Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1810: Heavenly division wins

Kuaiji, Shanyin City.

Sun En was sitting in the Shi Shi Mansion, stroking the big case in front of him, and there was a smug smile on the corner of his mouth: "Unexpectedly, the bishop was sitting here so quickly, thanks to the efforts of fellow colleagues, and the protection of Heavenly Master. So that we can achieve such great achievements. "

Lu Xun smiled and said: "That's thanks to Brother Zhang lurking around Xie Yan for many years. At a critical time, he will kill the enemy, otherwise, I'm afraid I will let him run away."

Zhang Meng said with a smile: "I am so difficult after so many years of incubation. The original time I killed Wang Ningzhi wanted to return to the gods, but the second priest refused to let me say that I should continue lurking and have other uses. Sure enough, Xie Yan was also slaughtered this time, and now Wu Di is all in the pocket of the **** religion. Master, when will he take us to attack Jiankang? "

Commander Yao Sheng said coldly: "Brother Zhang, don't be so anxious. It's not the time to destroy Jin. Although we eliminated Xie Yan and destroyed the power of the family's high gate in Wudi in one fell swoop, the Beifu Army is still there. And the old ghosts of the Mafia will not let us attack Jiankang so easily. In my opinion, we should not be blinded by the momentary victory, we still have to fight steadily and discuss long.

Sun En nodded: "Yao Hufa was right. Now Liu Yu is holding Haiyan City and accepting the remnants of Xie Yan's army. He also showed his attitude to stay strong. Our army took advantage of the victory to attack fighters in Wuxing, Yixing and other counties. Has been lost, everyone, what is the best policy. "

Xu Dao bite his teeth: "Brother, younger brother thought, our primary task at this time was not to attack Jiankang, but to eliminate Liu Yu. This person is too much a threat to us. Daye cannot succeed in a day. Before the Beifu Army has come, we should concentrate all the soldiers and horses, attack Haiyan, and destroy him at any cost! "

Sun En hooked his mouth and said: "Is this really necessary? Last time our friend said that Liu Yu was fighting in Wuzhuang only because the poison of the seven-step soul-breaking accidentally triggered some of the medicine in his body. It hit the effect of Wu Shi San by mistake. He is still a mortal flesh and will still fall out of strength. He almost died. Let us not treat him as a fairy. "

Xu Dao shook his head: "I never thought that Liu Yu was immortal, but this person's military talent, his appeal, and leadership were far superior to others, so this time, he was defeated. Under the circumstances, he could go against the trend and take the initiative to go out of sea salt, which prevented our plan to drive the broken soldiers and refugees all the way to Jiankang. The strength of this alone is far more than ordinary people. The strength is not more than a thousand, and Haiyan is not a golden Tangchengchi. I missed this good opportunity, I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to be eliminated in the future. "

Sun En looked at Lu Xun: "Second brother, what do you think?"

Lu Xun pondered for a while, and said, "I still have the original point of view. Our purpose this time is to eliminate Xie Yan and obtain treasure and store grain in Kuaiji, Linhai, Yongjia and other counties. We have achieved this goal. Next All we have to do is return to the island temporarily and wait for the situation to change. "

Xu Dao stomped on his feet: "Obviously, we can take the initiative to seek change. Why should we wait? We really want Liu Yu to lead the army and become a general. Do we have to fight him?"

Lu Xun shook his head: "We have all seen Liu Yu's ability to defend the city and fight. Now that our mecha army has not yet formed, the fleet still needs time to build, there is no need to waste time on Liu Yu, and to attack Haiyan is not the best policy. The Beifu Army is in the Jiankang area and will come to rescue him in a few days. I am afraid that we will not be able to wipe out Liu Yu. Instead, we will **** him in, and there is a danger of success and failure. "

Xu Dao said in a deep voice: "Whether Liu Laozhi or Liu Yi in the Beifu Army do not want Liu Yu to survive, they will not come to rescue him."

Lu Xun waved his hand: "But Liu Yu has many dead parties, even the Mafia, this time they will never dare to hurt Liu Yu again, they will urge the Beifu Army to go south, this is also Liu Yu dare to defend Haiyan with his own army The reason, let's talk about it, even if our army rushed to Haiyan, now that the fighter plane has been lost, Liu Yu can withdraw to Wuxing all the way without defending Haiyan. Will we pursue or withdraw at that time? "

Xu Daofu's eyes shone brightly and he was speechless.

Lu Xun turned to Sun En and said, "This time we have won a great deal and our goal has been achieved. Now is the time to close. If our fleet and mecha army are formed, we have a double choice, namely You can fight against the Beifu Army on land, or you can take the sea and go upstream from the river to the sea to directly attack Jiankang. The conflict between Liu Yu and Liu Laozhi is irreconcilable. If we are here, they can still work together against me If we evacuate, they will mutually exclude each other. Now the food stored in Kuaiji is all in my hands. The food and grass in Liuyu Wuzhuang ca n’t support the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses of Wudi people and Beifu Army. I will break my head for the sake of food, and at that time, it was the best time for us to come back! Brother, please decide. "

Sun En nodded with satisfaction: "It is still the second brother's accuracy, then according to your statement, prepare for the evacuation, right, before the evacuation, we must kill those high-net family fish that are missing from the net, and do not stay future trouble!"

Lu Xun said with a smile: "Brother, this is different now. The centuries-old rule of the family in Wudi has been completely gone with the death of Xie Yan. No matter whether we return or not, this place will no longer be their place. Now, our goal is the capital and the world. Then we can no longer kill the scholars just like the last time. In order to achieve the great cause, Corporal Lixian, buy the hearts of the people! "

Yao Sheng said in a deep voice: "Doesn't the godly religion and these families ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the **** hatred of the scholars, just forget it?"

Lu Xun shook his head: "That's the end of the grievances and grievances. There is no end to it. There are cultures in the world who can govern the prefectures and counties. Many of them come from the family and scholars. They really killed them. Can we only rely on the gods Governance? Will they collect taxes and levy or will they persuade class farmers? Yao Hufa, each of us has a **** hatred against these families of Wang Xie, but hatred can't solve everything. The people of Wang Xie's family can kill, but not all The scholars rushed to death. "

Yao Sheng gritted his teeth: "The second leader has far-reaching insights, this guardian has nothing to say, just to remind you, don't chill the hearts of the Taoists."

Lu Xun said with a smile: "This time our army has won a great deal, and the Taoists have received corresponding benefits. How can they centrifuge with the religion now? Just tell them that this time we go back to the island to rest for a while, and then when we go out That is to seize the world. At that time, everyone will be the founding fathers, glorious and rich, and needless to say. "

Sun En smiled and stood up: "Very well, the whole army is ordered, the class goes to sea, and returns home!"

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