Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1552: Little boy mafia

Horsemanship Taipei, thirty miles away, a manor built against the mountains and the water, looks inconspicuous, but there are a few luxurious carriages parked at the door of the manor, and hundreds of guards in black clothes holding swords beside the carriages However, it is to show the identity of the guests in this manor. The Kuaiji King Sima Daozi, Shang Shuling Wang Guobao, the two most powerful people in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, are in this Diao Kui private manor, talking about something.

In the center of the manor, on a rockery in a lake, in an exquisite pavilion, Sima Daozi, Sima Yuanxian and his son were sitting next to each other, while Wang Guobao changed a good satin dress and stood on one side with respect.

Sima Daozi looked at the rippling ripples in the heart of the lake and sighed: "It seems that the elder brother is going to be real this time, but I am still very strange. How did Liu Yu know about the mafia, and said that it has been for many years. Fighting them? "

Wang Guobao said in earnest: "The Mafia is not so easy to deal with. When they approached me, I knew how terrible their power was. If they did n’t help, how could I help the prince and defeat Xie An? What. "

Sima Daozi ticked the corner of his mouth: "But is Xie An not the Xuanwu of the Mafia? What are they doing, they are infighting?"

Wang Guobao nodded: "Exactly, Xie An is Xuanwu, but he is dedicated to the Xie family for personal gain. This is the reason why the mafia found my son-in-law of the Xie family to fight back against Xuanwu. Of course, I didn't know Xuanwu was Xie Ann, I didn't know the news until the failure of the Northern Expedition Yecheng. When I first heard it, it was like the prince now, so I couldn't believe it. "

Sima Daozi said with a sneer: "Xuanwu is dead, this time the Qinglong Xichao is also finished, I think this mafia is also losing streak in succession, it's nothing remarkable. It's better that we go to get Liu Yu and eradicate them completely. Did we take back our Sima Royal family? "

Sima Yuanxian shook his head: "Father, don't do anything. In this way, the mafia's centuries of accumulation are in the hands of the emperor, and we are completely finished. Once the emperor has land, Dingkou, money, He will be able to control his own army, and when Liu Yu and other sergeants from Beifu are the generals, he will control this army, and we will die without a burial place. "

Sima Daozi's complexion changed: "Is it so serious? Although we fight for power, we are brothers after all, and he is only my younger brother. Is it true that I can't rely on me and really rely on outsiders?"

Sima Yuanxian sighed: "But the father is also the most qualified person to take over his throne. Other outsiders are not surnamed Sima."

Sima Daozi's mouth widened and became speechless, and began to sweat coldly for a long time before sighing: "So, then I went to find my mother and asked her to mediate. I went out and took a stabbing history and bowed to him. Isn't it soft to serve? "

Wang Guobao sneered: "Your lord, you have been fighting with the emperor for so many years, and it has already become a fire. You can share anything in this world. Only this power cannot be shared. In the past, the emperor can give you some face because he himself I have n’t really mastered the power. While fighting with you, I also have to prevent those high-level families from taking advantage of the opportunity to overthrow the imperial power again, so there is room for it. But this time, he wants to take over the real power from the high-level families and the Mafia. To this end, spare no effort to protect Liu Yu, who has become the enemy of the family. This is a great opportunity for the prince to be once in a lifetime. As long as you are willing to rise up and become the leader of the family, then you have missed the 95th place for many years, but it is to you Beckoning. "

Sima Daozi jumped up in shock, looking at Wang Guobao on the opposite side, and said sharply: "What are you talking about? Are you trying to teach orphans to seize the position ?!"

Wang Guobao gritted his teeth: "Now is the best opportunity. The Mafia has long been arranged next to the emperor. This is what Suzaku just told me. The nobleman is the one he has done for many years!"

Sima Daozi's eyes widened: "Gui Gui? Why, how could it be her? The emperor has great gratitude to him, not only made her from a palace to a noble lady, but also made her brother become a guard, how could she be Mafia? "

Sima Yuanxian said with a sneer: "Because it is not the mafia's help, this noble could not have come out in the palace, and her elder brother Zhang Fashun was a strategist who secretly trained by Suzaku many years ago. Ordinary women, how can they stand up in the harem? Even the death of the former queen, Wang Fahui, has something to do with the mafia. "

Sima Daozi looked at Sima Yuanxian in surprise: "Yuanxian, you, how do you know more about the Mafia than the father?"

Sima Yuanxian calmly said: "Because the father Wang was drunk and dreamed of death on weekdays, these military affairs were only handed over to the king's servant to shoot, and he was too lazy to manage. Therefore, the child must share the worry for the father Wang, some things, more contact, Naturally it will be clear. "

Sima Daozi gritted his teeth and looked at Wang Guobao: "You acted as a middleman and let Yuan Xian come into contact with the Mafia?"

Wang Guobao mourned with tears: "Where do I dare, the king, the white tiger of the Mafia sees that the little prince is a material that can be made, and he began to cultivate and contact himself many years ago. It is not ordinary people who can become a guard of the Mafia. There can be luck. "

Sima Daozi made a bold gesture and said: "Yuan Xian, you are so brave to worship this man in the Mafia as a teacher, but you don't even tell you to be a father. Is there a father in my eyes?"

Sima Yuanxian said calmly: "Father, please be angry ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If you want to let go of this drunken dream, let go of that flowery beauty and singing and dancing, let you engage in these thrilling conspiracies and swords and swords and swords, Are you really willing? "

Sima Daozi's black face turned red, and he shook his head: "If you can't enjoy these human bliss while alive, then what's the use of power?"

Sima Yuan smiled slightly: "The father wants pleasure, and does not want to bear the heavy responsibility of this power, so let the children take care of you. Over the years, the children have learned a lot of tricks from the Mafia. Now, it's time to use it. In this action, the child will prove his ability to the father. "

Sima Daozi gritted his teeth: "But, do you want to start with your uncle? He is your uncle after all."

Sima Yuanxian said coldly, "My uncle, if he would destroy me in the future, there would be no hesitation in the king's mansion. The battle for imperial power would be either his death or my death. There is no third way. The father-in-law only needs to wait for the succession of the great reassurance, and he does not need to know too much about other bad things. "


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