Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1758: Inspect nearby ambush soldiers

In Beifu Military Camp, above the sentry tower, Liu Laozhi's eyes were deep, and he turned to Wuzhuang in the distance. He suddenly turned his head to look at the relaxed white tiger on the side, and said in a deep voice: "I want to know now, you have What way can Liu Yu even have no chance to escape? "

Bai Hu smiled slightly: "I can't think of General Liu Da, who has always been calm, but I can't help but ask this. This may not be consistent with your usual performance."

Liu Laozhi gritted his teeth: "The art of war is clouded, knowing one another and winning a hundred battles. I still know Liu Yu, but now I do n’t know what we have. If Tianshidao set up an ambush, Liu Yu He must be alert, he will not fight hard, and will return. Although the Jiangnan water network is unfavorable for the cavalry, Liu Yu will never let himself be in a situation where he cannot return. That is, Wuzhuang is just a small bridge that can be straight in, even if it is rough. The people also know that it is a dangerous place, and it will never pass all at once, and the rice fields in Jiangnan are not suitable for hiding like the wheat fields in the north. I have looked at the sand table repeatedly over the past two days, I ca n’t imagine any way, really. Trap Liu Yu. "

Bai Hu smiled and looked at Liu Laozhi: "If I tell you, the horse that Liu Yu is riding will soon be sloppy, and can't run anymore?"

Wuzhuang, Xiaoqiao.

Liu Yu's eyes were shining brightly. He took the horse rein and drove the horse to slow down. In front of him, Gui En led more than ten riders and opened the road about ten steps ahead of Liu Yu. Liu Yu kept looking at the sides The paddy field, several scouts, had touched it, speared away the barren weeds with a spear in their hands, and then kept turning back to make a safe and restless gesture, where he was more than fifty steps behind him, why Wuji Standing with Liu Daojiu on the horse, with the remaining half of them, watching the movements in the front nervously at the back, two waves of people in front and behind, maintaining a very good distance, either responding or breaking away at any time, acting independently .

Kuai turned back to Liu Yu and said, "Brother Ji Nu, have you been too careful? I don't think there is any problem here. There are a lot of birds in Wuzhuangli. A few swallows, this is what you taught us. If the birds and beasts do not enter, most of them have ambushes, but where the birds and beasts landed safely, there is no ambush. "

Liu Yu raised the corner of his mouth and said, "It's not to be careless. This is not an ordinary jungle. You can hide in the cellar of the house, unlike in the wild. Even in the wild, as long as the sergeant's quality is good enough, disguise and lurk. Do n’t move, can bear bites of mosquitoes, snakes and ants can also deceive these birds and beasts, have n’t we practiced ourselves before? There are many elite disciples in Tianshi Taoism who have participated in the army before, and even participated in Beifu Soldiers and veterans, we will, and they will, too.

Ku-en nodded: "Got it, Brother Ji-nu, I'll cross the bridge here, you can just keep it here."

Liu Yu frowned and shook his head: "No, I personally passed by, Zhuangzhuang, you are guarding here, if something happens, you will quickly back away, not to fight."

Kuo En's face changed, and he was about to speak, Liu Yu waved his hand: "If everything is fine, I really want to run into an ambush. I must be more experienced than you, deal with it, be strong, and execute military orders!"

Kua En sighed, and saluted away. Liu Yu looked around and said to the dozen or so cavalrymen around him: "Everyone moves with me. Be careful, people should get together and maintain a three-step interval. Attack, as I taught before. "

Everyone responded in unison. Liu Yu looked at Ling Fei around him and said, "Brother Ling, lead the way."

Ling Fei nodded, caught his horse's belly, the war horse flicked his head, ran to the wooden bridge, and went directly to the opposite bank. Ling Fei ran his horse back and forth at the bridge for two laps and laughed: "Liu Shenjun, it's safe here, nothing."

Liu Yu nodded. He was about to bridge the bridge immediately. He suddenly thought of something, jumped off the horse, and walked to the bridge. Kuo Enqi said: "What's wrong, Brother Ji?"

Liu Yu didn't reply directly. He turned back to the horse, took off a six-stone iron tire bow, and extracted a few long-barred spiked arrows. Against the gurgling water under the bridge, it was just a few arrows in a row, just listening to "buzz" The sound of "ding" is endless, these arrows are nailed into the river water, directly shot through the river bed, through the shallow water color, you can see the arrows flicker slightly underwater, and then the shallow water It became muddy, and I could no longer see clearly. Obviously, it was the result of the arrow shoots through the mud at the bottom of the river, and the sediment spread.

Liu Yu entered the river with dozens of arrows and was a little bit at ease. After all, he had been lurking with the bottom of the river before, but if there were really ambushes in the river, it was unlikely that the more than ten arrows would go down, even if the blood rose. There are thieves in the river, and now it should be possible to dispel this aspect.

Liu Yu walked down a few more steps, walked down the river embankment, to the edge of the wooden bridge, he clearly saw the beam and column of the wooden bridge, the bottom of the bridge, this is a wooden bridge of some years, but not yet After a long time of disrepair, I patted the bridge pile, it was still strong, and some of the dirt fell with it, but I did n’t see any traces of being damaged, axe, and saw. In Liu Yu ’s experience, the bridge ran horse by horse. No problem, or that seven or eight brawny men ran across the arm at the same time, which was enough to accommodate, and at a critical moment, it would not cause people to break the road.

Ling Fei shouted across the bank: "Liu Shenjun ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This bridge is very strong. Usually, we pass through the farming and farming every day. The carts can pass through, don't worry."

Liu Yu calmed down and said in secret, was it that I was too careful myself, maybe there is really no thieves here, he jumped on the river embankment and re-mounted the horse, while hanging the big bow back to the hook frame, at the same time, he immediately bridged and sank Voice: "Brothers, follow me."

Kuo En turned back to He Wuji and Liu Daogui in the back, and they gestured. The two looked at each other, waved their hands, and moved forward with the sergeants around them. The distance one mile or so was shortened to one hundred steps. On the left and right, Kuien and He Wuji and others met, and stood on one side of the bridge, while Liu Yu and Thirty ride on the other side, and began to line up, spread out, preparing to march towards Wuzhuang across the street.

Ling Fei said to Liu Yu with a smile: "Liu Shenjun, I will look at Zhuangzhuang. I am familiar here. Once it is safe, I will let out a signal to let everyone in."

Liu Yu smiled and waved his hand: "Brother Ling can't let you take risks alone, so, Shen Jing, Zhang Teng, Li Linzhi, Gu Hong, Wang Xiaoliu, five of your brothers go in with Ling brother to see, no problem Come out together. "

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