Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1504: Who the world's 9 tripods belong to

Liu Yu shook his head and said calmly, "Ma'am, I understand what you mean. You don't want to identify the mafia now. First, because I have no evidence. Second, you as a family don't want to follow this organization that safeguards the interests of the big family. He tears his face, after all, Master Danggong is unwilling to turn his face even if he sends his life. But I still want to say, Madam, you ca n’t just look at the immediate interests and ignore the long-term. This conspiracy organization harms the country and harms for its own sake Zhongliang, in the end, even the noble officials such as Master Yang who intend to enter the enterprise should also be eradicated and continue to cooperate with them, either consort with each other, or remove them, why not wipe them out completely, and return to the world? "

Xie Daoyun sighed: "Xiaoyu, you are a soldier. On the battlefield, you are always an enemy or a friend. But these conspiracy struggles and power struggles involve too many dark things. Your biggest enemy may be Your closest friend, so far, you have not been able to use actual evidence to correct what you said is a mafia. May I ask you if you want me, how can your majesty check and how to shock? Except what these others told you Is there any evidence beyond the story? "

Liu Yu laughed: "The biggest evidence is that I said Tian Qi, real estate, ma'am, now you are the head of the Xie family, then I would like to ask you, the Xie family's current Tian Qi, all in In your hands? "

Xie Daoyun's eyes flashed coldly: "Yes, whether the Xie family is the main family or the Shuzi, all the manor field deeds were taught by the Emperor Dingding and stamped with the founding jade seal. For nearly a hundred years, It ’s all in our Xie family ’s hands, handed down from generation to generation. Master Xianggong gave me these field deeds before leaving, my personal care, Your Majesty, if you want to investigate this, I ’m willing to cooperate at any time. ”

Wang Xun said with a sneer: "The ridiculous and ignorant villager of Jingkou, after hearing a few provocative words from others, is here to arrogantly say things about the family. Although the land deeds of our major families are often kept by the master's heirs, To ensure that the branches are still united within the family, but if we really do n’t have these things, how can we retain these fields for a hundred years? If we do n’t even have these land titles, the court can reclaim the state and others can hold these fields. Covenant to **** these family businesses, has such a thing ever happened since the Jinjin Nandu? "

Liu Yu smiled and shook his head: "That is because there is an organization like the Mafia to balance all this. Since the founding of the Jin Dynasty, the family in power and the top clan have changed wave after wave. Not every family has followed the royal family. Like the Xie family, they stand upright. Once they offend the Mafia, they are suppressed and eradicated. The land under that family's name will naturally belong to other families selected by the Mafia. If it is not because the Mafia has these Tian Qi, An Neng is like this? If it was because of crimes that the officials were removed from the court, then these Tian Qi should not be withdrawn from the court, why did they change into the hands of other families? "

As soon as this remark came out, the audience fell into a silence. This question asked everyone, ah, why haven't their deeds of land lost their state ownership since the Eastern Jin Dynasty was founded?

Xi Chao's weird laughter, gold and iron intersect in general, was extremely harsh, reverberating throughout the audience, breaking this silence, everyone's eyes turned to his figure shrouded in smoke, only to hear him say: " Liu Yu, Liu Yu, do n’t you know that these fields were given by the founding emperor to the family of heroes? Even if the children and grandchildren were sitting together, they would not be deprived of confiscation like ordinary fields. "

Liu Yu said coldly: "If a family has fallen, then what's the use of these field deeds? Everyone goes to jail or even dies, then who manages these fields and who gives them the food?"

Xi Chao coldly said: "My Da Jin family, together with the same spirit, has long been linked by marriage, marriage, a family failure, a hundred families help, as long as it is not a major crime such as rebellion, then care for each other, help It's a matter of share. There are always some families that are stuck for a while and can't overcome the difficulties independently. At this time, other married families who have been close to them will lend a helping hand and buy their field deeds to help them pass. The way of mutual assistance is not good for outsiders, but since you are here to provoke ulterior motives, then as a member of Gao Ping Xi, I will explain to the world that this method of transfer of field deeds! "

"At that time, Nanjun Gonghuan Wen made great contributions to the country, and also received a lot of fields, rewards, and even a lot of founding families. For the sake of asylum, he actively devoted many deeds to him. Later, Huan Gong died, and the Huan family forces Not as good as before, Huan Gong thanked me for his help for many years before leaving, and transferred many of their Huan family's properties in Yangzhou, Tian Qi, and I was suppressed by Xie An for many years. A lot of Tian Qi gave some other families to ask for help. You Liu Yu can buy people's hearts by killing them on the battlefield, but our family has its own play, do you understand? "

Liu Yu sneered: "Okay, very good, can force you to publicly disclose these secrets to the world here, I have no regrets, no matter what the black hand is, and the family alliance, you rely on these cleverly won during the founding of the country Tian Qi, controlling most of the land, population, money and taxes of the Jin Dynasty, made the emperor have no rights, the grassroots had no roots, and the great cause of the Northern Expedition was finally defeated by your internal struggle ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The blood of a brave soldier is ruined by these dark conspiracies, Xi Chao, you know what you have done. This fight today is the fairest trial in heaven. You want to kill me here. Forever, let the horses come and let God decide who is truly loyal and who is really evil! "

Sima Yao's eyebrows were always closed, and she was silent. When she heard this, she cleared her throat and said in a deep voice: "Liu Yu, no matter whether you are dead or alive after this war, I will thoroughly trace this open country deed. Things."

Wang Xun's face changed, anxiously said: "Your Majesty, don't do anything, don't listen ..."

Sima Yao said coldly: "Xi Changshi and Mrs. Wang all admitted that there is such a method of transfer of field deeds among the family. I just wondered why their family was killed and they had to ask for help from other families. If you ask, ca n’t you just ask the emperor of Dajin? Did n’t the Dajin royal family marry the big family? Was my emperor ’s destiny not as good as that of a family official? Even if the king and the horse shared the world, what would they say that day? There is also a copy of the horse. When will it start, our Sima clan has become even worse than a family? In this world, who has the final say? "


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