Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1776: Big belly like chicken intestines

Liu Yu's voice is getting higher and higher, and the speed of speech is also accelerating, with his strong gestures and firm expression: "Now what we need to do is not to divide the troops, nor to confine them, but to concentrate their forces. It is important to keep the place where the thieves landed. More importantly, it is necessary to appease the people and return them to their hometowns to protect and comfort them. Only when the hearts of the people are toward me can we prevent the possibility of the return of the thieves! "

Gao Su sneered: "Liu Yu, you are easy to say, since you have such a skill, then you can simply do these things yourself." He just spoke, and suddenly felt something was wrong, because he saw Liu Yu Zheng looked at himself with a smile, as if waiting for him to say this sentence.

Gao Su gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Liu Yu, your current status is that the middle soldier under the command of Liu Dashuai joins the army. Do n’t forget that you have failed to protect the first emperor, and you have been relieved of the command of the army without the authority to lead the army. , You talked about these papers, and it was good to pack them up early. "

Liu Yu ignored Gao Su and looked at Liu Laozhi. He said sincerely: "Marshal, what I said in the low office just came from my heart. The last time the thieves made chaos. The reason why they succeeded was because they came from the sea. The army has no way to prepare, and it can land everywhere, especially in Shangyu. Once a breakthrough is made, it will directly threaten Shanyin.

Liu Laozhi nodded: "What you said makes sense, the coach and General Xie also discussed this matter. After the last demon landed in Shangyu, the city wall was demolished, so that Shangyu City is now in danger. It is unrealistic to send a large army commander to the seaside, but if there are too few troops and there is no strong city to rely on, it will be impossible to defend, and even early warning and procrastination will not work. "

Liu Yu shook his head, walked to the sand table map in the hall, picked up his finger stick, and pointed a finger at an unremarkable castle on the coastline: "Although Shangyu can't be guarded, it can also serve as a garrison here."

Everyone looked down at him, and I saw here that it was a small county town about fifty miles north of Shangyu City, named Juzhang. Liu Laozhi nodded slightly. As a battle-hardened general, he also saw it at a glance. This is a military important place. Although it is not exactly the same as the Shangyu, it is still the main point of landing the Kuaiji in the Zhoushan Islands. If the army lands again from the Shangyu area and fetches directly from Shanyin, the sentence will become a disturbance to its rear. The main point with the grain road should never be left to enemy forces.

Gao Su gritted his teeth: "The city of Juzhang is too small, the wall is less than one foot high, the circumference is less than three miles, and the residents in the city are more than 300 households, which is far behind Yucheng, because it is too small and broken. Therefore, when the thieves retreated into the sea, they were too lazy to destroy them. Liu Yu, if you just wanted to set up an observation post, you did n’t need to find a city, just let dozens of people patrol the coastline. "

Liu Yu said indifferently: "If it is just an early warning, then the scouts will do, but in the sentence, it is to be stationed. Although the city wall is low, as long as it is guarded with elite soldiers, one can be a hundred, even if there are only one or two thousand soldiers. Enough to pose a threat to the thief. If our army has a strong force stationed in Shangyu and camped on the sect with the lean and lean division, then once the thief landed on the land, he would find out that when they attacked the sect, the army dispatched, You can meet inside and outside to break the devil! "

Liu Laozhi nodded with satisfaction: "Liu Yu, this time your thoughts are exactly the same as the coach, General Xie, in my opinion ..."

Xie Yan sneered suddenly: "General Liu, you and Liu Yu sang one peace here, but it's really high. Previously, Liu Yu's acting deliberately said that your military discipline was corrupt, and then came back like this. If you are an ordinary person, you really believe it. Only It is a pity that the coach has dealt with you for many years, especially knowing that Liu Yu is loyal and honest, but he is very attentive and has a deep fortune. You can't deceive the coach with this trick! "

Liu Yu's brow furrowed and said straightly: "General Xie, the humble office is really a conscience. There is absolutely no intention of calculating you. Besides, this proposal will not cause any loss to you."

Xie Yan's face sank: "You are just pretending to guard against thieves, so find a reason to stay in the sentence, hum, if you go alone, it's okay, but unfortunately your last words exposed your true intentions, saying What makes a strong force stationed in Shangyu, is not just to find an excuse to let you Beifu Army in our Kuaiji, Shangyu around 10,000 years of piles, will not go anymore? "

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Sentence Town, Shangyu is broken, and even the households are gone. At this time, the Beifu Army is stationed. Not only does it have no benefit, but it has to bear the greatest risk. General Xie, the proposal of low office is really It is out of conscience and wants to destroy the demon thief, with no other intention. "

Xie Yan smiled: "Is it? The coach is about to cry. If the coach doesn't know what kind of army the famous Beifu Army is, he will really believe you ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Liu Yu , Just now, you also gave a generous statement about how the Beifu Army is now burned and looted in Wudi. Now the Beifu Army ruled by General Liu has become Wudi's sensation, even the family dare not dare The arrogant soldiers are back, and the people fear and hate you more than the devil, this kind of battle is not good, only hard and risky battles, the Beifu Army will fight? Liu Dashuai, will you? These are not good for you Early men, will you? "

Liu Laozhi said in a deep voice: "General Xie, the coach said again, the coach's men are the officers of the court, but they are not robbers, nor are you talking about the bandits who are not profitable, we come to Wudi, It is to suppress the bandits and rebel. Sometimes the methods are more brutal, and some people who are mixed with the thieves are mistakenly unavoidable. Those outside rumors are mostly distorted words, I am afraid that many are demon. The thieves ’spies have deliberately tried to prevent the people ’s support from us in order to alienate the people. As a military coach, you have the same attitude towards the Beifu Army who came to help.

Xie Yan sneered: "When the soldiers were originally dispatched, the coach told the emperor and the king of Kuaiji that the thieves were just a crowd of people. As soon as the court army arrived, they collapsed immediately and no other people needed help. Frightened by the intimidation, the Beifu Army was also dispatched, hum, now it seems that Liu Dashuai brought the tiger and wolf teacher to my land in Wuyue this time, the thieves did not kill much, but our Wang Xie family ’s manor is for you. Clean up, if you stay here again for the first half of the year, I am afraid that my Jiang Zuo family, a century-old foundation, has not destroyed the demon thieves, but will become the loot of the soldiers of the Beifu army. "

Liu Laozhi couldn't stand it anymore. He shot the case directly and walked out without looking back: "The people of the Beifu Army, let's go, the eight counties of Jiangzuo, leave it to General Wei, let's go home!"


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