in the inner circle, which was more than eight feet long. From the gap of the shield to the outside, there were a few stabs, although the length of this frame was not enough to reach the battle. The car, but still scared people in the car for a while, the right hand of the car couldn't care about hitting the shield anymore. The euphorbia in his hand was entangled with Liu Yu's hand, blocking back and forth.

The other three or four people in the shield also picked up the long bridge and extended from the side of the shield and the top of the shield. They were a blind spur to the outside. These few times did not rush towards the people, but they pierced the war horse. Bleeding and hissing began, the imperial hand hurriedly took the horse rein, turned around and ran away from the side, and in a blink of an eye, the chariot came out of contact with the shield.

There was a sound of regret and exclamation above the stands. No one expected that Liu Yu forced the chariot to retreat so quickly. Liu Jingxuan laughed and gave a high-five: "Slave, good, just Fight like this, continue to withstand! "

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