Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1439: Qinglong ancestry history

Liu Yu stood up in shock, stepped forward, and carefully looked at Qinglong's face. Although this face, except for a pair of eyes, can be said to be terrible, it is most appropriate to describe it with burnt head. , But the white belly with long beard, although made of deer hair, was made into three strands of long beards, floating like a fairy. Liu Yu once saw Xi Chao ’s portrait in Xie Xuan ’s house This is exactly the same, and those sharp eyes are exactly the same as in the painting. It turns out that every time I see Qinglong, the pair of him who looks at him is deeply sunk in the eye socket. The eyes like eagle falcons will feel familiar. , I only realized it now, it turned out to be Xi Chao.

Qinglong looked at Liu Yu calmly: "Are you strange, how can a person who has been dead for many years be resurrected?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "The fake death is not surprising, but what really shocked me was the bearded army I remembered, the hero who went northward with Huanwen three times, and the peerless strategist who could almost recover the north. It stands to reason. You are not under me for the desire for the Northern Expedition and the ambition to regain the lost ground. This is a career you have struggled for all your life. Why did you become a Qinglong and in turn become the greatest resistance of the Northern Expedition? "

Qinglong smiled slightly and looked at Liu Yu: "Liu Yu, do you want to listen to a former hero of the Northern Expedition, a predecessor, tell you about his life? Maybe after listening to my experience, you will have a new life 'S comprehension will think more about the future. "

Liu Yu gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Want to hear the details!"

Xi Chao said slowly: "I was born in a wealthy family from a young age, and our Xi family was a wealthy family from the end of the Han Dynasty. Our Xi family started from Gaoping in Qingzhou. The ancestor Xi Gong was considered a courtier in the late Han Dynasty. He was a master of Confucianism at that time. He studied under a generation of great Confucian Zheng Xuan, became his proud disciple, and became famous all over the world. Later, he became an official in the late Han Dynasty and became a servant. The Xi family is known to the world. "

Liu Yu nodded: "I heard the fat man talk about the major families of the dynasty. When I talked about your Xi family, you said that your family started to develop from Xi An. At that time, he did things under Cao Cao. The doctor, Empress Fu of the Emperor Han Xian, who later conspired to assassinate Cao Cao, was worried about personally responsible for the execution, and criticized hundreds of people of the Fu family. From this matter, the reputation of your ancestor is not too much. it is good."

Xi Chao gritted his teeth: "The ancestors were loyal to Cao Cao at that time, because the ancestors started from the end of the age, if they are talking about the background, and the post-hanks who pay attention to the method of investigation, it is impossible to start. This is the only way to have the chance to be an official, so I am grateful to do the same for the Cao Cao to kill the political opponents and copy all the evil things for Cao Cao. But the result? Cao Cao ordered to kill, but In order to avoid the reprimands of the servants of the world, he took his ancestors as scapegoats and dismissed them. The poor ancestors were loyal to the Cao thief, but were cooked by rabbits and dogs, and the birds hid their bows. Children and children, companions like companions, the power of kings must be controlled. "

Liu Yu smiled and said, "Last time I heard Suzaku talk about the origin of the Mafia, and said that it was a group of criminals who did not submit to Cao Cao. Became the black hand behind all dynasties, presumably Ling Zu was involved in the formation of this organization. "

Xi Chao sighed: "Yes, that's right. There were two things in the ancestors that saw Cao Thi's hypocrisy and treachery, and his wolf ambitions. One was for the sake of power, to kill the Queen Fu, and then to blame the courtier, Cao Cao. He said that he was a big husband with a real temperament, and would rather be a villain, but when he was really asked to take on his own evil deeds, he did not dare to be this wicked person, but instead wanted to come down and take responsibility for himself. It is extremely hypocritical. "

"However, compared with this hypocrisy, what made the ancestors more vigilant was that Cao Cao tried to unify the world and did not hesitate to destroy the Xia's defense, and led Huru into the Central Plains. He moved to the five southern Huns in Monan, Hanzhong and Long. More than one hundred thousand Qiang and Qi people from the right entered Binzhou. The central area of ​​the Central Plains, such as Guanzhong, was changed from the spring and autumn to the expulsion of the Hulu from the Central Plains for thousands of years. Zhuge Liang's battles are full of these Hu sergeants. It can be said that it was Cao Mengde who let Yi Di into the Central Plains and planted the seeds of the chaos.

Liu Yu's eyes widened: "Actually Cao Cao? But, haven't we naturalized many Hu people before? Cao Cao isn't the first one."

Xi Chao shook his head: "The naturalized Hu people used to be attached to nomads, but they are still outside the Great Wall. Only a few Hu nobles who made great contributions to the Han family and obtained the title can only be included. These people are only a few. Thousands, tens of thousands, few in number, and after a long time, they will be no different from our Hans in Central Plains. It will not pose a big crisis ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But Cao Cao is different. He attracted these Hu people into the mainland, that is In order to serve him as a military servant of the next generation, to fight for the world and to protect him, so after moving these Hu people into the Cypriots, instead of breaking them up and moving them together according to the usual practice, they still kept them. In the original tribal model, the original tribal leaders continued to lead them, and even their production methods still retained the nomadic habit. In the mountainous areas of northern Binzhou, such as Xiurongchuan and Lishibao, there are large areas. The grassland is the nomadic place for them. It can be said that these Hu people retain the original organizational mode and the original production method, and they cannot be assimilated by our Central Plains farming Han people. "

Liu Yu nodded thoughtfully: "No wonder that even after a hundred years, when the Eight Kings were in civil strife, the princes of the Sima family still had the idea of ​​these Hu people."

Xi Chao sneered: "Yes, when Cao Cao was alive, he was still vigilant about these Hu people making chaos. After the war, they were disbanded. They would not be allowed to become soldiers independently. The People's Congress, and Hu leaders such as the Huns, need to directly obtain the capital as an official, leaving the nephews of the chiefs of various ministries, under the name of the above school, to be monitored and placed under house arrest, so as to separate their leaders from the ministries and make it less prone to chaos. It has to be said that from Wei to Jin, within a hundred years, this policy has been implemented fairly well. "

"But the ancestors have seen through for a long time. My Han people live on farming, while the Hu people live on nomads. Their ordinary production is accompanied by riding and hunting. They are born without training. It can be said that they are soldiers when pulled out. If someone returns to a tribal organization, a large army can be established at any time. "

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