Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1545: Reassure people and rely on Heavenly Master

Zhi Miaoyin said rightly: "So no matter what the family is, the landlords are powerful. They have the ability and ability to organize the people to mass-produce, so that the output of food will be greatly improved. If ordinary small farmers do it alone, even the same amount The output is far inferior to that of the family ’s manor, which is why they will starve to death if they leave the main family. Brother Yu, do you want Wang Mang ’s tragedy to happen again in the future? "

Liu Yu murmured to himself: "Aren't these tenants unable to live without the family clan? Shouldn't it be said that only the family clan can produce these people to survive, then we can be like Jingkou, Let the tenant households who get the land help themselves, or under the organization of the village chief and the people in the village, and cultivate in the village, not to say that it is a single family and individual production. "

Zhi Miaoyin sighed: "Jingkou is Jingkou, a very special place. There has never been a place where the family clan has seized the people, and the people who live in the village are often brothers who have the same life and death on the battlefield. There is a foundation of trust and cooperation, but the tenants of Wudi Manor are not free for generations. The owner does whatever he calls and there are no neighbors. You really want to give them some land now and let them stand on their own. It ’s really an unaccompanied person. The neighbors are strangers, and they do n’t even know each other. How can we talk about helping each other? ”

Speaking of this, Zhi Miaoyin paused: "Moreover, the village chiefs you mentioned, Lizheng, are often only those who have some meritorious titles in their bodies to be able to become masters, or scholars, such as your Liu Yu, if there is no one As the father of Jungong Cao, do you think you can become a righteous man with your boxing skills? Which of the various grassroots officials in Jingkou is not a soldier who has served in the Beifu Army and can serve the public? "

"But who is the tenant of the family clan, who can now be the leader and can win the crowd? Is he a fierce warfare, or an expert in farming? I am afraid neither. You really want to cut off the land now and divide the land among the people, then There are only two results. Either these people are as unproductive as the Wang Mang period, starving to death in large quantities, and finally causing chaos. "

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "This result can't happen anyway. We must find a way to allow powerful people to lead these people. It can't be done. We can let the Beifu army people spread to the Sanwu land and become grassroots officials. Lead these people to make a living. The other way you said should be this. "

There was a trace of helplessness in Zhi Miaoyin's eyes: "Brother Yu, you brother Yu, you always think of everything too well, and I will consider the worst result in advance. It is still the case now. Another result, than The first one is even worse, because everyone in the Beifu Army cannot afford to give up their ancestry in Jingkou and go to Sanwu to start again. They can lead these people, organize them, or say they can convince the people, except the family. Only Heavenly Master said. "

Liu Yu's complexion changed at the same time as Muronglan's complexion, and he blurted out in unison: "What, Heavenly Master? Never!"

Thinking of those long-lived people outside Luoyang City, Liu Yu shuddered. He gritted his teeth: "How could it be Heavenly Master? This is the land of the Three Wus, but it is not the Central Plains. They developed. "

Zhi Miaoyin sneered: "It seems that Brother Yu has been out of battle for so many years, and even Jingkou rarely lives. I don't know much about the status of Dajin. Over the years, Tianshi Dao has been sheltered by Kuaiji Wang and Wang Guobao. Under the circumstances, the development is extremely rapid. If you say that before you joined the army, Tianshi Taoism can only rely on some Taoist teachings in Wudi, and if the scope is limited, it is now more than ten times greater than the influence of that year. It can be said that villages have Believers, Zhuang Zhuang has a rudder. Almost every household of the people enshrines the Master of Heaven. Even if they only know that there is a venerable master, and they do n’t know that there is a Dong family, there are also a few. "

Liu Yu took a sigh of relief: "Is there such a scale? This is almost up to the Central Plains."

Murong Lan's expression was solemn and nodded: "Yes, Brother Wolf, that's it. I'm in charge of intelligence work and I know a lot about these things. With the shelter of King Kuaiji, most of the family members are open to this, even the family Children, there are not a few who believe in Tianshi Taoism, as long as they do n’t take tenant farm households away from the manor, then they usually teach a mission, gather every month, burn some runes, receive spiritual signs, etc. They all opened their eyes and closed their eyes. Even Xuanshuai's son-in-law, Xie Lingyun, is still fostered in Tianshi Taoism, and he has cultivated the Tao since childhood. "

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Just trusting these people just for the sake of cultivating longevity? Are Jiangnan families all blind, don't you know the ambition of Heavenly Master Dao?"

Zhi Miaoyin sneered: "You are in the army and have many dealings with the three masters of Tianshi Dao, and naturally know what they want, but in Wu Di, Sun Tai and his sons, they showed no interest in power. I just want to earn more incense money by opening my disciples, and at the same time selling various Wushisan to the family clan for their prostitution. In the eyes of most families in Wudi, Tianshi Dao is just thinking By the gods and ghosts, the guys who swindle and cheat have no power ambitions, so they do n’t take extra precautions. Even, when many family members really want to ask immortals, they will rely on their nephew, the spirit of my mother ’s family. Fortunately, the morals of the husband's family are like this. "

Liu Yu said with a deep voice: "Does such a family like Wang Xie ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ see their purpose, their ambitions and harm? Can't stop it? It's so strange!"

Zhi Miaoyin sighed: "Either you do n’t see the danger, or you do n’t want to stop it at all. In addition to letting these poor people help each other, Tianshi Tao also has the function of relieving their pain and purifying the soul. Brother Yu, you In Jingkou, I have never been bullied. When I arrived in the army, I said one thing. The eldest brother of the stars holding the moon, you ca n’t realize that when those who rise up to fight the people, give the corrupt officials and bullies, and the unscrupulous masters to exploit and crush, There are pains that are hard to reach and suffer.

Murong Lan nodded: "Yes, helpless, powerless, and even tenants who are dependent on the family and the family, who have lived the hardest time, think about what Diao Kui did in Jingkou, Anyway, he can only deceive people to lose money by opening a casino. If it is elsewhere, it is directly robbed. If it is in his manor, it will kill the tenants and the whole family, and no one will ask. Therefore, Buddhism and Taoism are popular in Jiangnan because they can make people hope and persuade people to be kind. Tianshi Tao allows the poor to help each other, and at some time they can use their relationship with the big family to teach in the government for bullying. The children appealed for their grievances. In their view, this is the **** who rescues and rescues in the present world, and the family clan is also happy to let Tianshi Dao soothe the people so that they will not gather together in the mountains and fight by force. This is the combination of the family clan and Tianshi Dao. The most important bond of the world. "

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