Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1826: Qinglong Suzaku on the world

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Suzaku said, "So Liu Yu keeps the sentence to prevent Sun En from landing again? Does that mean he has to deal with Sun En's hundreds of thousands of people with his lone army?"

Bai Hu smiled slightly, "This is Liu Yu's usual approach. At first, in Luoyang, it was not just two thousand Beifu veterans against the tens of thousands of elites in Murongyong, and finally achieved success, but Liu Laozhi was not Zhu Xu, he Probably, Liu Yu hopes to kill Liu Yu's life, so it is up to him whether he has the destiny.

Qinglong Shen said, "We can't just sit back and watch. Anyway, we have to help Liu Yu."

Bai Hu tickled the corner of his mouth. "If you want to help, you can do it yourself. I can't help it anyway. I have to deal with the things behind my good master. I also have to master Baihu's resources. This time, you can do it."

He stood up, lifted Wang Xun's body on the ground, carried it on his shoulders, and strode out to the outside. "You can decide who Wang Zhaoxun will be after the death of the king, anyway, this matter has nothing to do with me Relationship, just talk to me when you need to run a family relationship. "

The dark door opened and compounded. There were only two people left in the hall, sitting opposite each other. Qinglong sighed quietly. "I didn't expect that we still need to wear a mask like this all the time and speak in this capacity. It's ironic."

Suzaku said coldly, "This is the result from the moment you and I made the choice to join the organization. Moreover, your decision to join the organization is also an important reason for my determination to join. Of course, it is not decisive."

Qinglong shook his head helplessly. "You still blame me for hurting your predecessor? Actually, I am doing it for you."

Suzaku categorically said, "I don't need you to decide my good or bad, Master Qinglong. Don't forget your current identity and the occasion you are in. Here, just talk about business."

Qinglong gritted his teeth, "Yes, business is business. Wang Xun is now dead, what to do next, who will be in charge of the government?"

Suzaku said expressionlessly: "Wang Xun was the leader of the family on the Ming Dynasty when he was alive, and the head of Wang Lang's family, and Wang Ningzhi became the representative of the big family, which can restrict the father and son of Sima Dao. But now, Both of them died, even if the white tiger could use a violent disease, and accumulate these reasons to deal with Wang Xun's death, but after all, he died. After all, Sima Daozi must be the only one in the family.

Qinglong smiled slightly, "Sima Daozi is mellow and beautiful every day, drunk and dreaming, almost ignoring things, but his little prodigy son is too busy to be happy, but it is a pity that his knowledge and means are more from the mediocrity of Zhang Fashun, last time The music order has caused a lot of trouble. If it is not Wang Xun ’s remedy later, I am afraid that even the Beifu Army cannot be dispatched this time. Now Liu Laozhi has completely turned to Sima Yuanxian, if he wants Sima Yuanxian to order Liu He will not fail to rescue Liu Yu from his prison. "

Suzaku sighed, "Well, let me persuade Sima Yuanxian to leave it to me. This kid doesn't want to see Liu Yu finish this way. However, he and Huan Xuan are never-ending enemies, as long as Yuanxian is in power. One day, Huan Xuan will definitely bring troops into Beijing, and now Wu Di ’s strength is weakened so much that he ca n’t stand war with Jingzhou again. "

Qinglong sneered, "Isn't it that our good predecessors thought they could manipulate everything and provoke a civil war? I always agreed with Liu Yu's opinion. After the Northern Expedition succeeded, it won the whole world, and then the benefits were distributed. Is it much better to fight inside and out in half of the country? "

Suzaku shook his head. "It ’s too late to say that now. Fortunately, this time the thieves were messing up. The northern anti-hus did not take the opportunity to go south to rob. Murong Lan helped a lot, and could help Hou Yan stabilize the situation that was almost collapsed. Unfortunately, this woman It ’s not a boy. Otherwise, our Dajin will be out of luck. "

Qinglong smiled and said, "If Murong Lan is a man, he won't be now all the kings of Murong clan competing and leaning on the back of the mountain. I'm afraid I will work together to get rid of it first. Because she is a woman, it is impossible to get on the top position. It ’s just a helper, a spy leader, so other talents want her to help instead of defending her. Plus she has been with Liu Yu all these years, there is no foundation in China, especially the military power is almost completely, that is It ’s impossible to do anything. "

Suzaku hooked the corner of the mouth. "Your news in the north is too backward. Since the Northern Wei Dynasty gathered all the grassland departments and began to ride more than 400,000 south to destroy Yan, the defense line of the Yan Army's Qianli Great Wall was broken everywhere. Murongnong and Muronglin of Monan were defeated because they did not rescue each other, and fled back to Yecheng. Now Tuoba Silicon has divided into three roads, broke through the Taihang Eighth Emperor, entered the hinterland of Hebei, and divided the troops to siege Zhongshan. , Xindu is the most important town of Yan Kingdom. "

Qinglong's complexion changed. "How could it be like this? I went to Wudi and the Northern Wei Dynasty slashed Yan? A big state like Bingzhou ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Say you lose it?"

Suzaku sighed. "The reason why Yan Guo was so strong was that Murong Cui was alone. Not only was he able to stand out in military affairs, but he was also able to calm his sons and make him afraid to make it. After Murong was dying, Murong Bao took the throne. , I will not do anything else when I come up, first kill the Empress Duan who once persuaded Murong to abolish him, and make other brothers such as Murong Nong, Muronglongs are in danger of themselves, let alone take soldiers with them. Mu Ronglin, who had had a long grudge, had no cure for his dissipation. Tuoba Silicon would take this opportunity to send troops only when he saw this. It was to take advantage of Yan Xin ’s death and fight this out when he was fiercely fighting. Strong enemy! "

Qinglong gritted his teeth. “With Murongde and Muronglan in, it should not be so easy to eliminate. However, most of the Yan army returned to farming after the last battle of the Hebei. After all, they have been fighting for many years, and they have lost one battle. After many years of food and grass savings, if they do not produce any more, they will have no food to eat. Wei Jun is a nomadic grassland. In this autumn and winter, fat horses are strong, but it is a good time for them to send troops to fight. Originally thought that Binzhou and Taihang natural danger can block the first half of the year. , I will fight back until the next spring, but I didn't expect it to be in a month ... "

There was a cold flash in Suzaku's eyes. "I'm afraid that at this moment, Yanshan's capital, Zhongshan, above Chaotang, is arguing fiercely about how to deal with the Northern Wei army's offensive like a black cloud pressing the city. I don't know Our Princess Murong, at this time, what choice will you make, can you help Houyan to survive this difficulty? "

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