Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1788: Yuan Yuan rebelled against the white tiger

Liu Muzhi gnawed the last piece of meat on the chicken leg into his stomach, and licked the fat on the bone, and then threw the chicken bone out of the sentry building while wiping the oil on his hand and mouth, He said, "Look at what you said, do you know how difficult it is for me to see you now? If this time was not to ask for a messenger who came to Wuzhen to supervise the grain and grass, in our opinion, we don't know if we want a monkey year . "

Liu Yu frowned: "Come to Wuzhuang to supervise the grain and grass? Who's command? Now the eight counties in Jiangdong are the history of the new Kuaiji, General Wei Xie Yan's site, Liu Dashuai is afraid that he can't move him, let alone use his Grain is here. "

Liu Muzhi laughed: "Junu and Jilu, you are too far behind this news, how come, envy came here, did not tell you my current identity?"

Xu Xianzhi said indifferently, "You fat man, recently joined Sima Yuanxian as a soldier. You are not ashamed of this kind of thing. I am embarrassed to mention it. Besides, this time I was back to Wu Di to bury my father and brother Yiguan is not an official business. If there is no chance of revenge here, I should have returned to my hometown by now. "

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "Shangyu can't go, at least not now, you and I know this now. Well, Xianzhi, long story short, do you have enough manpower here, do I need to provide it again?"

Xu Xianzhi sighed: "The people who always use you are not a problem. You are also lacking manpower. Besides, your people did not work here before, and even Wu Yue didn't speak well. Now it is not useful. Fortunately, after the war, there are many people. I will pick some new people from the middle to retrain. Now the staff here is barely okay, so you do n’t need to send new people to come. "

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Okay, if you have any difficulty, tell me at any time, now we are all working together with the slaves, don't be too out of the ordinary. But the slaves, Xianzhi makes sense, you now The status is too low, you still have to find a way to improve yourself. Not everyone is the same as us. From childhood to play with you, you can follow you regardless of the reward. "

Liu Yu laughed: "If you learn from you like the king of Kuaiji who turned over to the world, will he soon be able to find a general?"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "I kicked Liu Liuzhi, or Liu Yi, just like you, but it doesn't matter. The current Beifu Army has no reason to stay. Following Wuji to Sima Yuanxian's boy may be a little more promising. Sending slaves, I advise you to think about it too. Compared to the Mafia, this boy is a little cute. "

Liu Yu said coldly: "He is a master apprentice of Mafia and White Tiger Master. There is no apprentice of any kind of master. Don't take him as a child."

Liu Muzhi smiled and waved his hand: "His surname is Sima, not Wang or Xie. This determines that he cannot really become a member of the Mafia. Send slaves, do you understand what I mean?"

Liu Yu hooked his mouth: "This is the most troublesome place. His surname Sima was not born by the emperor. A prince has a power ambition. Even his own father's power is said to be seized. Such a person, Is n’t it scary? "

Liu Muzhi said indifferently: "I was drunk on Sima Daozi and pressed the fingerprint to seize power. I taught this kid. If not, how could I gain his trust?"

At the same time, Liu Yu and Xu Xian opened their mouths in surprise, unanimously: "What, are you ?!"

Liu Muzhi smiled and waved his hand: "Amazed, not surprised? But, well, this is not surprising, because, only by doing this, can I break the relationship between Baihu and his apprentice, Sima Yuan Xian Xian, like Sima Yao, wanted to revive Sima's imperial power. This determined that he and the Mafia could not stand apart. Bai Hu accepted him as a disciple to control Sima Daozi, because Sima Daozi had power and no ambition. I just want to get drunk and dream of death, which is the most appropriate puppet, but Sima Yuanxian is different. He is a fellow traveler with Sima Yao and wants to get his own power. This is now Sima Yuanxian, who no longer trusts the Mafia because I successfully convinced him to trick him into conscripting and confusing the Three Wus, which is a conspiracy of the Mafia. "

Liu Yuchang sighed: "You are still a fat man, you have a way, this kind of thing can be done, no less than Qinglong secretly crossed Chen Cang from Suzaku and poached three masters of Heavenly Master Dao."

Liu Muzhi's eyes flashed coldly: "I came to see you this time to tell you something. The last time I was in Wuzhuang, I hurt you because Bai Hu colluded with Liu Lao, and Liu Yi handled it in the middle. No one else in the Mafia is involved, just like the new Qinglong black Suzaku, it is a personal act. This conspiracy organization is now torn apart. The Quartet guards its actions and may not be far from the end. "

Liu Yu frowned: "Why does Bai Hu have to target me this way? Because I know his identity, do I want to kill me and kill my mouth?"

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "It was because the White Tiger started the Beifu Army's idea. Originally, he used Sima Yuanxian to win Liu Laozhi. He wanted to use Liu Lao's eagerness to find a new family based on the mountain after Xie's family. , Holding Liu Laozhi in his hands, so he provoked the relationship between Liu Laozhi and you, and also the relationship between Liu Laozhi and Xie Yan. Many robbery by the Beifu Army and the friction with the Xie family were secretly instructed by him. What Liu Yi did, it seems that our Brother Xile really became his disciple ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and Yuan Xian Shi Zi is just a cover on the surface. "

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "If he really does this, then it will not be the commander who controls the Beifu Army, but Liu Yi, so I will inevitably rush out."

Xu Xianzhi said with a sneer: "But he probably ignored Liu Yi's ability. Our Hero Brothers will not take orders from anyone. Once they lose the value of carrying him, they will turn their backs and stand on their own. It's getting worse, but it's no wonder that their own children are not upset, and no one succeeds. They either find an agent from the Beifu Army, or simply want to use the thief, and finally they can only lift stones and hit their feet. Fatty , How do you know these news? Are you now connected with other people in the mafia? "

Liu Muzhi smiled and waved his hand: "It's all for intelligence. The basic rules must be understood. These sources can't be said, even if we have this relationship. But you can rest assured that the information is absolutely accurate. The days of the White Tiger are now It ’s not good, because you do n’t succeed in committing suicide by private suicide. Now you have to face accountability. Sending slaves, maybe follow me to Sima Yuanxian at this time, the opportunity will really come. He lacks a person in charge! "

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly: "I'm Liu Yu, Liu Yu's Liu, Liu Yu's Yu, I don't need to rely on anyone anymore, fat man, remember this in the future!"

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