Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1790: Really help the people

Liu Muzhi gently “Oh,” he said, “What power do you have to rely on? You are not cooperating with the Mafia, and Sima Yuanxian, who turns your face with the Mafia, you do not want to take advantage of it. What can you rely on? You can't go back to the Beifu Army for a while. Liu Laozhi will not allow you to dig his men and grab his limelight, and they will directly attack you. Is this not obvious? "

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Don't Dajin have any power except them?"

Xu Xian looked suspiciously at Liu Yu: "Do you want to rely on God's love? Take the emperor's route again? But that is a fool who knows nothing, but it is not Sima Yao, any of his orders will not be executed, first Sima Yuan appeared in charge of the province of Zhongshu, and he would not directly issue an edict, send a slave, and be realistic in life. Besides, the Xie family can only count on Xie Yan. If he loses, the entire Xie family will be finished. If you ca n’t stay in the palace, you have to put a question mark. "

Speaking of which, Xu Xianzhi's eyes suddenly lit up: "Are you trying to find Huan Xuan or Yan Guo to cooperate?"

Liu Muzhi said angrily: "Xian Zhi, what do you think of Ji Nu? A public traitor, a foreign Hulu, how could this be possible to cooperate? Ji Nu wants a faithful standing, but, I really ca n’t think of how to maintain my loyalty and borrow strong power. "

Liu Yu said slowly: "People, people, these are the greatest forces in the world. What I really want to rely on is not the high-men family, nor the Beifu army brothers that are not available now, but the people of Wudi. Only with their support can I really rise up. "

Liu Muzhi's brows were tightly locked: "But the people of Wudi are scattered, and they have been controlled by the Gaomen family for many years, or they are the Wudi local tyrants like the Shen family. When did they have their own power? Not to mention, Now they are hiding in the mountains and forests, their survival is a problem, how can they help you? If you want to recruit these people to form an army, you must have a general name, now you are only joining the army. Come to guard the granary, even the name of the army is not. "

Liu Yu said with a smile: "Since the ancient soldiers have become strong and powerful, they are now in troubled times. It is not a period of peace. This is a war zone. It is not a peaceful and healthy city. Everything is a military priority. You said that Yuan Gong, as Wu ’s internal history, theoretically has all The people should be his people, but he is in Wuxing City, but there are only a few hundred households, less than 10% of the people brought by the Shen family. Then, in this Wudi, who really has the right What about people? "

Liu Muzhi nodded thoughtfully: "Are you saying that you want to have the facts first, and then the name? This idea is okay, but don't forget that the Shen family's five sons were gangsters and thieves before. Take charge of five thousand people, but after all, they have no reputation. As long as Yuan Gong pardons and convinces the people, don't these people follow him? "

Liu Yu hooked his mouth: "Then, do you want to follow Yuan Gong or follow me now?"

Xu Xianzhi took a sigh of relief: "Do you want to support the people by standing in the name of the displaced people and placing the people directly?"

Liu Yu waved his hand: "I'm not so stupid. What I really did was rebellion. My current identity is the Cang Cao guarding Wuzhuang, but I have a formal official position in the court. If Wu Di's rebellion recurs, the situation will be out of control. But the officers and soldiers were difficult to make peace at the moment, then my opportunity came. I can go to the local tyrants like the Wu family of the Shen family to discuss how to protect them and how to serve the court again. The problem of sending food and troops for me. "

Liu Muzhi's eyes sparkled: "Are you sure they can help you by this time?"

Liu Yu nodded conscientiously: "I am very sure that the people may have no food and no money, but these families of tyrants have also accumulated over a hundred years. The five thousand households followed the five sons of the Shen family, not because of his kindness in the Shen family. The name is worth following by the people, but because the Shen family hid 200,000 stone grains in the Xishan, enough for 100,000 people to eat for a year, so these people will go to run, and most local tyrants are like this In times of trouble, the money and food of soldiers and horses are the fundamentals. Money can be temporarily removed, and food can not be left without a meal. I am now sitting in the Wuzhuang Grain Depot, and I have the reputation of giving food to the people. This reputation can be compared to a virtual one. General No., it's much more useful. "

Liu Muzhi's eyebrows spread out: "Understood, I fully understood, sent slaves, or you are tall, I originally thought that you were degraded by Liu Laozhi, I was unwilling to be here, I did not expect that you would have been The plan is planned, but how can you be sure that Liu Laozhi will let you come to watch the grain depot? "

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "In addition to guarding the grain depot, where can he put me? Someone will follow me at the yin battalion. Besides, the last battle of Wuzhuang has been used once. Any other army, Will become my independent man, this is what Liu Dashuai never wanted, the thief is fierce, and he is not sure of winning from me, so only put me in a place that can monitor the thief and not divide in the army. In all his places, I originally requested to go to the sentence to give him this hint, but I do n’t think he will agree, even if he agrees, Xie Yan will never agree, so it depends on it ~ www. wuxiaspot.com ~ Among them, the sentence will not let me stay, then only Wuzhuang, after all, Yuan Neishi has a good relationship with me and will not drive me away, Xie Yan is the history of Kuaiji, and ca n’t manage it yet Wu Guo, placing me here is almost the only option. "

Xu Xianzhi laughed and said: "Jinu, Jinu, you are a far-reaching road, we two scribes are not as good as you, such a wonderful idea, even the fat man did not expect that you really thought before this time. All right?"

Liu Yu said indifferently: "I am planning according to the military, step by step, now this is just a preparatory plan, I can count the disagreement between Xie Yan and Liu Lao, but I did not expect that Xie Yan really drove away at this time regardless of the overall situation Beifu Army, if Xie Yan needs my help now, I will not hesitate to help him. After all, my personal future is small, and rebellion is the first. Once the devil is really here, everything It's all over. "

Liu Muzhi sighed: "After all, you and I have been blessed by the family of Xie, especially Master Gong and his wife. Although Xie Yan is just stunned, but if he really fails, it will be difficult for the thief to restrain and spread. The local tyrants everywhere in Wudi will also rejoin the demon thieves, and the people of Wudi who have been robbed and hurt by the soldiers of the court will also follow Heavenly Master's way this time. Send slaves, you need me to go Advise Xie Yan to let him cooperate with you once? "


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