Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1754: Encounter the old in the camp

Xiang Jingyi gritted his teeth and was about to say it again, but Liu Yu was the first to say: "Lieutenant Liu, who is destined to lead his life, now go to the camp to select staff."

He said, turned around and walked out of the account, stomping towards Jingji, Liu Yu stood still and did not look back, said in a deep voice: "Brothers, I will go back when you go, you must listen to the handsome here There is only one commander in this army who gives orders. This man is our Liu Shuai. "

After he finished speaking, he straightened out, leaving only the accountant with a full account, with various complex expressions. If thinking about it, Liu Laozhi said calmly, "Okay, let's continue the military discussion."

Liu Yu was rushing all the way along the way. His mind was thinking about the matter just now. As expected, the thoughts of the generals of Beifu were no longer focused on marching battles, but on how to exile wealth, the so-called monk The master broke the law and discriminated the people, but it was just an excuse to monopolize these manors. Then it was time to search for gold and silver treasures for a few days, save the grain and cloth, and fish enough. After all, this time as a guest army, the thief only needs to escape. Going, even if the betrayal is successful, and even the thieves will not be eliminated, they can come again next time. As for the life and death of the people of Wudi, that is not what they considered.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu felt painful. When Xie An formed the Beifu Army, everyone was willing to return to the country with the good of the Northern Expedition to recover the lost land. But after decades, they have experienced so many setbacks, conspiracies, betrayal, many People's blood has cooled down, and I didn't know that I threw it out of Jiuxiaoyun, and got the actual benefits in the war. It was the only thing to consider. If Xie An saw that the Beifu Army had become such a bandit group, I would not know What kind of distressed!

Liu Yu thought more and more angry, and the steps under his feet became faster and faster. Suddenly, the flash of electricity and flint in his mind stopped, and Wuzhuang, who was about to go, was afraid that it was not that simple. Occupied and simply searched, but found nothing. If it is a real estate that the enemy rushed to give up, it will not be so clean, and no trace will be left. Only if it is prepared, even using the blind eye method to escape the search. It will be so. If Tianshi Dao really left the main force, it is likely to gather in Wuzhuang area. Your own reconnaissance may decide the life and death of the army. With the attack power and surprise ability displayed by Tianshi Dao this time, if it is It is really a surprise to take advantage of the division of troops in the army and the lack of troops left by the Chinese army. The consequences are unimaginable.

And thinking about the performance of the crowd in today's account, all the military leaders will be full of brains to make a fortune. They have lost their basic battlefield vigilance. Even if Liu Laoqiang made them not to be looted, I am afraid that it will be difficult to convince the crowd and let me go. Scouting and searching the Wuzhuang area, as the coach, there is no problem, but also broke away before the conflict intensified today. It seems that this time Liu Laozhi is really for victory, he can give up his suspicion of himself and let go.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu's eyes were suddenly bright and he breathed a sigh of relief. He walked into the gate of the camp and only heard a voice from the side: "Slave, I haven't seen you for a long time, I can't think of meeting here again!"

Liu Yu's face changed and he turned to look to the side. I saw a big man with a long beard and yellow face, holding his arms and standing with a smile. Liu Yu laughed: "Kong Jing Kong Jing, you kid these years Where did you go? After the water, I found you for a long time, and I said you left the army and went back to your hometown. What's going on? "

This person is not a collateral, but Liu Yu was the owner of the blacksmith building when he entered Beifu at the beginning of the year. This person is different from other Beifu brothers. He retired and returned home after the battle of Fei Shui, and did not even participate in the next Northern Expedition. After the war, Liu Yu was displaced, and he had not seen Kong Jing for many years in the north. After years of years, he did not expect to meet again under such circumstances. It was really a surprise.

Kong Jing smiled and said: "My old Kong Ben was a local tyrant in Yangyang. When Xie's family took over as the custodian, when old Xie Xianggong formed the Beifu Army, as a subordinate of Xie's family, I naturally wanted to serve the country from the military and finish the feast. Shui, most of the Beifu Army disbanded and returned to their hometowns, and I am also on this list. After all, I am not your Jingkou, not a natural soldier. "

Speaking of which, Kong Jing's smile gradually disappeared, and his expression became serious: "However, this time the country was unfortunate, the thieves were messing up, and the manor in all the prefectures and counties of Wudi was occupied by the thieves, and my family could not be spared. It was n’t Xu Xian ’s brother who notified me when he fled, I ’m afraid that my old hole will be like the nephew of the Xie family, and they will be made into meat sauce and eat into the stomach. "

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth, which was not funny at all, and even made people want to cry. He said in earnest: "The genie is extinct, humans and gods are abandoned. We come here to destroy them, old. Kong, I came here this time just to choose ... "

Kong Jing waved his hand: "I have known the purpose of your coming, and I have prepared it for you. They are all Wudi's bankers. Like me, they escaped from various manor houses, and they all ride horses. Fifty fast horses, I am ready here. You are here to detect enemy situations, not combat, Ling Fei, you come. "

With Kong Jing's words, a young man in his early twenties rushed to ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He was wearing a man's clothes, with a forehead tied on his head, and his whole body was up and down, without armor. It was a typical heavy farmer. There was only a pair of big ears, which seemed particularly noticeable. He saluted Liu Yu: "Liu Senjun, I am called Ling Fei, I am Wuzhuang, and I will lead you this time."

Liu Yu smiled and patted Ling Fei on the shoulder: "Brother Ling, don't be so polite. Our mission this time is for the army to spy on the military situation. The brothers can do the same thing without having to be held in the army. By the way, you say you are Wuzhuang people, can you tell us about the situation of Wuzhuang and the surrounding environment? "

Ling Fei nodded: "Our Wuzhuang is a typical water town in the south of the Yangtze River. The nearby river network is vertical and horizontal. A Wuhe River runs right in front of the Zhuang. The Zhuangli River is irrigated by the Wuhe River. In Wuzhuang, only the hero bridge on the Wuhe River passes. "

Liu Yu frowned: "So, this Wuzhuang is surrounded by the Wuhe River? Is there only one bridge that can enter? In case there is an ambush, wouldn't it be possible to return the bridge?"

Ling Feizheng said: "Yes, the Wu River is often flooded, so it has been raising the levee, which is more than one foot higher than the river bed, and the Wu River is four or five feet wide. It is not the kind of small river that can be crossed at once, because of this The local terrain is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack, so it will become a den operated by the thief. "

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