Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1485: Beifu Guilu has been sealed

Liu Muzhi sighed and said in earnest: "Junu, your life and death battle is imminent, I shouldn't have told you these things, but since you took the initiative to mention it, I have also spoken about this step, so I just said happy. If you win this time, you ca n’t go back to Beifu Army temporarily, do n’t think that the emperor has pardoned you, you can be restored to the army, except for our brothers, now in Dajin, no one wants you to go back to Beifu Military. "

Liu Yu said in a deep voice: "Apart from the Mafia and Qinglong, who wouldn't want me to go back? Even General Liu, I need to go north to build merits and consolidate his power."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "What you think is too simple, Wang Gong and Liu Laozhi need the northern expedition of the Beifu Army, but this time, you will never be used again. Because your existence has threatened their status, Wang Gong used to hold the hope of using you to rebuild the Beifu Army in order to realize his ambition to clean up Wang Guobao's party in Beijing and control the power alone, but your Luoyang trip has clearly rejected him. He has now and Liu Laozhi is tied together. "

"As for General Liu, he wants to control the Beifu Army himself. Your performance this time, especially the performance of the last fighting, shows that in the Beifu Army, a new generation of young generals are willing to die for you, even if they defied Liu Lao. This is a military order that Liu Laozhi absolutely cannot allow. He would rather not go north, or let you take away his power. This point cannot be adjusted. "

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "General Liu is after all Xie's family has great favors on him, he should know the gratitude, and besides, he also has the ambition of Northern Expedition, I don't believe he will really give up because of jealousy. I can show him that there is no ambition to make him handsome, and once the Northern Expedition is completed, I will be dismissed.

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Aren't you now abandoned and returned to the field? Do you now have a military position and a general order? A former officer who is abandoned and returned to the field, without any military order, can mobilize thousands of troops and let his own The powerful men are willing to die for it. This is an unforgivable thing for the generals in charge of the soldiers. The gratitude of the Xie family is already the yellow flower of yesterday. Now Wang Wang, who is in charge of Beifu, is to please Wang Wang Gong, the more you have to cut off the relationship with the Xie family, and the most obvious target is you. This time, if you die in the fighting field, he is undesirable, but you have won two consecutive victories and have been killed. God ’s hope, out of the military heart of the stable generals of Beifu Army, especially the younger generation, he cannot openly be against you at this time, but even if you win the next game, he will never allow you to return The Beifu Army, a non-compliance with the military order, is enough to keep you out of the army. "

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "I can't do it. I can go to the emperor again through Miaoyin. Xiao Yi is at stake. Only when I am in the Beifu Army can I avoid the civil war. I am willing to allegiance to the emperor directly, but not just as his palace guard and su Wei, I believe he should also know that letting me watch the house in the palace is a huge waste of my talent. "

Liu Muzhi said with a sneer: "This is the point. From the perspective of the emperor, does he have any reason not to stay with you?"

Liu Yu laughed: "Miaoyin said that the emperor had the inspiration and plans to remain famous in the history. He wanted to regain power and wanted to do things. For the emperor of Dajin, the biggest thing was the Northern Expedition, he Wang Gong and others are used for this purpose, but if I am willing to play for him, would n’t it be better to use the Beifu brothers to go northward than to use these family children who have their own plans? "

Liu Muzhi sighed: "What you think is too simple, yes, the emperor wanted to establish merit, but compared with the Northern Expedition, the top priority now is to consolidate his power. He still does not know the existence of the Mafia, but Knowing that he has left the family, he can't do anything. Now, he can't offend Wang Gong and lose his most basic supporters because of you. "

"Even if you take a step back, you can reconcile with Wang Gong temporarily. For the emperor, to wipe out the Daozi party and truly control the entire military power of Dajin, the political power is the top priority. If you let the soldiers now go to the civil war, go out Jingzhou, are you willing? "

Liu Yu closed his eyes in pain and shook his head: "No, I would rather not join the army in this life than the northward expedition, and I would never personally trap the people of Dajin in the flames of war."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "That's it. You can't really do what the emperor wants you to do, and you can't settle the interior of the Jin Dynasty for him, so even if he wants to use your Northern Expedition, it will be after the end of the civil war. If you stay in the palace to guard, you can keep yourself safe. After all, the Taoist party has a lot of penetration in the palace. If you are a warrior on duty, he can sleep peacefully. It is not possible, in case the civil war is not good. The Beifu Army lost to Jingzhou soldiers and horses, and can also use you as a substitute, allowing you to take the guards and horses in the palace.

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "If there are foreign soldiers attacking Jiankang ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ that is loyal to the emperor and defending the capital, that is a matter of reason. Such a battle, I am willing to fight, but, I want to take the initiative I cannot attack Jingzhou and become an enemy with Huan Xuan. "

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "So let Liu Liuzhi do it for them. The Beifu Army has just rebuilt, and they also need credit to consolidate their position. However, with my understanding of Wang Gong, he will not At this time, he turned his face with Huan Xuan, either Qinglong or Huan Xuan. They had just returned to Jingzhou. Their wings were not strong. They would not fight against the Beifu Army at this time. I think they are more likely to be loyal to the emperor on the surface. Wang Guobao. "

Liu Yu's complexion changed: "How could this be? Isn't Jingzhou always the place where the Daozi Party has laid its ground? Has it been the result of many years of operation?"

Liu Muzhi said with a sneer: "Wang Chen is dead. The layout of the Daozi Party in these years has been lost. What they can master now is only Yu Kai from Yuzhou and Wang Yu from Jiangzhou. Wang Yu is Wang Guobao. Brother, in these two positions, it has been stated that they have taken Jingzhou as an enemy to prevent. Oh, yes, who do you know about the new Jingzhou thorn history? Is Huan Xuan's classmate friend, the emperor's loyal brave, Yin Zhongkan , This person is wearing a pair of pants with Huan Xuan, and is also the most loyal royalist party, and Wang Gong has been friends for many years. Therefore, now the two major feudal towns of Jingzhou and Yangzhou are on the side of the emperor, which also makes him feel that the winning ticket is in hand. A civil war may be faster than we thought. "

Liu Yu murmured: "If you are evenly matched, you may not fight, but if the strength is out of balance, then you will indeed start the war ahead of time. I never thought I would not prevent a civil war."

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