Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1542: The Xie family eventually joined the Mafia

Liu Yu opened his eyes, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled. The two beautiful women looked at him quietly. They both knew that Liu Yu wanted to calm down and let the body and mind relax completely before the war or He always does this when making important decisions.

Liu Yu looked at Zhi Miaoyin and said righteously: "Miaoyin, you said just now that you represent the interests of Xie's family. Then I have one thing that is unknown. Why do you have to kill the king on behalf of Xie's interests? It ’s about loyalty and filial piety. Among the killing monarchs, there is no way to go against it. It ’s against the interests of the Xie family. "

Zhi Miaoyin said indifferently: "In the past, the father-in-law chose Sima Yao to be the emperor, instead of looking for others from the royal family, because of his young age and easy control. The Jin Dynasty has always been a world, and the emperor cannot be ruled by power. Otherwise, if he does whatever he wants, the family will be punished by him. Therefore, the child is born as a puppet, and when he grows up, his wife will be a precious daughter of the family, and then offer more beauty and beauty, so that he will linger in the harem, regardless of the government, such an emperor, only It is the emperor that every family wants, and what our Xie family wants. "

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "So you want to get rid of the emperor, because he listened to me and wanted to take back the centenary field deeds of your family and clan, and want to personally take charge?"

Zhi Miaoyin shook his head: "It's not that simple. The decision to change the emperor, as early as many years ago, the prince Xianggong came down, because the former queen Wang Fahui is the biggest variable."

Muronglan smiled and said: "Yes, she has always been a distinguished daughter of noble family, she is noble, well-educated, and her temperament is gentle, and she will not be as jealous as a woman in the city, but this Miss Wang is alien, both jealous and Desperate, relying on his family background, he shouted and shouted at the young Si Min Yao at that time, either to fight or scold, and he was not allowed to get close to other concubines. Official documents and government affairs would rather be compatriots than reluctant to go back to the harem to be bullied. Probably, his hatred and vigilance towards the family and his desire to regain power came from that time. "

Zhi Miaoyin sneered: "Originally, Master Xiang realized the power ambition of this son, and he surpassed the previous emperor, intending to set up a new monarch. Substitution will cause a new round of turmoil. Huan Wen ’s reputation at that time was too bad, and Master Xianggong was also afraid of being criticized like him, so this matter finally came to an end. ”

"But no one knows that there is division within the Mafia, and there is internal fighting. In these internal battles, everyone ignores the development of the emperor. When the dust falls, it is found that the emperor has already seized power. He Let those Confucian teachers and teachers of their own classics go out of the four directions of the town, especially to control the two major feudal towns of Jingyang. Do you think that the contradiction between our Xie family and Wang Gong is simply a military power in Beifu? Wrong. Behind this involves the emperor and the new family he wants to rely on, and the contradictions between us and the high family, as long as we talk about Confucianism, we must be loyal to the king, as long as we talk about metaphysics, it is to maintain the world of the old family. The pattern remains unchanged. "

Liu Yu said in a deep voice: "For the sake of speaking, you still want to thank the power of the family. I don't know if Master Xianggong will have the same idea as you."

Zhi Miaoyin said indifferently: "This is a certainty. Even in the Mafia, Master Xianggong must seek the benefits for our family, and only on the basis of consolidating the interests of the family, can we continue to do things that are famous in history. Even the formation of the Beifu Army and the Northern Expedition to build merits are also a means of suppressing the other three mafia groups in turn, and we still have to learn from Huan Wen. "

Muronglan said coldly: "It seems that the history of the Mafia, Xie An, or your mother has already made it clear to you, so to say, you made up your mind to join the Mafia, or the Xie family Decided to unite with the Mafia? "

Zhi Miaoyin nodded: "I will not join the Mafia myself, but the Xie family agreed to cooperate with the Mafia. This is the decision made by my mother as the head of the Xie family, because we have common interests. If Brother Yu We can support the Northern Expedition. If you want to break the ground, you can give you part of the land in the newly occupied area of ​​Northern Expedition, allowing you to admire the meritorious soldiers and let you absorb the northern refugees, but these places in Jiangnan, Lianghuai, Jingzhou, You do n’t want to think about Tian Qi Manor, which was acquired by the Mafia after 100 years of operation. "

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "In other words, I still have to look at the Mafia's face? Still subject to you? Even still betray the Mafia or the Xie family at any time?"

Zhi Miaoyin sighed: "There is no problem of Master Xianggong seizing power. Even if you succeed in the Northern Expedition, you will not endanger our interests. We have no reason to harm you. It is just that it is not the time for Northern Expedition. For the family, the greatest enemies are not the northern huru, but the emperor, and the small and medium families who want to use the emperor to **** the fields and slaves from the big families. These people must be eradicated, and, they must Eradicate through a civil war. "

Liu Yu's eyes widened and he said sharply: "Absolutely not! No matter whether it's Jijun or the civil war ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ will be a huge injury to Dajin. I don't know how many years this battle will last, even if it is calm. It is also full of trauma, it is impossible to succeed in the Northern Expedition. "

Zhi Miaoyin's eyebrows slightly picked up: "This is why the Mafia is still willing to continue to cooperate with you even if you are betrayed and targeted many times. Because they want you not to protect the emperor, so, We can easily solve the emperor, and then, you will lead the Beifu army to defeat Huan Xuan and other small and medium families on the side of the emperor. As long as they are wiped out, the Mafia and several other large families are willing to give their full support You cut north. "

Muronglan said coldly: "If Dajin really has such a civil war, I am afraid my brother will personally mention the soldiers going south to destroy Jin. Don't think too well."

Zhi Miaoyin smiled slightly: "Since we dare to do this, we naturally have full assurance that we will not allow external forces to intervene. Don't think that we can only engage in civil war in Dajin. If we are willing, let Dayan play a bigger scale. Can be used at any time. "

Liu Yu suddenly waved his hand and stopped Ermei's tit-for-tat confrontation: "Miaoyin, Xie's collaborating with the Mafia in this way, what is it for? Can you give me a truth?"


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