Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1797: Bid history

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "There is no absolute thing in the world. This time, forging a good relationship first, just as Sima Yuanxian had a relationship with Liu Laozhi by treating Liu Jingxuan's wounds, I think, as long as I can make a few The general of Beifu Army has a chance to speak to Liu Laozhi, that is victory! "

Huan Xuan said with a smile: "Why do I have the help of Yuanming's help. Then please Yuanyuan first work hard, write the letter you said first, and then go to Jiankang according to your plan, As for your position in the military office, let's be aggrieved first. Be a master of drafting orders. Appointment will be issued later. "

Tao Yuanming paid a courtesy: "The subordinate will arrange this and retire."

When Tao Yuanming's figure disappeared outside the house, Huan Xuanchang breathed a sigh of relief, and the smile on his face gradually faded away. He turned to look at Bian Fanzhi: "Can we really trust this person?"

Bian Fanzhi said indifferently: "At least he has a real ability, which is much stronger than Yin Zhongwen's bullshit. Although Lingbao your family training, you must not reuse the Yu family and Tao family in Jingzhou, but now is the time to hire people. It ’s up to everyone to do their best. "

Huan Xuan said with a cold smile: "But his lion's mouth is too big, and he needs Jingzhou as soon as he comes up, and I wouldn't believe his gibberish that only merits and no separatism. The Taos retired in Jingzhou for many years. Ju Shandong, who attracted the Barbarian people, could not stand on their own. When the father-in-law was there, they all had a headache for these banjos. Why would they suddenly turn their backs to help me? "

Bian Fanzhi smiled slightly: "Because Tao Qian knows that it is possible to revive the Taoist family only if he attaches to the hero, and they don't want to live in the mountains forever, they still demand wealth. Moreover, only the hero seizes the world and leaves Jingzhou. , He will have the opportunity to take the position here. "

Huan Xuan said coldly: "But will I give him this opportunity to take the old road of my Huan family? Tao Kan didn't stand on his own back then, not because he didn't have this idea, but because he didn't have this strength. For generations of business, in the face of this temptation of power, it is strange not to break up. "

Bian Fanzhi nodded: "So even if you succeed in Lingbao, you can't leave Jingzhou for the surname Tao. Of course, you can transfer him from here in the name of promoting him to the court and entering the dynasty. Jingzhou is you after all. The root of non-clan cannot be kept. "

Huan Xuan smiled slightly: "That's a matter for the future, but did he agree with Liu Yu's analysis just now?"

Bian Fanzhi nodded his head: "At this point, he is very accurate. Liu Yu does have a heart of self-reliance. Now we can't give him the opportunity to expand his soldiers and horses. Only Liu Laozhi shrinks the capital and will be recalled. Liu Yu, Liu Yu can recruit troops and buy horses now, it is nothing more than the grain in his hand and the reputation in the Beifu army, among the people in Wudi, once he is not in Wuzhuang, neither of them will happen. So, scare Sima Yuanxian and force him Withdrawing Liu Laozhi is the best way to watch Liu Yu. "

Huan Xuan nodded: "How will the Mafia deal with Liu Yu? Just let it go?"

Bian Fanzhi smiled slightly: "They should be fighting fiercely inside themselves now. The fact that Suzaku is Wang Ningzhi is well known in the world. How did he die? I don't think it's that simple. The Mafia's first-generation guards are almost all replaced. The newcomers must face a new round of struggle and cooperation. Perhaps their own attitude towards Liu Yu is contradictory. Therefore, Liu Yu can have the opportunity to become independent in Wuzhuang, replacing the old Qinglong and the old Zhuque. , This is unimaginable. "

Huan Xuan gritted his teeth: "Last time I heard Xi Chao, the old thief, sent Jingzhou Wujiang to a duel with Liu Yuxi Matai. Not only did he not kill him, the enemy became deeper and deeper. Without self-reliance, it will be my number one enemy. It must be removed from him. "

Bian Fanzhi said with a smile: "The protagonist can only raise troops into Beijing first. If you have the right to control the world, then Liu Yu's life or death is not yours to decide? However, the strength of Tianshi Dao exceeds our estimates. Maybe, You can use them to contain Liu Yu. "

Huan Xuan smiled coldly: "This boy Lu Xun is not simple, but I didn't expect them to be able to kill the old thief Suzaku. I still don't believe it. There must be other forces behind them, you find it. Yet?"

A trace of shame flashed on Bian Fanzhi's face: "I'm sorry, Jiankang's information is not so good to ask now, let's talk about the mafia's behavior secretly, and their internal intrigue is not known to outsiders. However, I vaguely feel that Suzaku was killed by their internal fighting, just like Suzaku and the three of them were fighting together. "

Huan Xuan smiled and patted Bian Fanzhi on the shoulder: "No hurry, in any case, old Qinglong and old Suzaku are finished. Now that the Mafia is at its weakest, we really want to go to Beijing, just afraid of them There is no way to stop it, as long as the name of Sima Yuanxian is condemned, and the idiot emperor is supported, there is no one to stop. Let Liu Laozhi stay in the capital first, let Lu Xun and them kill Xie Yan, and then become Liu Lao When it was sent to rebellion, we suddenly dispatched and fell down, Wang Yu in Jiangzhou and Sima Shangzhi in Yuzhou were by no means our opponents, as long as the Beifu Army did not enemies with us ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Within a month, we will be able to build Kangcheng and celebrate the high wine! "

Bian Fanzhi smiled and performed a salute: "The subordinate wished the main stallion a success and a big wish."

Huan Xuan suddenly thought of something, and said, "Oh, by the way, the Beifu Army can really draw in? Does Liu Laozhi really fall back to us?"

Bian Fanzhi smiled slightly: "Liu Laozhi will definitely find a family or a lord who is in power. He is different from Liu Yu and has no real self-reliance, but the more such, the more inseparable. Support, after all, the world of the family can let him be a general, or let him have nothing overnight. Now that he is sitting in a strong army, he is not self-reliant, but selling at a price. This situation is our opportunity. Sima Yuan If Xian really treats him as a slave, then our opportunity will come. Even if Tao Qian dares to say that, he must already have his own ideas, and we can just wait and see the changes. "

Huan Xuan's eyes flashed coldly: "Tell back to Tao Qian that as long as Liu Laozhi is willing to follow me, then in the future I will capture the world, not only the generals of the Beifu Army, even the internal history of Wu, or the history of Pengcheng, or even the history of Yangzhou Such a job can be given to Liu Laozhi. If he does n’t believe it, then I can let Liu Lao live in the history of assassination, and let his son take charge of Beifu, and I will help him drive Liu Yu as far as possible. , The Beifu Army is his, and always will be his! "

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