Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1470: Zhaxin Laomu decides life and death

Liu Yu stood there in the same place, without moving his lines. He looked at Huan Zhen's eyes, and suddenly a flash of mercy flashed, as if he was looking at a dying person, and even shook his head, facing it like a meteorite hitting the ground. Generally strong spikes, this slave in the name of the world's first warrior, can actually calm down like this!

Huan Zhen's heart suddenly gave birth to a trace of surprise, and turned into anger, from small to large, this is the first time that a person has despised his bravery like this, I don't know how many strong enemies, in front of his spike, scared How much courage is there, before the sudden death like this, the last look in the eyes is the kind that will not be forgotten even in the next life, the kind of deep fear that is carved into the soul and bone marrow.

However, this Liu Yu, outside of his more than ten steps, was so entrusted, not only without fear, but also so contemptuously, which made him more uncomfortable than killing Huan Zhen. The pain caused has disappeared, and Huan Zhen held the lever hard and shouted: "Go to death!"

Liu Yu finally shot, his left-handed shield suddenly came out of his hand, like flying fire meteor, directly rotating at high speed in the air, flying towards Huan Zhen's head, and flew past.

Huan Zhen concentrated on each cell, as if all of his cells jumped up at once. His reaction speed was faster than that of a tiger that hunted for food. His head just turned aside, and he did n’t even change his posture. A shield was given to him. From the beginning to the end, his eyes always stayed with Liu Yu's hands, especially the long knife in his right hand. Although it is now only a wooden knife, the dragon-cutting knife has been killed all over the river, north and south, inside and outside the Great Wall, even the most common wood In the hands of masters like Liu Yu, you can still kill people without blood. Flying Shield is just a feint. The real killing must be above the wooden knife in Liu Yu's hands.

Sure enough, Liu Yu's left hand flying shield just came out, and the wooden sword with a long handle in his right hand came out. He didn't avoid it, but directly slammed into Huan Zhen's chest. This time, it seemed quiet, but Wherever the sword passes, the air seems to be torn, and time and space seem to be broken. Only real masters can see the power of this sword. It is not a blow to the sky that humans can block with strength, even if it is as strong as the huan. Vibration is also impossible!

Huan Zhen laughed: "Come well!"

His sharp tip suddenly shifted, the one that originally pointed to Liu Yu suddenly turned into a stab, swept towards the big knife that attacked himself, and at the same time, his right hand was suddenly released, and the scorching sun flashed and castrated Unfinished, collided with the big knife that struck himself in the air, and banged, like a thunder burst in the air, shocking everyone's eardrums in the stands began to violently bulge, scalp tingling, thinking The mouth opened and shouted but couldn't make a sound.

This earth-shattering collision is the two great masters of the world, fighting with their greatest strength, vigorous mountains and rivers, ghosts and gods, but the speed of Huanzheng sprint has not been reduced, and his right hand is off In an instant, a short lever fell from the armor, and it was copied into his right hand like a trick. When the spring was pressed, a five-inch long tip was popped out. A pole less than a foot away is more like a sharp sword than a short one, with a blade of murder and cold light shining directly at Liu Yu's head, to his left The two soldiers that had just collided fell heavily and fell into the ground, but Huan Zhen's thrusting action remained unchanged. The short-handed head pointed directly at Liu Yu, which was less than three steps away!

Liu Yu's feet stomped heavily on the ground, and the whole figure rose from the sky, swiftly like a tiger, and vigorously like a dragon. Everyone in the stands only felt that both eyes and flowers were like a dragon and a tiger. , He has pulled up as much as five feet on the ground, and is almost horizontal with Huan Zhen. The life-threatening shortcoming that originally stuck to his head has just hit the position of his waist and abdomen. It is still a fatal blow, but Liu Yu But he turned a deaf ear, and he still couldn't avoid it. His left wrist turned over, and the wooden short knife, the cottage version of the old iron pin had been buckled in his hand. No, it should be said that it was old heart buckled in his hand. At a distance of less than three steps, holding the sword on the left arm and towards Huanzhen's neck, he crossed it. This sword, as if coming from heaven, is by no means human!

Everyone stood up in shock, speechless, and even Liu Laozhi opened his eyes wide, looked at the knife, and lost his voice: "It turns out this way!"

Sun Wufin shivered: "Don't kill your slaves, do you die?"

Liu Yu's voice, accompanied by the sound of the tiger roar, passed into everyone's ears and was clearly heard: "I am not afraid of death, how about you ?!"

On the other side of the stand, Huan Xuan stared at Huan Zhen dyingly, and kept talking in his mouth: "Dead together, died together, killed him, killed him!"

But in Huan Zhen's fierce and fierce eyes, there was a flash of fear. The warrior's duel, only in the last line between life and death, will distinguish the difference. Liu Yu's assault, without his full strength, without his power Fierce and overbearing, but the sudden outburst, only one word can describe it, that is, to save your life and die outside the world, is the determination and courage to really kill the enemy regardless of life ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ will let him have Such actions and behaviors, using this true blade of your own, you can pierce Liu Yu's stomach, and scream, but this thorny old wood that hits your throat can also bring your own head to life. At the moment, Huan Zhen made a choice.

Huan Zhen ’s short frame lifted up like lightning. In the middle of Liu Yu ’s wooden knife, the blade of the wooden knife was smashed, and this refined blade was also hit by this force. Shocked and curled his blade, the two were in the air, and they crossed like this. Huan Zhen suddenly grinned, and he almost shouted: "Liu Yu, Liu Yu, you can't kill me!"

But Liu Yu's eyes also burst into a smile. Compared with Huan Zhen's luck in the rest of his life, this smile is extremely confident and firm. If you look into Huan Zhen's eyes before the war, It was a disdainful disdain. At this moment, it was a sympathy of the victor for the defeat of his men. Huan Zhen's face changed. He suddenly found that Liu Yu's wrist was actually buckled with a thread. The naked eye is indisputable, and the other end of the filament is connected to the back of his head. When he first realized what he heard, he only heard a loud noise behind his head, something hit his neck. His eyes were black, and he felt nothing but a whirl of the sky!


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