Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1747: Listen humblely

Liu Yu wore a pair of hats, bowed his head, and mixed with some Jingkou people standing on both sides of the avenue, and walked to the ferry. Under the banner, Liu Laozhi crossed the horse, the majesty, and the first team of Beifu Army soldiers lined up on the avenue of twenty or thirty steps in front of him. Just like the generals who received military parades in the later generations, Liu Lao waved from time to time with a smile on his face.

Liu Jingxuan on the side, standing on the ground, was standing with the giant hammer and the steel armor, which could no longer cover his muscular muscles. Unlike his father who only looked at the sergeant in front, he was in the fourth He kept looking around and seemed to be waiting for someone.

Liu Laozhi frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "What are you in a hurry, A Shou, the court just agreed to Liu Yu to come, the formal transfer order has not been issued yet, according to the rules, he should go to Sun Wujun to report first, and then Ordered, I'm afraid that by then, we have arrived in Wu Xing or even Kuaiji. "

A trace of disappointment flashed in Liu Jingxuan's eyes: "That would be a pity. This is the first time we can fight together under the status of the Beifu Army under the official royal court after the battle of the Fei Shui. If we finally missed it, I do n’t know if there is this opportunity in my life. "

Liu Laozhi said coldly: "That's his problem. Who asked him to be weak in guarding and let the first emperor die? According to the Dajin Military Law, he should have retired to Guangzhou or Shuzhong long ago. The miserable suffering is going to Sun Wujun's side, someone is already protecting him. "

Liu Jingxuan smiled slightly, and said, "Thanks to my father and handsome, I wouldn't take the suspicion into consideration, so I sent the slave back, and the children took care of the slave. The brothers thanked the father and handsome."

Liu Laozhi's hook must be picked: "A Shou, you have to remember that Dad is the coach of Beifu Army, Liu Yu is not, and Liu Yu lied to me and brothers last time, almost deceived Beifu Army's Once the honor is destroyed, so many believe him, which of the brothers who entered the palace and guards was not implicated by him? If it were not for the court and the family ministers, we would still use our Beifu army, I am afraid that your old brothers, You must also exile the wild land with Liu Yu. Do you still believe him now, do you really need to eat his melons in order to be sober? "

Liu Jingxuan gritted his teeth: "Slave slaves are not intended to harm everyone, but only if something goes wrong in the middle ..."

Liu Laozhi categorically said: "Which time he did not have problems? Is this the first time? Before Shouchun, Yecheng, Luoyang, which time did not have problems? Marry the princess of the enemy country, support the prairie barbarians, and call the brothers and brothers against Ni Hu, these No one has forced him. It's always said that Han Hu is not mutually exclusive, but is it practical? You people are too shallow in the world, and bring him his surname. I tell you the truth, this time I will Bringing Liu Yu into battle is not because of your request, but because Liu Yu knows more about Heavenly Masters than ordinary people, and it is useful for us to rebel. It is also an opportunity for me to give him a meritorious atonement. Naturally, he will be given the opportunity, but if he relies on his relationship with you, and does things on his own, he will be disrespectful. Hey, then I will blame me for calculating the new and old accounts together, and the military law will be merciless! "

Liu Jingxuan's face changed, and he was about to speak, but heard Liu Yu's voice rang from the crowd on the side, calm and calm: "Thank you General Zhenjun for his support, I am grateful for my inferiority. Keep your word. "

A trace of surprise flashed on Liu Jingxuan's face, and the sledgehammer was thrown away, and he rushed directly to the place where the sound came, and Xiang Jing, Yu Qiujin and others standing behind him also ran out, Liu Laozhi His face sank. In addition to Liu Jingxuan, several other people had just taken a step, and they were scared back. They just looked at the crowd and gave Liu Yu a big bear hug Liu Jingxuan.

Liu Jingxuan laughed and said: "Slave, you are coming, want to die A Shou." He said while patting Liu Yu's shoulder, "Well, it is still so strong and powerful, it seems to be doing well in the prison Ah, I ’m afraid you have n’t eaten or drank in the jail, and even the plane ’s bus has become soft. When the time comes, you will put eggs in the nest and drag our hind legs. ”

Liu Yu said with a smile: "I'm afraid you caught the thief and chopped it into meat sauce to eat raw, especially the fat man. He is the fattest and has the most oil and water. Those thieves must like it, so I still have to help."

Liu Laozhi looked at Liu Yu coldly and said, "Liu Yu, shouldn't you be on the way to Guangling at this time? How come you come to me?"

His gaze fell on Liu Yu ’s waist card, "The coach almost forgot that Liu Senjun was in the air. The powerful friends are not one or two. The decree has not yet been issued. I am afraid someone will report to you. Okay. "

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "These are just procedural issues, but the commander is right, as a soldier, he has to obey the military order, there is no formal order, but someone has sent this waist card to the lowly office, and the status of the lowly office is still It should be the Sima who reported to General Sun ’s department. The humiliation then went to Guangling City, first reported to the army, and then waited for the official transfer order to be issued. "

Liu Laozhi looked a little slower and nodded: "Yes, it seems that the suffering this time has made you grow, knowing that you have to obey the orders and listen to the command, Liu Yu, if you are willing to listen to the orders, it will be the most Outstanding soldiers, some have the opportunity to build meritorious service. This time the thieves made a mess. At that time, the family of Xie who had great gratitude to you, the king's family suffered, and both public and private, you should avenge Xuefen ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ . "

Liu Yu shouted: "The humble office is willing to kill the thief side by side with all the brothers under the command of Liu Dashuai!

Liu Jingxuan smiled and said: "The humble office is also willing to kill the thief side by side with Liu Yu under the command of his father and handsome to calm down the rebellion!"

Liu Laozhi said angrily: "Okay, okay, you don't have to say these words here. Whether you will listen to the command in the future depends on your performance. Liu Yu, originally according to military law, you should go to Guangling first, but now the situation is military. Urgent, General Wei (Xie Yan) 's soldiers and horses have already set off for a few days. Our Beifu Army is not his successor. It should have cooperated, so now we have to speed up to keep up. Liu Yi and He Wuji have already Start urgently, our Chinese army is also promoted, you do n’t have to go to the champion general, just stay in the coach ’s Chinese army, and act together. As for the letter of secondment to General Sun, you write it yourself. Must be issued. "

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Carefully follow the military command."

Liu Laozhi flicked his finger to a camp about two miles behind him: "The Chinese military commander account is all there. You first formally register for naturalization, then go to the shogunate to deal with the official document, one day later, come to Wu Xing's camp The coach reports. "

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