Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1770: The authorities are watching

There was a flurry of blood in Liu Yu's chest, a roar, a dragon-slashing sword in his hand, exhausted all his strength, and threw in the direction of the disappearance of the chariot. He was hit by a knife, and fell to the ground. More than ten swordsmen who fled together followed by a burst of exclamation and scream, and ran away.

After Liu Yu threw the knife, suddenly a huge sense of fatigue came to his mind. His knees were soft and he fell to the ground. The surroundings suddenly became noisy and noisy. Among the screams of the sky, Liu Jingxuan ’s behind He could finally hear the voice: "Slave, I'm here, I'm here!"

Liu Yu's lips moved, and he wanted to say something. Finally, his eyes were black and the sky was spinning. He couldn't remember anything.

In the distance of Wuzhuang, a small soil bag hidden in the waist-high weeds, two shadows colored with the yellow rice leaves around them, squatting half, four bright eyes, watching what happened in the distance , Under a basalt mask, gray eyebrows slightly raised: "Is there really a man sheltered by God in this world?"

Under the mask of another Suzaku, a sneer came out: "Are you the first day to know Liu Yu? After all these years, you haven't wondered why he can always kill a **** road every time it seems desperate. , What about the rebirth of life? "

Xuanwu gritted his teeth: "If it can be said to be luck once or twice, but this time, it can only make me feel that this is God's will, Suzaku, I think that after this battle, we should give up all the attempts to suppress Liu Yu. Thoughts, really cooperate with him. "

Suzaku sneered: "We want to cooperate with him, but is he willing to trust you? Liu Yu is now afraid that he already knows that this time we are in the back, and he will calculate the ledger with us later!"

Xuanwu hatedly said: "That was Baihu's own opinion, not our decision. I have always opposed him to join Liu Laozhi to start Liu Yu."

Suzaku laughed: "Really? This time it was Baihu who instigated Liu Laozhi, but who did the same thing last time by the Yellow River? Master Xuanwu, why can you do the same thing, others can't?"

Xuanwu was speechless for a while, and then murmured: "Last time, the last time was different. The last time was that the organization decided to detain Liu Yu and put him in the Ximatai. This was also part of the transaction with the former Qinglong. I didn't really want Liu Yu's life. "

Suzaku sneered: "But you hooked Liu Yao's suspicion of Liu Yu in the heart, and let Liu Yi also participate in it. Today's thing, Bai Hu clearly passed you to find Liu Yi, but you But it did not stop, indicating that you are deep in your heart, and also hope that Liu Yi can help you except Liu Yu. "

Xuanwu was speechless for a while. He looked at the battlefield in the distance. Liu Jingxuan took Liu Yu up and put it on his horseback. He couldn't care about chasing down the Master of Heaven and Daoists, but directly drove back in the direction when he came. In the distance, Liu Muzhi urged several sergeants to push the chariot that was violently dumped by Liu Jingxuan and was greeted upwards. Xuanwu sighed: "I didn't really want Liu Yi to harm Liu Yu, just hope He can control Liu Yu ’s military power. However, Liu Yi has a murderous heart. This person is very cruel, and it is not a thing in the pool. Perhaps, we should really get rid of it. "

Suzaku smiled and said, "Without Liu Yi, the last person in the army who can restrict Liu Yu is gone. Although Liu Laozhi is the coach, compared with Liu Yu's generation, there is a generation gap. To differentiate Liu Yu The force in the Beifu Army can only be done by this Liu Xile. Moreover, he seems to have some contact with Heavenly Master Dao. In the future, he may toss a greater force than you think. "

Xuanwu frowned and looked in the direction of Wuzhuang. From their perspective, they could see that the chariot originally driven by the three had been thrown on a street, and the door of a small courtyard around it was open. The well rope of a dry well was still shaking slightly.

Xuanwu sneered: "These thieves are like ghosts, and there are secret organs in these places. Even if they are defeated, they can escape from here, but they are too unjust and just run away, but their disciples don't care. "

Suzaku nodded: "This is the shrewdness of Lu Xun and Xu Daofu. When he escapes, he is extremely decisive and will not drag the mud and water. This is Liu Yu's terrible enemy. Liu Yi cooperates with such people and will give Liu Yu in the future. It caused a lot of troubles, but I did n’t know one thing. Today, Liu Yi used the seven-step soul-breaking poison. Why can Liu Yu survive? Could it be that you did something to save Liu Yu? "

Xuanwu shook his head: "Liu Yu saved himself, not me."

Suzaku's face changed: "How do you say this? Seven Steps of Soul Breaking is a highly toxic poison unique to you. No one knows the recipe. The middleman must die. If it was not for you to give Liu Yu an antidote in advance, how could he live?"

Xuanwu smiled bitterly: "You probably forgot, Liu Yu had a chance encounter, what kind of medicine was given by the snake **** Daxian, not only can he recover from serious injuries, but also heal all poisons. At that time, Liu Jingxuan and Liu Yi fight fiercely, compared to going to Japan Ma Honeycomb, almost died. The poison of the thousand bees can also cure this herbal medicine. Since then, I know that the strange poison of everyone can't hurt Liu Yu. "

Suzaku gritted her teeth: "You mean, Liu Yu took this herb in advance today?"

Xuanwu sighed: "Of course not. If he had known that he would be injured by poison arrows, he would not be trapped. Liu Yu was injured many times before and ate a lot of this herb. It's just that the poison of the seven-step soul-breaking is too aggressive, and it has caused some damage to him, but Liu Yu's system is superb, I always feel that there is a mysterious power in his body, the more desperate, the more It can break out, like today, driving thousands of people alone. It has never been heard since ancient times. Even Xiang Yu and Ran Min Zhiyong are not as good as Liu Yu today! "

Suzaku looked dignified ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ nodded: "Yes, it seems that no matter whether it is design or poisoning, it can't deal with Liu Yu, but fortunately, he still has weaknesses and can be used. We have better not to use it recently. Started, lurking down, lest Liu Yu go back to seek revenge and find us, and do n’t try to explain to Liu Yu, he wo n’t believe you, no matter if you are Xuanwu or something else. ”

Xuanwu sighed: "Baihu must pay for today's actions, but it is imperative that we still have to stabilize Liu Laozhi and Liu Yi. Anyway, recapture of Wudi and eight counties is our top priority, and Liu Yu's Grace and resentment cannot affect this big premise. "

Suzaku smiled slightly, turned and walked towards a black hole tunnel entrance behind him: "Then we have to hold fast, think about how to find Liu Laozhi."

Xuanwu looked back at Liu Yu, who had been loaded into the cart and transported to the direction of Beifu Army Camp. He murmured: "There are thousands of corpses on the riverside, and the slaves are famous all over the world. Liu Yu, why are you so favored? ? "

He shook his head, turned around and jumped back to the hole behind him, the mud covered wooden boards closed as if nothing had happened.

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