Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1507: Newly established Yongzhou to cut Jingxiang

By Liu Yi's side, a thin figure, in a pile of five big and three thick black-clad military men, seemed extremely out of gregarious. Like the literati dressed like Liu Muzhi and Meng Chang, he slowly said: "Yang General, are you sure you can represent Jingzhou's brother? If I remember correctly, the current Jingzhou military administration, but Huan Shizi and his allies are in charge of Yin Shi. "

Yang Quanqi glanced at the grandstand in the VIP area in the distance. Huan Xuan and Yin Zhongkan were sitting side by side in a gorgeous shed, whispering a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Huan Xuan is just relying on him My father ’s prestige, I did n’t see any skill in my own. Besides, it ’s a shame for our soldiers to **** even the military power of his subordinates. Yang is unwilling to join him. ”

The scribe was dressed by Liu Yi ’s brother Liu Mai, who was very talented, but because of his general physical condition, he had not joined the Beifu Army. When Huan Xuan bargained with Qinglong a while ago, he specifically asked Liu Mai to his own Today, it was a party before Liu Mai went to Jingzhou to take office. It is for this reason that Liu Yi and other talents are willing to watch fighting with Yang Qiqi, who was born in Jingzhou, not because they were in Luoyang City. The old feeling of fighting side by side.

Liu Mai smiled slightly: "I have forgotten that General Yang followed Zhu Tingshi in the Central Plains, but not in Jingzhou. However, because Zhu Tishi did not protect the Central Plains people last time, he authorized Liu Yubei to go northward and almost lost it. After Luoyang, he was recalled to Beijing afterwards. General Yang temporarily took over the defense of the Central Plains. Strictly speaking, you are indeed not a general in Jingzhou. "

Xiang Jing laughed: "But now the land of the Central Plains has been placed under the jurisdiction of Jingzhou thorn history. Sooner or later, General Yang will be under his control. Following Yin thorn history is equal to Huan Xuan. There is no difference."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "Not necessarily, the latest court discussion, not only did not merge the Central Plains into the land of Jingzhou, but also set aside Nanyang County to form a new Yongzhou, General Yang, you did not go to find Yin Shi this time With Huanjun, but with us Beifu Army, I am afraid that it will get the wind. "

A trace of radiance flashed across Yang Yeqi's face: "It's still accurate to see Liu Shenjun, yes, I not only learned of this news early, but even the new candidate of Yongzhou thorn history has contacted me."

Wei Yongzhi's eyes widened, and his lips turned: "Who is this? This is openly grabbing the site with Huan Xuan, and digging a large piece of meat from him, he can bear it?"

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "Rabbit, your news is too far behind. I told you to make more friends. You know the above movements. You haven't listened to it. Now, let's be timid. In fact, the news has spread. The new Yongzhou thorn history is none other than the cousin of Xi Chao, who just shocked us all, and Xi Hui is also. "

Amidst the exclamation of everyone around him, Liu Muzhi looked at Xi Chao in the distant stands: "Our bearded junior army, who was named prodigy at the age of nine, later became emperor when he was a general Sima Yuzheng was the prince of the government. Later, when he was 13 years old, he followed Huanwen. He fought south and went to the north to make plans. It was a generation of think tanks. Although the Xi family supported the imperial power for generations, Xi Chao had repeatedly planned to help Huan Wen usurp the throne, and his family I was disgusted and expelled from the house, but now it seems that it is just acting externally to protect the Xi family. Their relationship has never been broken. "

Chief Sun said dissatisfiedly: "It's all rushed out of the house, why haven't you broken the relationship?"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "This is the means and power of these high-family families. Tampering with power and seizing the position is a risky rebellion. If it succeeds, it will naturally be from Long Jianyi's prince, but if it is Failure is a big crime for genocide. Xijia is betting on both ends. He surpasses the door on the surface. If Huanwen really succeeds in winning the position, he will not be treated by Xijia. At most, Xi Chao will be able to pass. If Huanwen grabs If it failed, then only Xi Chao would be held accountable, not to affect the entire Xi family. Later, Xie Xianggong came to power and suppressed Xi Chao very badly, but he did not take his life. It should also consider the marriage incense with the Xi family for many years. The sentiment, coupled with Xi Chao's ability to be outstanding, can be said to be a countryman. It would be a loss to the country if it were really killed. "

Liu Yi said with a sneer: "But Xi Chao appeared to be hidden in the mountains and even suspended his life, but he was still secretly manipulating the current situation. Xi Hui was left idle for many years, but at this time he was released, and the pusher behind him was absolutely indispensable. Even, he Ken appeared publicly in front of the whole world today, indicating that the operations behind the scenes in the past years are no longer needed. Only in this way can the beard army of the world play with one hand, dare to be so enemies with Huan Xuan. "

Yang Qiqi smiled and said, "Yeah, this garrison came to my station a while ago, told me these things, and told me that although Zhu Xu was transferred back to Beijing, Xi Hui would be a better boss, Zhu Xu After all, there are Yuzhou soldiers and horses in our hands, which do n’t need us so much, and Xi Hui is almost a bicycle to take office. All the soldiers and horses must rely on the old department in the Central Plains. Even, I can go to Guanzhong, those in the north go south because of the war. The migrants, the scattered soldiers, the formation of the Yongzhou army, retreat can protect the situation and self-sufficiency, and enter can capture the world ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ instead of fighting for the Changdao civil war for the sake of the Huan family.

Liu Yi shook his head: "General Yang, I'm afraid you think too optimistic. This civil war in the battle for imperial power can't be stopped. This involves a reshuffle of the family's power distribution over the past few decades in the Jin Dynasty, not by our military personnel. Can stop. "

Yang Quanqi sneered: "It's man-made, but even if it's a civil war, it's no big deal. Jingzhou was originally a court site, but it gave the Huns the opportunity to take possession. For decades, if a civil war can really be used, The land of the Three Wus was brought back to the imperial court, and then there might be a real opportunity for the Northern Expedition. My ancestral cemeteries of the Yang family are in the hands of northern Huru, and one day I do not want to recapture the Heshan, which is the same as the brave men of the Northern Mansion If the war starts, then it ’s not a pleasure for us to clean up the worms in our respective regions. "

Liu Yi smiled and shook his head, pointing at Liu Yu in the field: "General Yang's arrogance is worthy of respect, but it is a bit too simple to think, we really want to fight, we are only those knives in the hands of family members, we must be controlled by others. Yes. It is the man who wants to stop the civil war and take back the rights of the family. You look at his end and you will know our future ending, and this is why we are here now! "


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