Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1538: Bet on the Emperor Bao Bao

Muronglan's eyebrows fell: "You really decided to do these things for the emperor? This is a direct enemy to the major families. Today you exposed the matter of Tian Qi, and even the Mafia, just I just said a few words, and no formal action has been taken, but these industries that move them, just to kill them, will be punished. "

Liu Yu laughed: "To be honest, before today, I still hesitated about this matter, because I'm not sure, if I really want to be an enemy of the family family, can I get the support of the people, if Dajin's ordinary The people, the people, especially the tenants in the family, dare not stand up to fight. Then I am alone, or only supported by some brothers in the army, it is tantamount to blocking the car. "

"But today, did you see that, so many ordinary people, as well as the low-ranking scholars, all responded to each other, condemned the family and clans, they knew that they should belong to their own land, made in China, only because of the one hundred years ago The decree of the founding emperor, forever belonged to these family clan, not to mention the existence of the mafia, there is no such reason in this world, and it is possible to enslave others like this for generations. Even the slave-servants who sell as slaves have the freedom to redeem themselves One day, but the people of Dajin have forever lost the qualification to own their own fields. This grievance has been going on for a hundred years, and today it has finally broke out. "

"After all, the family of Dajin is very few, so dozens, hundreds, counted as nephews, but tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, but the people of Dajin are millions of people, tens of millions. Mouth, at any time, these family members are a minority, and they cannot be suppressed forever in the face of the awakened people. Especially, these people now have the support of the emperor behind them. "

Murong Lan nodded: "That's right, the emperor hopes to keep the people in his own hands, so that he can levy taxes and collect taxes, so that he can implement the national policy according to his will, and appoint and remove officials. Only in this way can we get rid of the family. Control and become a real power monarch who can really make his own decisions. But Brother Wolf, you used to put your hopes on Xie's family like this. Could the emperor be reliable this time? "

Liu Yu's brow furrowed, Muronglan's words poked the place he was worried about, yeah, before Xie An really wanted the North Expedition, made huge concessions and sacrifices, but still by Qinglong Stop, frame, and the emperor ’s power today is much worse than that of Xie An, who once had the right to dominate the world, than the Xie family who was a super family. Although he defeated the Qinglong himself today, the Mafia is still there, Jingzhou Huan Xuan would never be his own help, and even Wang Gong might turn his back on himself because of the military power of Beifu, and help the emperor seize power. It is tantamount to embarking on a path of no return. Do you really want to do this? ?

Muronglan looked at Liu Yu, watching him silently, knowing what his husband was thinking about, stepped forward, and gently took his hand: "Sima Yao is also not an ambitious generation of monarchs, he is only a talented person. However, he has the power and is not willing to be dictated by the family. Since the founding of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, no emperor has been able to hold the throne for more than ten years, but Sima Yao has been erroneous and became an emperor in various infightings of the Mafia. When it is now, it is a miracle, but it must be reversed. Today he publicly supports you because he wants to deal with the family. The people do n’t get the land that the emperor gave them. It is even less possible to support him by throwing away his family. He can only rely on the Beifu Army and the Xie Family. "

"You can't control the Beifu Army now, and the Xie family may change its position at any time and stand on the side of the big family. Today's Xiqutai, when Xi Chao's identity was just exposed, the group was very angry, the family clan was extremely passive, plus the emperor Xie's attitude is understandable on the side of him for a while, but what's behind? If the Mafia through various private operations, let the world's family unite against the emperor, even directly against the emperor, when the time comes, you How to do?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "That's why I want to enter the palace. No matter what, I have to protect Sima Yao from others. If the emperor dies unexpectedly at this time, everything will become Empty. No matter whether I will help him in the future, at least now, I have to protect his life. This is not only for me, but also for the duty of a Jin people! "

Murong Lan sighed softly: "If someone is going to stab in open flames, of course you don't have to worry. No one in this world can defeat you in the face, but if you poison, take medicine, use these dark methods, you are sure you can protect emperor?"

Liu Yu said in a deep voice: "There are fat people, he is in the line, as long as he arranges the emperor's personal security, I believe these means will not work."

Muronglan ticked his mouth: "Brother Wolf, you know, the emperor can't trust you completely now. No one had assassinated him before. He has been so safe for decades. If you suddenly say you want to change his side, People, rearrange his security, I am afraid he will not be happy. After all, in the face of power, life and death, any trust is limited. Besides, Liu Muzhi is a foreign minister after all. Men, it is impossible to stay in the harem every day. Even if you stay in the palace, you can only stay on the daytime, and you can only stay outside the hall at night. You ca n’t protect all. The nearest person around the emperor is still Those palace people and eunuchs. "

Liu Yu frowned: "So what do you say, it is impossible to keep the people around you now? Many of these people have been eyeing the Mafia for many years. If they really want to start with the emperor, I'm afraid It ’s invincible. In the past, I did n’t start because I could coexist peacefully with the emperor. Now that the emperor intends to take power, that is, if you live or die, how can you give your life to these people? "

Muronglan said in earnest: "So, you can't mention this by yourself. The emperor's most trusted person is not you, but Miaoyin. Today he is willing to change his mind. Finally, listening to your words is also Miaoyin's advice. You better be in Before seeing the emperor, go to Miaoyin and reach a consensus with her, and then let Miaoyin go to the emperor to make these suggestions to change people around her, so that it is feasible. "

Liu Yu laughed: "I also have this intention, this is simple, I can go to her immediately."

Murong Lan sighed quietly: "Brother Wolf, are you really ready to talk to her? Whether it is for her or the Xie family, what conditions are you going to give and what concessions?"

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