Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1473: Torn Living Beast

Tan Pingzhi suddenly shouted angrily: "A Shou, you go further, I don't care about brotherhood!"

His feet, which had been receding all the time, suddenly held back, never back, and the right hand of the bow was also tightly clasped, the arrow's tip stabilized, pointed directly at Liu Jingxuan, and his eyes became firm, this At a glance, everyone can see that in the face of life and death, Tan Ping truly made a determination!

The red light in Liu Jingxuan's eyes was shining, and he also stopped. The blood salivation around the corner of his mouth continued to flow to the ground. The blood in his eyes was red and gleaming. The state became low and almost put it down. This move seemed to be a bit back to normal, it seemed to understand Tan Ping's words.

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Ashou, it's us, your brother. Wake up, don't do things that make you regret."

Liu Jingxuan seemed to have heard something. He turned his head to look at Liu Yu. He had been standing upright with his hair, and with the slight relaxation of it, the red mist surrounding his body gradually dissipated. In an instant, the strong killing intention and the breath of the beast were dispersed.

Tan Pingzhi relaxed, slightly lowered the bow and arrow in his hand, and said, "Ashou, you finally woke up, great, I am ..."

There was a flash of smile on Liu Jingxuan's face, and the redness of his whole body rose suddenly, and in a blink of an eye, he turned and rushed to Tan Ping, who was five steps away. The speed and response of human beings had already I can't describe how fast this is, even the speed of the leopard is too small! New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal :: //

Liu Yu shouted: "Beware of the bottle!" Even under the circumstances just now, he did not put down the wooden sword in front of him, just because the red gas in Liu Jingxuan's eyes did not recede. It may be out of control, but not A Shou himself, but Tan Ping is slacking off too early, because he has never really understood the terrible place of Wu Shi San, and the instantaneous relaxation may have asked him. Life!

When Tan Ping responded, he quickly raised his bow again. The instinct of the top elite shooter allowed him to move in an instant. Although Liu Jingxuan had a tiger-leopard-like speed, he hit Tan Ping with his big stick In the previous moment, the Ben Lei bow still completed the launch. Although the opening of the bow string was less than one-third of the usual, the six-stone big bow was dead. At this time, only the bow force of the two stones, but at such a close distance, the face For the ordinary flesh and blood, although it is enough to cause a heavy blow!

With a snap, at the moment Tan Pingzhi's bow and arrow left the string, Liu Jingxuan's right hand stick had hit the left wrist of Tan Pingzhi's bow fiercely, even Liu who was a dozen steps away Yu, even the audience above the stands, could clearly hear the sound of Tan Ping's broken wrist. The huge pain caused Tan Ping even to loosen his left palm conditionedly, and the bow fell to the ground. Not aware of it, but as a warrior instinct in battle, as a sharp archer who suddenly approached a melee enemy, Tan still responded instinctively quickly, flying a kick and kicking straight To Liu Jingxuan ’s lower abdomen, this foot is offensive and defensive. If he kicks at the same time, he has to use the power of a kick to quickly retreat and disengage from him to the greatest extent.

Tan Pingzhi ’s right hand quickly touched his back, where a wooden knife was inserted for self-defense close combat. This set of actions, Tan Pingzhi, is also practiced all day long in dreams, and I do n’t know how to use it. Millions of times, just to save this life.

"Poof", almost at the moment when the big stick smashed Tan Ping's wrist bone, this arrow also hit Liu Jingxuan's right shoulder. Everyone can see clearly, which is enough to shoot ordinary people. The transparent arrow hit Liu Jingxuan's body as if he had hit a large piece of steel. Not only did he not stop his movements, but he even bounced off directly. The arrow shaft even bent 90 degrees in the air. , Just break it, if it is not what you see with your own eyes, everyone in the stands ca n’t believe their eyes. They even forgot to make a surprise call.

Tan Pingzhi ’s leg, following this arrow, also hit Liu Jingxuan ’s abdomen, and only heard the sound of "Karala". This leg of wind and thunder, not only did not kick Liu Jingxuan bone. His body was crooked, but instead he was hit by a huge catapult of huge rocks, but the sound of the fracture came from Tan Ping's leg. Everyone can see clearly. The leg of this **** arrow bottle has changed directly. The shape bent in the opposite direction in a strange posture, which caused his center of gravity to be lost instantaneously, and he could not even stand.

And Liu Jingxuan's hairy left hand instantly copied Tan Pingzhi's right leg, twisting and twisting suddenly, Tan Pingzhi only felt a strong force, letting himself fall into the cloud and seem to be in a vortex In the center, I turned to the ground, and I twisted myself to the ground. My waist turned like a twist, and my right hand was stretched in the air, but I could n’t reach the wooden knife on my back anyway. In general, he opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but he spouted a **** mouth, his eyes were black, but he was no longer unconscious!

Liu Jingxuan's riots, surprise, barrage, shock, catching legs, and knocking down were almost done in one go. The warriors like Tan Ping, gave him such uniformity to the ground almost instantly, passed out, his mouth There was a roar of wild beasts, stepped out with one foot, and stepped Tan Ping's left leg under his foot, while the left hand was raised high, lifting Tan Pingzhi's right leg, almost on his shoulder. ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Anyone knows what this beast will do next, as long as he pushes forward and tears, the sandalwood will begin to tear from the tail vertebrae In two halves, with the terrible outburst of this beast, tearing a living person apart will become a **** reality!

Many spectators on the stands, especially the noble ladies, no longer dared to watch this next scene. The tearing of living people is too **** and cruel, which is completely different from the feeling of the sword entering the body, and Liu Jingxuan's move is like this. It has made people no longer believe that this is a human being, yeah, how could human beings have such an astonishing amount of violent violence, such a **** and cruel means of killing, and many people have even ignored the bet they have made and turned around to escape By the way, the farther away from this fierce the better, the farther the better.

Sima Yao's body also shivered slightly: "This, is this a person? Come here, come here, save the drive, save the drive!" The newest 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer end: /

Diao Kui woke up like a dream, shouting: "Come on, protect your majesty, protect your majesty!"

But the imperial army on the side was also frightened, and no one stepped forward for a while, and a sandalwood floated past, and Zhi Miaoyin's hand did not know where to go, and there was an extra crossbow, slamming before Sima Yao. Dao: "Crossbowman on alert, let me shoot this rooster!"

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