Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1513: Black fire can also be used as a source of power

There was a sound of exclamation above the grandstand. On the small grandstand where Liu Yi and others from the Beifu Army yelled to Jing Jing: "How is this possible? This arrow sent by Brother Nu can shoot even stones, why and why But this thin chain cannot be broken? "

Yang Qiqi touched his beard and said, "Because this silkworm silk has more tenacity than a steel chain, the arrow passes through the silk instead of simply shooting, which can be described as a clever release of force."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Jiuwen silkworm silk is made of golden monkey hair plus millennium tree and vine mixed soaked with tung oil for many times, plus the silk spit out by Wuzhong silkworms picked out of thousands of miles. Not only is the golden jade difficult to break, but it is also possible to break the arrow in the middle.

Liu Yi said with a sneer: "Toughness is tough, but if you rush up and use a knife to cut it, I think it can be cut off, but the action is so fast when you pull it back again, and the action of the Vajrayana Flexible and agile, it is no less than a living person, and I do n’t know how to do it. "

Liu Muzhi's eyebrows were tightly locked: "The mechanism requires a variety of mechanisms, gears, and levers to drive it. The power used is extremely complex, and it needs a strong internal force to promote it. Just like the water mill we saw, it depends on animal power. Or it is the power of running water that can propel it to turn, pulling the lever to clam the rice. This vigorous King Kong is so huge, but so flexible, it can be seen that there is a strong source of power inside to provide this power. "

Wei Yongzhi's rabbit lips rolled over: "No, just like our man's power of Dantian? You mean this monster also has inner power?"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Look, its power should be discharged from within."

Everyone looked at it soundly, and saw that there were several black smoke on the shoulders and knees of Dali King Kong, and even a pungent burnt smell, which was faintly audible. All the Beifu warriors His face changed, almost surprised in unison: "This, is that black fire?"

Liu Yi gritted his teeth: "Yes, that is the black fire we encountered in Yecheng, twice, grandma, I will not forget it in my next life. Fat man, how could this black fire burn inside Dali King Kong Is that what you mean by internal power? "

Chief Sun grabbed his head: "How could the power of these organs be nothing more than running water or animal power? We've all seen it. Who has ever seen burning things to gain strength? I think, Xi Chao may want to use black The fire is harming people, so be prepared internally. "

Liu Muzhi shook his head thoughtfully: "No, if a black fire is used to burn people, it will never be inside. This fire cannot be extinguished with water. It is very dangerous. If you do n’t pay attention, you will burn yourself. I think, This vigorous King Kong has no animal power, and no water flow as a motive force. It must be using this black fire as its source of power! "

Meng Chang nodded: "I agree with the fat man. In fact, firepower may not be used. When we boil water, the water on the top can even flip the lid. Maybe, that Xi is super mysterious. It is also unknown how to use firepower like water power and animal power. "

Liu Muzhi's mouth twitched a smile: "That's it. No matter what kind of power this vigorous King Kong uses as its root, it can't last forever. Such a huge body will consume much more than normal people. As long as Liu Yu and Murong Feng can work together, do n’t rush to achieve success, and slowly consume this vigorous diamond, I think, in the end, you can win! "

Liu Laozhi's voice coldly sounded from the rear: "Join together? Liu Senjun, are your demands on the two of them higher? Murong Feng is a general Yan Guo after all, and he is also an endless enemy with Liu Yu. If I were present, I would never trust Murong Feng! "

Everyone's face changed, and they turned back together. I saw one of Liu Lao's unremarkable blue cloths, wearing a hat, standing behind them, accompanied by two large waist guards, and Liu Jingxuan was nine feet tall. His body was paralyzed weakly on a shoulder. Four strong men separated the surrounding crowd. His head was wrapped like a palm, only two eyes were exposed. A few days ago The corner of his forehead that he smashed by himself was already swollen like a bun, making his head shape very strange.

Xiang Jing was shocked and delighted. He even forgot to say hello to Liu Laozhi. He rushed to Liu Jingxuan's side in one step, looked at him, and opened his eyes wide: "Ashou, are you really?"

Liu Jingxuan's eyes were godless, and his voice was feeble. He was in stark contrast with the strong man who was like a bull, a bull, and a bear, as usual.

Liu Muzhi sighed: "You are so badly injured that you shouldn't come."

Although Liu Jingxuan's voice was weak, he showed a stern decision: "As long as I am as long as I have a breath, I must be with the slave."

Liu Laozhi shook his head: "One day, your life will be given to Liu Yu's hands." He followed and looked at the others: "I don't worry about you, I'm afraid you will make trouble. That ’s why you come here. You listen well. Today ’s battle, no matter whether Liu Yu is dead or alive, no one is allowed to leave the field, let alone make trouble. His Majesty and Wang Zhenjun have issued strict orders. field."

Yu Qiujin shouted: "Master, we can't be indifferent to see the slave in distress."

Liu Laozhi gritted his teeth: "This is an order ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This matter has already involved the conflict between the family and the imperial power. As soldiers, once we get out, we will be regarded as rebellion against the soldiers. Now your family has been placed under the care of Wang Zhenjun in the barracks. If someone acts rashly, think about the consequences! "

Zhuge Changmin shook his head in disbelief: "Impossible, impossible, even when our army is on the expedition, it will not take the family hostage. How come we come to fight and treat me like this?"

A trace of helplessness flashed in Liu Laozhi's eyes: "That's why I came here. Think about your family and don't do things that you can't regret. Besides, Liu Yu has always planned and moved. I ’ve seen Xi Chao ’s vigorous King Kong not to catch him by surprise. You may face this terrible machine on the battlefield in the future, open your eyes and see how Liu Yu responded! ”

His voice was not falling, a sudden sound of metal collision suddenly sounded inside Dali King Kong, black smoke spewed out of the mouth, and Liu Muzhi cried out: "No, this Dali King Kong, it is about to dispatch a secret weapon. , Slave, dangerous, run! "

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