Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1750: Reunite

Chen Yi said with a smile: "Everything is decided by Yuan Gong."

Yuan Song glanced at the registered military officials at the back and said, "Everyone, this officer wants to ask Liu Dashuai for his personal feelings and collect Chen Zhuangshi as used. I wonder if it is possible?"

The old voice sounded: "Chen Yi has not yet reported to his army. He can choose which army he will join or which official he will follow. This is his freedom and right."

Liu Yu said abruptly: "Yuan Taishou has a sincere heart, and Liu Yu admires it."

Chen Yizheng gave a salute and said, "Yuan Gong Gaoyi, Chen Mou remembered in his heart, willing to follow you around. Brother Ji, please also tell Xu Gong that he would follow Yuan Gong for a while and help him Appease Wu Di and ask Xu Gong to forgive me. "

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Relax, this thing is on me. I think Brother Xu will be happy for your choice if he is present today."

Yuan Song nodded with a smile and turned away with Chen Yi. Liu Yu looked at their leaving back with emotions, but heard the old voice behind him: "Next reporter, please come forward . "

Liu Yu turned around, but he was stunned for a while. The crowd had already separated the two sides at this time. He could clearly see the military officer sitting behind the small couch. It was a white hair. The old man, looking at least in his sixties, is still wearing a military uniform with a blue color, wearing a leather helmet. The most attractive thing is that his legs are completely broken from below his knees. The leather rope was on his shoulders, and the two wooden stays were on the side of his hands. Obviously, this is how he moved his hands.

Liu Yu's eyes were a little wet. When he first entered Beifu nearly 20 years ago, he still remembered clearly that it was this old army who recorded his name and gave himself an army card. After the battle of Fei Shui, I once met this old man in Jiankang, Beijing. At that time, he was still talking about a book review booth to make a living. Unexpectedly, after a long period of time, the personnel is not right, the old man is still the same, and he can still meet this crippled old soldier here.

The old army smiled slightly: "This brave man, whose surname is who, what come to my Beifu Army?"

Liu Yu strode forward, walked to the couch, and said in a deep voice: "Some surname Liu, first name ..."

The old army suddenly shouted: "Yes, your surname is Liu, Mingyu, Liu Yu's Liu, Liu Yu's Yu, Beifu Army soldiers join the army."

There was a huge burst of cheers from the silent crowd on the sidelines. Everyone shouted and shouted uniformly: "Liu Yu, Liu Yu, Liu Yu, Liu Yu!"

With tears in Liu Yu's eyes, after so many years and so many things, he suddenly realized that he was really famous, and Liu Yu had already surpassed a thousand words, looking at those in the eyes of the people around him. The eager desire, the admiration and expectation from the heart, he suddenly felt that he was the center of this world, he was the mission of heaven, and he was destined to make a difference in this era. Suffering, experiencing so many conspiracies and betrayals, experiencing so many difficult difficulties that ordinary people can't imagine, I, Liu Yu, still standing here, can respond to everything, and the followers gather, and the word Liu Yu has become the hearts of many people. The trust of the gods and souls must make achievements before they pay the trust of these people.

Liu Yu thought of it, clenched his fists, and shouted at the surroundings: "Liu is not talented, and depends on everyone's love. I am guilty of not being worthy. I have made some credit and made many mistakes in the past few years, but, Liu Yu, who is standing here today, joined the army at the beginning of 20 years ago. A heart of a naked child has never changed. Protecting the country and defending the people, and raising my Han Jing are my pursuits and ideals in this life. Together with Liu, under the command of Liu Zhenjun, he can make new achievements and slay the demon.

Everyone responded in unison: "Work together to break the thieves."

Liu Yu nodded and turned away. The crowd resumed the queue in front of each seat. The identity of the veteran rang on the side of Liu Yu: "Liu joined the army and is slow."

Liu Yu froze for a moment. He had walked out more than twenty steps at this moment, and walked under a tree on one side, but he saw that the veteran's hands were turning like a flywheel, and the two wooden braces supported the ground quickly. From the beginning, the whole person was almost flying in the air. In a blink of an eye, he arrived in front of him. He fell to the ground, released an army book in his arms, and laughed: "Liu Shenjun is in a hurry, here I am Not registered yet. "

Liu Yu smiled: "I'm sorry, I just thought about the past in the army, I was a little excited, but I forgot about this layer." He said while removing the waist tag from the waist and handing it to the broken leg veteran.

The leg-broken veteran took another brush from his arms, turned it over to Liu Yu's waist card, turned it into a military book, and began to record. When the pen in his hand stopped, he looked up at Liu Yu and smiled: "Actually, I want to call you Master Liu Jun this time, but unfortunately you are implicated in the matter of defending the guard. You are now a guilty conscience and cannot directly resume your military position. Next time I see you, I should call you General Liu. "

Liu Yu hurriedly waved his hand and said, "How can there be such a good thing, this time to calm down a thief, I just made some plans in the Chinese army, and even had no chance to enter the battle. I do n’t care much. "

The veteran with a broken leg shook his head: "I believe my old eyes and I believe that I haven't been in the army for decades. Liu Dashuai let you join the army because of his consideration, and will never make you really only The Chinese army did not enter the battlefield, the thieves were rampant, and they were extremely cunning. Liu Junjun must not be underneath the enemy. In any case, you must protect yourself and stay in the mountains. Your ambition and lofty ideals will be realized. Day. "

A warm heart in Liu Yu's heart ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Satisfied with clenched fists: "Thank you senior for his kind words, Liu remembered it in his heart. After three encounters, I didn't know the senior's high name and name. I wonder if it is convenient to see it in the future. As his predecessors said, Liu must be thankful. "

The broken-legged veteran laughed haha: "The nameless pawn, whoever has the last name is not important at all, you just need to remember, I am one of the tens of millions of ordinary people in Dajin you want to protect and fight for, all your efforts The struggle is for people like us, so everyone will thank you from the bottom of my heart. My hometown is in Kuaiji County. I only hate my body. I ca n’t get on the battlefield. I can only imagine Liu Senjun ’s battlefield in my dream. Heroic, I will pray for you. "

He said, turning around to support his body and walking back to the reported place, and his singing came far down the wind and got into Liu Yu's ears: "Jun rides, I wear Dai Li, he gets out of the car every day, Jun Tangui, I cross the horse, he meets every day as a junior. Green hills do not change the green water flow, there are fish and dragons in ordinary lanes, teach me to meet the wind and the clouds in one day, and the eight wildernesses will take my tour. "

There was a burst of blood in Liu Yu's heart, and he murmured: "Teach me to meet the wind and the clouds one day, and eight wildernesses and six brothers will take me to swim."

Volume VII End


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