Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1828: Enemy current brotherhood

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Murong Lan looked at Murong Lin calmly: "His Royal Highness, you think you can receive the news that hundreds of thousands of Northern Wei troops assembled in Shengle and will arrive at your station in three days. Who told you? In the past six months, you sent countless spies to the Khanting of Yinshan, and the Guang Caravan went to seventeen. Can there be a return? "

Murong Lin's face changed: "How do you know these?"

Muronglan said coldly, "Alin, I even know who you used to be on the grassland before. This person turned away from you after the battle of the Yellow River. From then on, you became blind and blind on the grassland. Re-laying your eyeliner, it ’s as difficult as going to the sky. Because your spies are all from the Central Plains, no one can eat the bitterness of the grassland, even if all the languages ​​are not understandable, they will fall into the French Open as soon as they go. "

Murong Lin gritted his teeth: "Yes, I am a deaf blind man, no better than you, Princess Lan. I followed our princess Lord on the grassland for two or three years. He also became a dry man with Tuobagui. After all, he had to call What about your sister-in-law? "

Murong Lan shook his head: "When my husband married him, he didn't know that he was such a ruthless, cruel and murderous man. He swore to the gods that he would never harm the people of Central Plains and would not enter the Great Wall in this life. Only then did I gain the trust of my husband, and I bowed to him. The same oath, he and my brother, and your father also sent it. Even the wise elder brother, did not cheat him? "

Murong Bao sighed: "Okay, Princess Lan, now the military situation is urgent. It is not a time of fighting and quarreling. You can send a message to warn King Zhao and King Liaoxi to withdraw, it has already done a great job."

Muronglan sighed a long way: "Tuo Bagui has a very powerful intelligence leader. The Chinese Cui Hong and Tuoba Song are all veterans of intelligence. I almost found out to them that it was impossible to pass the news. Finally It wasn't until the various armies assembled that I secretly sent eyeliners from hundreds of thousands of armies, and quickly passed it to King Zhao. The matter was urgent. His majesty's golden order was used to prove his identity. Please forgive me. "

Murong Bao ticked his mouth: "Is it the emergency golden order left by the first emperor to Princess Lan? This time for national affairs, it finally came in handy. King Zhao, where is the golden order? You don't seem to have reported this."

A trace of reluctance flashed on Murong Lin's face, took out a golden token from his arms, and handed it up: "It was originally intended to be returned to His Majesty in person, just to interrupt the Liaoxi King, just ... … "

Murong Nong sneered: "If you are lying again, if Princess Lan appears, I'm afraid this golden order that can act cheaply will swallow you forever. Well, with this order, you can even mobilize other than the Miyagi Guard The garrison outside the city, Murong Lin, you come back this time, I'm afraid you don't want to be King Qin. "

Murong Lin's face was flushed red, and he said sharply, "You, how can you be so innocent and so innocent? If I am dissatisfied, why should I go to this hall, and why not go directly to the garrison outside the city as you said ?! "

Murong Lan sighed: "The first thing that Emperor Xian is most worried about is this. I am afraid that your brothers will not be in harmony. We in Murong's individual are the dragon and the phoenix. Because of internal struggle, we cannot unite. Can't you let you learn a lesson? "

Murong Bao nodded: "Princess Lan is right, please accept this golden order first. Although Dayan lost Binzhou and Monan this time, at least the main force was preserved. This is your credit. If it is not your intelligence, the Northern Wei Army raid, I am afraid that our troops will be lost. "

Muronglan said in a deep voice: "When the first emperor died, he left the method of breaking Wei to King Fan Yang. None of the things you just discussed were strategies for retreating the enemy. Let King Fan Yang talk about this art of war. "

Murong Bao murmured: "Father emperor, father emperor really left the law of breaking the enemy? But, why didn't he tell me?"

Murong De said in a deep voice: "Please, Your Majesty, reject the courtiers, this is the secret method, not the footsteps of the group."

Murong Bao nodded his head and waved his robe sleeve: "Leave a subject, please withdraw for the time being and wait for my will to be released."

The civil and military officials all retired with salute. Only Muronglong, Murongnong and Muronglin stood standing still, and there was a silver armor, majestic wind, and Murong Feng who stood behind the throne.

Murongde looked at his big eyes and squinted. The three kings of Murong's in the same place sighed: "When is it all the time, can't you three stop? Dayan can't afford to participate in a joint venture anymore. Last time, your father and emperor finally lost their lives before stabilizing the situation. Who can save you this time? "

Murong Lin gritted his teeth: "Uncle De, there are no outsiders here, and my nephew is not hiding anything. Everyone thought about the last thing. Why only hold me accountable? Well, even the most responsible person It ’s me, but I also bear the consequences. I ’m taking the soldiers to the forefront. If it ’s not Aunt Lan ’s warning this time, it ’s me who died first. Everyone escaped. Why should I be held responsible again? It ’s so sad. "

Murongnong said coldly: "Let you go to Monan to organize the first line of defense to resist, not to let you flee from the wind. In the past year, the food in Binzhou was not given to you in order to feed your 30,000 army. I have to disband the army and go to all parts of the state to collect food and extract it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This caused the public grievances and the inner ghosts to lead the Wei army to invade. You ca n’t even blame us, but also blame us for you? "

Murong Lin hated and said: "Who can think that Tuobagui can turn out more than 400,000 troops in less than a year? We have no news of the grasslands, and the princess Lan, who is so magical, did not give us information. Stupid enough to face hundreds of thousands of troops, hard top on the grassland without danger? I retreated into Yanmen and Mayi, I just want to defend against the danger, you are good, escape without fighting in the back, you ran me Of course I can't stay and die! "

Murong De said calmly: "Okay, don't argue, these are all expected by Emperor Xiandi. He was very clear about the strength of the Northern Wei Dynasty after joining the monastery. Tuobagui did not get a big blow in that war, although we later The counterattack killed Tuobaqian, but did not hurt the bones of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Therefore, the servant tribes who followed Tuobaqin all benefited greatly from the battle of Hehebei. He was able to organize two or three hundred thousand soldiers to join the battle last time. Bei, this time we can organize 450,000 troops into the Central Plains. Since Emperor Xian failed to recapture Monan and defeat Khan last time, the return of the Northern Wei Dynasty is a matter of time. So he will leave me before his death. He gave up his will and taught me how to make Wei! "

There was a trace of excitement in Murong Bao's eyes: "Uncle De, you don't want to sell the pass. The father and emperor did say that I should listen to your military advice before he died, which is consistent with your statement. You say, how should we fight?" ?! "

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